Question 4

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From CrazyMetroid101

Question to Slippy: So, my wonderful froggy friend... Who is your arch enemy and why?
Don't do a barrel roll.

Slippy Toad: "Aww, thanks for calling me wonderful." *blushes slightly* "I'm glad I have so many fans!"

Falco Lombardi: *Rolls his eyes* "It was one compliment, Slip, don't let it get to your head... Besides, aren't you supposed to answer the question instead?"

Slippy Toad: "Oh, right... My arch enemy... Well, I try not to make too many enemies, but if I had to name one pilot, I think back to the old Star Wolf team and think of Andrew Oikonny."

Fox McCloud: "Oikonny, huh? Why would you say that? Right now, he's as much my arch enemy as he is yours."

Slippy Toad: "C'mon Fox, think back. Back when Oikonny and Pigma were on the Star Wolf team with Leon and Wolf, each of us had a rival. You had Wolf, Falco had Leon, Peppy had Pigma, and I had Oikonny. I considered him my rival and arch enemy because like me, he wasn't the best pilot on his team, but he was the was like the brains behind them. We both fit a similar role for our teams, and like you always tried to prove yourself against Wolf, I did the same with Oikonny. Now, I'm going to give it my all and take him down! I'll prove myself, that I have surpassed my rival ."

Fox McCloud: "Oh, that makes perfect sense, Slip. I see what you mean. Don't worry, we'll take him down, you can count on all of us. We are right behind you."

Falco Lombardi: "And that part about not doing a barrel roll... Yea, it's best you save the arial maneuvers for pilots like me, you might just hurt yourself..."

Slippy Toad: "Shut your beak for once, Falco!"

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