Question 58: The Armageddon Soul

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Question from SyxxFox!

A two-part question, one for Krystal and the other for Fox. 

Question for Krystal: If the second ending from Star Fox Command happened, how would you have handled the situation? Would you have taunted Fox like in my book, subsequently causing him to lose his mind and go rogue? Or would you have done something different?

Krystal: "If for some reason, Fox really would force me to leave the Star Fox team, and then if I later joined Star Wolf, I would never taunt him. I doubt that would ever happen, but if we ever were split on different mercenary teams with differing interests, I would still try to be kind to him. It would surely be a difficult situation to deal with, which is why it would be so unlikely to happen in the first place. If Fox really would force me to leave the team for my own safety, I would do everything I could to come back to him. Fox has given me friends, a home, and a purpose since the destruction of my home planet, Cerinia. In a sense, I owe him for saving my life on Sauria as well, but that is not the only reason I would fight to stay on the team. Star Fox is where I belong, it is where my heart truly lies. The last thing I would ever want to see is for Fox to become someone as dark, cruel, and malicious as Syxx (no offense, just that I don't want to see him turn evil, that's all...)"

Question for Fox: With regards to Krystal, most understand why you did what you did, however, would you have phrased your wording differently in the second ending to keep Krystal from leaving?

Fox McCloud: "To adress what I did (or, what Nintendo made me do in Command...), there is some valid reasoning behind it. I care about Krystal, and her safety is especially important to me." *blushes slightly* "I would never want to see her hurt on a mission, especially if I was unable to do something about it. I would only blame myself if something were to happen to her. Working as a mercenary, especially on team Star Fox, is dangerous; even life threatening. Part of me still wonders if Krystal being on the team is the right thing to do... But recently, she has been trying to show me that it's not about us protecting each other, it's about working as part of a team. We always have each other's back, and would do anything for the other. Therefore, I would not even consider the idea of kicking her from the Star Fox team. She is a valuable asset to the team, but even more importantly, she is my friend. Just like Falco and Slippy, she deserves the same opportunity to serve on the team, despite how we might feel for each other. If she ever left the team for any reason, I would do anything, say everything, and give anything in my power to have her back. The team would never be the same without her."

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