Questions 76-77: Magic Author Powers

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Questions from MasterHand4444 !

1) To the team: how do you guys feel about TheFoxMcCloud's "magic author powers?"

Fox McCloud: "I'd say I'm pretty fine with them. He does get to control our every move and word, but still, he does a decent job with us."

Falco Lombardi: "Yea, he's a pretty cool guy. He always knows how to make me say stuff like I'd say it."

Krystal: "I can't complain here, he usually seems to give me the best action scenes, so I like that a lot."

Slippy Toad: "Yea, he sure is powerful, when it comes to controlling us in his books. But hey, he's allowed me to meet some awesome fans (who I love by the way, thanks everyone!), and I'm glad for that."

2) Follow up question for the team: HAHA! I GOT SLIPPY TO BREAK THE  4th WALL!! WATCHA GONNA DO NOW!?

Fox McCloud: "I feel like I should be worried..."

Falco Lombardi: "Nah, don't sweat it Foxy, we're all good!"

Krystal: "I'm with Fox on this one, don't be so sure... We know what Slippy is capable of."

Slippy Toad: *laughing maniacally* "HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!"

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