The Final Section! (For now) The Team's Farewell and Thanks

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Well, we have finally reached the last section in this book. With 200 sections consisting of nearly 200 questions, I'd say we've had a good run, and a lot of fun along the way. I've really enjoyed answering your questions and taking requests on behalf of the Star Fox team, but it couldn't have happened without you guys. You've always had something to ask or something to have the team do, and I really appreciate your activity in keeping this book going until the end. I'm going to have the team say goodbye (for now), but first I want to thank everyone who had contributed to this book with a comment or question:

And several others who either changed their names or are no longer with us on Watty, thank you all so much for making this book how awesome it has been. I've had a lot of fun with it, and hope you have too. Now I'll let the team say their goodbyes:

Falco Lombardi: "Hey guys, it's been good talking to you all and answering your questions. Sometimes I got pranked and messed with along the way, but here at the end I can say we had a blast. I'm actually gonna' miss you guys, but all good things must come to an end I guess. Like a falcon, it's time I spread my wings and fly. But hey, the winds always change, and I'll surely see you around sooner than later." *winks*

Slippy Toad: *bawling his eyes out* "I'm going to miss you sooo muchhhhh!!!!! I never knew I had such awesome and amazing fans! You always asked me some of the most random and strange questions, but I always enjoyed answering them. I've gotten hugs from a lot of you, but here's another one for everyone! *hugs* It's so sad to have to go, but I'm sure we will be back again soon!"

Krystal: "It's always sad to say goodbye, trust me, I would know. But we've had so many good times along the way, and I'm grateful to you all for that. You are starting to feel like my home away from home, like a second family apart from Star Fox. You guys are the best, and I've loved the questions you've asked me! Hopefully you learned a lot about me, I've learned a lot about you along the way. Of course, I can read all your thoughts, but that's beside the point. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is... Goodbye, for now at least, thank you for everything!"

Fox McCloud: "At last, it comes to me. I just want to thank you all so much for your questions and requests for us. It's been something nice for us while we are on break from mercenary work. You have had some great questions for us all, and I've had a great time in answering them. It's going to be sad to have to end this, but surely TheFoxMcCloud will have us back again for another book soon, I'll put in the good word for you guys. Like Falco said, all good things must come to an end, but we've had some great times along the way. I wish you all the best, good luck in all your reading and writing, and whatever else you do this summer. We will always be right here, you know where to find us. The Team wishes you all farewell, until our next meeting. Fox McCloud and the rest of the team, signing off."

So here it is, the end for now. Surely I'll make another Ask the Star Fox team book, maybe I'll make some changes or include some new faces and voices, but I'm going to give it a bit of a break. If you guys want more Star Fox, check out my other books, Star Fox: Eclipse and Star Fox: "Project Cerinia," and read about the team's adventures before and after the GameCube games. Thanks again everyone, on behalf of myself and the Star Fox team, see you in the next book!

Fox McCloud
Slippy Toad
Falco Lombardi

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