April Updates

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Oh boy you're all ready for this, there's a lot of news here.

First off, happy April Fools. I unfortunately don't have any pranks today yet so many apologies. Hopefully I'll think of something later, this is midnight technically.

Secondly, I wanna remind everyone the TSLOP Wattpad Community Server is up. I don't have the link public cuz the last thing I need is for some hacker to break in and ruin everything. But if you wanna join just simply ask me or someone you think is in for the link. Do so in pms on here and Discord if you know us there.

Thirdly, this regards to my special project for October. If you look above you will see your newest clue. There's still the riddle to be solved. Come September I will also have, can't believe I'm doing this, a short story here and a full blown animatic on YouTube that will be the biggest clues of all. Hope you all are prepared for that. But that's not all. I am going to reward those who solve the clues. Depending on what you discover, you could get either a shoutout, a glimpse at exclusive notes or even see thumbnails I have for the videos in October. There's still time to figure out everything. And remember there's clues everywhere.

Fourthly, new story coming out next month. Of course we're still getting the TSLOP and Housebroken crossover at the end of May. It will be rated mature not for the reasons why the show Housebroken is rated mature but because there is gonna be some things that could be triggers for some of you. You have been warned.

Now you're all not just getting the TSLOP and Housebroken crossover next month. Next month, you will also be treated to the return of a TSLOP and Godzilla crossover. Long ago I had such a story but it didn't pull through. Lately I've been thinking about returning it and it will indeed be coming back on the anniversary of the 98 Godzilla movie cuz I said so. They recently played that on live tv and I was so happy about it. And the best part, there is a main story and straight afterwards I will have a collection of short stories to follow up on it. Everything is planned out except for a title. Any suggestions?

And do not worry, you'll still be getting the TSLOP and Zookeeper crossover along with the other stories from the Secret Project series and any other stories I think of. With the pace I'm going, I could potentially finish Home Before Dinner and get halfway through Fire On Fire. I also wanna point out that the fifth and final installment of my The Secret Life Of Pets series Time Transcends has officially started. As of right now, I'm working on what is considered chapter one. The prologue is already up. Go check that out when you get a chance.

And with all of that, I just have a few last things. One, would anyone want a book filled with sketches of TSLOP art and comics I've made? Second, remember you can ask me anything this is an ask me book. I literally have been getting comments that I can easily answer in the comments. And last, I hope you all have a great day and I will see you all later, bye!

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