Clean Out / Ultimate Purge

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Alrighty, this will be the last clean out / purge for a while. I will admit, I have one too many stories and just not enough time to write them. I'm honestly trying guys but I just can't. I'm physically and mentally strained. I'm sorry.

So I did some calculations and I figured I have 77 stories. Thirty of those are done and completed.  Out of the remaining 47, twenty five will be staying for sure. I'm determined to finish those. It might just take a while. But I will get there.

That leaves twenty two stories left. I split them into three categories. The first group are the ones that are definitely going. They will be deleted, no questions asked. I might try to rewrite them but I doubt it. There are only seven in this group. They are...

MAP The Great War

TSLOP Group Chat

TSLOP Musical

The TSLOP King

Time Flies By

TSLOP High School

Death of a Council

The next group are the ones that might go. I'm undecided on whether or not I want to keep writing them or not. There is thankfully only eight in this group. If you would like to see these ones spared, please say so. Depending on what you all say, I might save them from oblivion.

Sing 2



Dark Days

Prehistoric Safari

Magic of the Forest

TSLOP Among Us 


The last group is more of a poll. That's, right. You're all voting. In this group of seven, only one can stay. The others will be deleted. No buts. You can only vote for one story from this list so I suggest you vote wisely.


Haunted Mansion 

The Doctor Who Could Talk to Animals 

Tails of the Jungle

City of Mystery

TSLOP This Case Does Not Exist

Journey Home

If you have any questions about the stories that are facing the threat of being deleted, ask me or look for them among my other stories. Deadline for votes is February 6th, which happens to be my fifth year anniversary on Wattpad. If nobody votes, all of the stories under groups one and three will be deleted without a second thought. The second group will also be seeing some stories gone.

Oh, and another thing, comments. It hasn't been much of a problem for me lately but if any one of you beg me to finish a story I will hold you responsible if that story suddenly gets deleted. So the next time any of you type "FINISH" or "GET THIS DONE" in the comments, how about you think about that before you hit reply. Secondly, I love some of the ideas you guys give me but sadly I probably won't accept any of them. Especially if the story is already done. Lastly, I recently blocked someone due to the negative comments they were leaving. I'm okay if you guys don't like my stories but if you are just jumping around saying how much you hate a fandom and wishing for certain characters to die, I will block you. Seriously. I understand if you don't like something but that doesn't mean you purposely seek out stories of that something and say these things!

That's all I have for today. Remember to vote or else there's going to be a lot of stuff deleted. I hope you guys have a great day and I will see you all later, bye!

Here is the link to the poll. Choose wisely.

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