February 2023 News

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What if every first day of the month I did something like this and just go over any updates and announcements for the future? Would you guys like that?

So first things first, I am slowly redeveloping those TSLOP vibes I had around the holidays. Hopefully I can make it last long enough for me to potentially finish a story. I don't know which one, just something. And I need these vibes to stay long enough for me to successfully pull that off. Fingers crossed everyone.

Second piece of news I bring is a new story and even a new series to go with it. You see, this is part of the special project I've been planning on for a while now. I'm really hoping this first book goes well. It's called Fire On Fire and it's being released on Valentines Day aka twelve days. I just need to either make or get a nice looking cover ready and, ya know, maybe work on some chapters so it's ready to go. Speaking of Valentines Day, I have four YouTube videos that I'm planning to release on that day.

Lastly I have some news regarding the newest clues. Ya know, the one I released yesterday. I think some of you might need some motivation so I thought of this simple reward. If you can successfully solve one of the newest clues, and I mean 100% successfully guys, I will show you something that revolves around the clue that you solved. Might be a story linked to it, might even be a sketch of a thumbnail I'm trying to work on. Who knows? Kinda depends upon how many people get roped into this mess. And I guarantee you guys, it's a lovely mess. You're gonna love what I have in store for you. Ya just gotta follow the clues and don't even think about bribing me. I already did mention these clues are in a particular order that only I know unless you also are crazy. The rest of you who aren't crazy, good luck figuring it out. If you figure out the clue, please pm me unless you want everyone else to know. In that case, I can't exactly give you a prize other than a congrats and maybe a ni siku za kuzaliwa.

And with that, I don't think I have much else to say. To recap, I have TSLOP vibes again, I have a new book coming out on Valentines Day and a prize for solving clues. Other than that, I am gonna try to be active both here and on YouTube cuz I feel like I haven't done much on either at times. I am also trying to get stuff done on TikTok as well but animatics take FOREVER! When I'm not on either of those, either I am eating, sleeping or writing something with my friend. My vibes just go all over the place man.

Well, I hope you guys are having a great day and I will see you all later, bye! I'm tired, I'm going to bed.

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