Funny Story About an Open Sign

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Okay, so work last night was fun. Aka we were dead/slow. Midway through my shift, I happened to look up at the big window at the front of the diner. Our open sign hangs there. I noticed that I couldn't see the reflection of the glowing light like I normally would and thus figuring out the sign was not turned on. Once I had a chance to check on it, I discovered that it was plugged in but it just wasn't on. I turned to my coworkers and I was like yo I think our sign died.

That wasn't the end of the sign though.

Towards the end of the dead shift, I was about to write on the board that we needed a new open sign when I thought to myself about checking it one more time. So I went over to where the sign was. Out of curiosity, I unplugged it and then plugged it right back in. Low and behold, it turned on. I once more turned to my coworkers and said are you freaking kidding me. Apparently either it had a momentary malfunction all day or someone doesn't know how to properly plug things in.

God I love technology.

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