Guess Who's Back

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Technically I didn't go on a hiatus cuz I was still hanging around here. But in a way it feels like I've been gone for ages. But never fear, I'm still here / I'm back, if that makes any sense I don't know. Long story short, I do want to apologize if it seemed like I wasn't around for a while. Life has a way of just canceling any plans you might have. And for the better half of this year I've been at an all time low and I just felt dead inside. Then for the past month now, I've been doing better and I feel much better than I have for a while. I suppose taking breaks does wonders on the mental health.

Well, there's one piece of good news. Now for the other half of the good news. For this entire week, I've just been vibing in TSLOP vibes. Like, I'm sinking in. I watched the movie again for I think the hundredth time (I've lost count), I have some YouTube videos planned (just gotta get the audio) and I even started sketching my own TSLOP comics yesterday (and no, they're not catified there's dogs and cats and birds and one psychotic rabbit). I've also finally finished my story What If last night, the first book I've finished in months. And I have the will, inspiration and stubbornness to get more finished. That's right, I'm actually gonna try finishing some more stories.

Now before I get rushed with a bunch of questions of what I'm going to be finishing, relax. I'm about to tell you right now. But for the most part, let's just say it's safe to assume that I'm working on every TSLOP themed book I have. I'm not sure how long my high TSLOP vibes will last so I'm trying to make the best of it before it's gone. Plus I have to get the Google docs of some of my stories cuz earlier this year they somehow deleted themselves. But I have a bucket list of stories that I definitely want to get done or at least updated before the end of the year. My main goal is to get as many stories updated to almost done status as I can. And at the top of my list I have...

The Story of Chloe

Origins of Friendship 

Two Gidgets

Friend or Killer

Two Birds of a Feather

Enemies 2

Gidget's Hidden World

The Secret Life of Pets Aftermath 

Some stories of Age of Superheroes 

Eight Hours to Survive

City of Mystery

Norman's Dragon

Mutants of New York (or whatever I called it)

Tiny's Christmas 2

I think that's all of them. I might be missing one from the list. I'm not counting the TSLOP stories that are like a collection of short stories or notes, ya know the ones that can continue on to eternity or at least when I reach 200 chapters. I'm also not counting Howl, cuz that's getting deleted I don't have any inspiration for that, and TSLOP High School, that quite frankly is also getting deleted but only because I want to try rewriting it. If it doesn't come back, oh well.

As for new stories, I do still have one planned for Thanksgiving, a crossover between TSLOP and We're Back A Dinosaur's Story. With the mad rush of updates I'll be trying to do, I might push it back to Christmas. But it's still happening unless I say otherwise. Other than that, I have a few more ideas, including the long awaited TSLOP and Housebroken crossover I keep promising you guys. Yes, that's finally going to be out probably next year on May 31st (if you know why you know why). Other than that, here's a few more I have planned to release next year or the year after that depending upon certain circumstances.

The Story of Ozone

The Story of Gidget

A crossover of TSLOP and Zookeeper

A crossover of TSLOP and Superpets

A sequel to one or more of my other stories if I feel like it has the potential for a sequel 

TSLOP the Series (once I figure out how it'll work)

Perhaps an art book to feature the TSLOP comics I mentioned earlier 

Maybe a special project or two that I really want to do but I'm not sure how you guys will react to it...

And the long awaited sequel to my TSLOP Picture Book (this is a series guys, there's a lot of screencaps)

I think that's all I got. Hopefully I can make the best of these TSLOP vibes before I lose it. With that said, I'll see you all later, bye!

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