Hacker and Trouble On Twitter

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So two pieces of news regarding the situation that can't die down because some people don't understand how to let things go. First things first, Strelka has decided to come over to Twitter and spread lies, death threats and even encouraged others to essentially spam/harass me and my friends with those lies. Thankfully no one took up the offer yet but as soon as someone does they're getting reported. As for Strelka, if you guys are on Twitter make sure you block and report her. I've reported her for spam, harassment, threatening someone with violence and encouraging others to harass, along with spreading lies.

Next up, I have unfortunate news that naarethesith was hacked a while back. The account has laid in silence until today when I got these messages.

Bro, first of all, that song is inappropriate. I looked up the lyrics on Google and it's horrendous, what is wrong with you? Secondly, that comment you made about whether or not Princess would look hot in diapers is wrong, disgusting, inappropriate once again and makes you sound like a bloody pedophile which is what I think you are. And lastly, don't you even dare try threatening me about something bad happening to my friends by using a hacked account! I don't know whether it's you new spy or Strelka but so help me you won't get away with this. You two have destroyed your lives, just like Max18 did, the moment you decided to join the wrong, and frankly morally insane, side of this stupid war.

Now for the bad news, guys, to keep ourselves safe because I don't want any one of you getting hurt, we're going to need to block Naare's account and report it as hacked. I do believe you can report an account being hacked here on Wattpad, I think. But block and report for your own safety and others. Until then, stay safe and have a good day.

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