I May or May Not Have Gotten Nostalgic Again...

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I'm assuming that you all know what I'm gonna say but anyways, guess who got nostalgic again and had a story idea.


No I'm not starting on this idea right away. I wanna get other stuff done first. I actually plan on getting What If done before the end of this month. But here me out. This is an idea that I had at least a year or two ago but dropped it out of my head. Then during this week I got really nostalgic and my brain presented me with the old story idea or at least an updated version of it. Now, what am I being nostalgic about?

Finding Nemo.

I will admit, it wasn't a favorite movie of mine when I was little. Bruce scared me. But overtime I grew to love it. It was a part of my childhood and I saw it many times. Anyways, I did say I had an idea years ago and this week I have a new idea for it. So here's my thought process.

How many of you would like to see a TSLOP and Finding Nemo crossover?

If you like that idea, you are in luck. If I decide to go through with it, I already have a cast figured out. No, I'm not revealing who is playing who yet. You guys can guess all you want.

Plot still needs written up but I can do that later. I first wanna get What If done and work on some of my other stories. Plus, I kinda wanna figure out a good setting. Voting time. What should the setting be?

Ocean and marine animals

The big city and everyone gets to be what they are

Enchanted forest with mythical animals along with regular (I actually like this one)

Certain geographical area with their respective animals like the savanna or the jungle

I have no other announcements but I hope you all have a great day, bye! See you all later!

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