The Smoke Has Cleared

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For once I actually have some good news everyone. Max18 has finally called off the so called war, which I find ironic considering yesterday or the day before I found a Tweet saying the war was just beginning? Anyways, the war is over, he's done with it. And he has apologized for his actions. Against my better judgement considering how bad things got, I accept his apology (as long as it's real, if it's not then forget my forgiveness). He's not coming back, at least not for a long while but I doubt he will try to show his face around here again. I do hope he gets some help and gets better cuz his actions were not okay. None of them were okay.

Now to the spies, I know you guys are still crawling around here. But maybe you should take a page out of Max's book and lay down your weapons of hate and destruction. The war is over, it is no more. There is no need to continue and the community here can welcome you with open arms. If you continue to fight for this loss cause started by Max months back, you will be met with the consequences of your actions. And we know that there are spies, we know you're out there. Again, I ask of you to forget this madness. Don't ruin your life over something stupid.

Lastly I want to thank everyone for helping out. We couldn't have done this without you and thankfully it has come to an end. We can rest now. Thank you all again, as far as I am concerned this is the best community ever. Sure, it has its ups and downs but we still have each other's backs. I hope you all are having a good day and I will see you all later, bye.

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