Two Surprises

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So I heard that the poll might not be working right so y'all might end up just typing it in the comments. Sorry.
Now, I believe I mentioned that I might have a surprise for you guys come the 6th of February. Well, for anyone who knows me on Twitter, I may or may not have dropped a little hint in the form of a picture.

Yes, I am writing another story. And actually, there's two. Those are your surprises. Now, I know you guys are probably going to berate me for making more books that I may not have inspiration for. Relax. I'm technically halfway done with one already. Docs is very helpful in scenarios. And the second story I'm gonna be giving the same treatment. Both will be uploaded Sunday at some point. Now y'all probably asking yourselves this.
What are the new books?
Well, I'm not saying much. But the picture above should be a clue for one. It's a crossover, I'll tell you that. If you know the characters in my picture, great. If you know where the quote is coming from, also great. If you know both, you might just be able to figure out what the story is.
The second surprise book is not a crossover, it's gonna be slightly original but not entirely. Ya see, it's an idea I had been tossing around for months now about a possible sequel to one of my books. I ain't saying which but I'm pretty sure I mentioned this idea I had a while back. It'll feature two new characters I thought of last month. If anyone can guess what this one is, I will give you a shoutout and ten votes on a story of yours. Good luck guessing, may the force be with you young padawans.
Also, quick question. Should I start making trailers for my stories and add them to the foreword/author's note? I just feel like I need more to my author's note then a quick blurb of the story.
That's all for now, thank you everyone and I will see you all later, bye.

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