Update for December

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We're finally arriving at the end of 2023, just one more month to go! And with that, here is the monthly updates I bring.

First things first, I'm gonna let you all know about what the current situation is like with the people who ruined everything in the beginning of the year. You all know who. Max18 is thankfully gone, won't be coming back any time soon and hopefully has realized the war he brought upon us was stupid in the first place. Moving on to Strelka. I hope many of you have blocked her by now cuz she's worse. Apparently she's still on this site, still planning on carrying out Max18's plan for some stupid reason. You don't have to unblock her unless you want screenshot evidence but please go report her again for harassment or something, this is ridiculous. And be careful, I have heard that there is a third spy, they haven't stepped forward yet.

Moving on from the bad news, let's get to my second announcement. Over on YouTube I'm still posting TSLOP tribute videos. I got one coming this weekend if I'm remembering correctly. For the rest of this month I'll post what I can. But on Christmas, I'm releasing a Christmas special for an animatic series I thought of during the summer. A FNaF AU featuring some Missile Mouse ocs of mine and my friend, it is called Horror On Haramu. The main plot line will begin next year but to celebrate Christmas I'm releasing a special.

My final announcement, I'm sure a lot of you know by now you're getting three new stories for Christmas this year. To recap, one is the fourth installment of my Special Project series. Titled Perfect Two, it could also be the final installment unless I somehow figure out a fifth book. Then I have the TSLOP Anastasia crossover The Lost Princess. Have fun guessing the cast, I won't reveal anything until it's released Christmas. The third story I'm releasing that day, I announced a while ago. Titled Search And Rescue, it's the first TSLOP story of mine in a long while that's not a crossover or a part of a series, it's based on a recurring dream I had for the past two months. Pretty much, the usual search party becomes the lost ones for once and it's up to Max and a new search party to find them. I think you guys are gonna enjoy that one.

So those are three new stories you're getting. But what if I told you that, just a few days ago, I came up with a fourth new story to release on Christmas. Ladies and gentlemen, I present the latest crossover idea I had, one between TSLOP and Cars. A title is still being figured out (though I did recently get a really good suggestion) but I have a solid cast and a very good plot. It will come out Christmas so it's coming very soon. I hope you all will like this one. If it goes well, I'll probably have a collection of short stories out when it's finished.

And that is everything for December, at least what I can think of. I still have the TSLOP Wattpad Community Discord server open. Just pm me if you would like a link. I do have to warn you though, if I or any of the mods don't know you, ya might not get the link right away out of suspicion. Many apologies. With that, I hope you all have a great day and enjoy the final month of 2023.

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