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So I have several big announcements. Number one, I am actually going to finish some of my stories before the end of the year. First up on that list is Secrets, What If and Two Birds of a Feather. They are the closest to being finished out of most of my stories. Others that I want to get done include the Haunted Mansion, Don't Fall Asleep, Swapped, This Case Does Not Exist, Central Park Woods, City of Mystery, Youth, Dark Days, Fever, Friend Or Killer and the Christmas story thing I have. And many more.

Now, on the matter of the books in my two main series. I will finish Aftermath, I promise. I just needed a break from it. And for my Age of Superheroes series, I am getting to it.  An important message to the people who keep pestering me about finishing these books... KNOCK IT OFF. I have a life and it's kinda hard to write stories when you lose your notes or working on a sad sad book. If people consistently pester me, I might just take a longer break to spite you. That's your final warning.

As usual, my mind is brimming with ideas. I recently told you two ideas I had. I recently published one of those. That would be my story Howl, which is a crossover between TSLOP and 100% Wolf. I will become more involved with that one once I finish another story. Anyways, here is a list of the other story ideas I had.

The Story of Gidget - the origins of our favorite Pomeranian who scares the living crap out of me sometimes. I think someone requested I did this but I can't remember.

The Story of Ozone - the origins of my sworn enemy 

TSLOP and Friends crossover - I wouldn't mind doing this but fair warning if I do write this it will include some of my favorite TSLOP ships. If you are curious to know what those are, check out my YouTube channel 

TSLOP and Housebroken crossover - I watched this show and I liked it, I figured it would make a great crossover idea but it will involve topics such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, stuff like that

TSLOP and Godzilla crossover - I did have a story once about this but I had no idea where it was going, I'd like to try again 

More Kaiju Cats stories - I'm just trying to give my comic series some attention here

More Cats of the Solar System stories - same reason as the story idea above

Enemies 2 - the first one is my favorite story that I wrote for you guys and I really like the idea of revisiting it with a sequel 

TSLOP and Star Trek crossover - this would probably be bunch of short stories, idk

And that's what I got so far. I have more ideas but let's just wait and see what the future holds for us first before we get too far. Plus, my brain needs to rest from these ideas.

I have two final announcements that have nothing to do with Wattpad. If anything, they deal with YouTube. I'm not sure how many of you know this, but I aspire to be a voice actor. Since I am currently trying to find a job and have free time on my hands, I thought I might do some voice acting work across YouTube. For example, I might dub my comics on Twitter and audition for animated roles posted by other people. Who knows, I might even do an audiobook for some of my stories or something. I don't know. I'd like to do this, I just can't decide if I want a YouTube channel devoted to voice acting or continue with my current channel.

Speaking of my YouTube channel, here's my final announcement. I have some ideas for some videos. I wanna do a Christmas video or two like I did for Halloween. I would like to make what people today call crack videos with the characters from, you guessed, The Secret Life of Pets. And finally, I'm gonna do a Disney theme song video. I have a faint idea for some of the characters theme songs but you guys can provide me suggestions because honestly, some of the characters are harder to place than others. Please help me. Comment down below. And remember! Disney theme songs. I will make a regular theme song video later.

And that is all of my announcements for today. Don't forget, this is an ask book and you can ask me anything as long as it's not inappropriate. Have a good day and I will see you all later, bye!

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