What Do I Think Of?

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Asked by ZorroFoxton

This is a very interesting question. And honestly, I have a very open ended response to it.

For the most part, my mind is always on imagination mode. I see something and my brain immediately processes it into some brilliant idea. Fortunately there's a small part of my brain that has enough sense to stop every idea from becoming a reality. However, it's small. And that's how one ends up with so many unfinished stories and yet new ideas on a whim.

Other than that, I often think about my friends and family. I think about my cats. I think about random things that just pop into my head. I pretty much think about anything I want really. If my brain gets a visit by some random thought I'll open the door for it. Now there's also things I don't want in my head like annoying songs so I quickly slam the door and lock it. Unfortunately that doesn't always work though cuz I will admit, I get sad dark thoughts from time to time. Thankfully it's not an every day occurrence but I still get them and then I just feel so dead and empty inside afterwards...

Yeah, that's about everything that I think of that's not food or sleep. Keep those questions coming, I will see you all later, bye!

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