What do I think of Rooster?

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Asked by MatthewRK

I better answer this correctly, my life could be on the line...

I really like Rooster. He was a very interesting character in the second movie and I would like to see him again in more movies if Illumination makes a third film. He was just the kind of person Max needed to guide him down the right path. I've started adding him and Daisy into my stories and I usually make him as a teacher or fatherly figure for Max. Secretly though, I've been thinking about giving him a villain role cuz he seems like the calm and cunning kind of villain. The kind of villain that you wouldn't see coming until it was too late.

Now, I made a little joke in my book TSLOP 3 between me and Rooster. I kinda wanted to give Rooster at least one fear and I thought it would be funny if he didn't like hawks such as myself and I even went with the story that he was attacked by one as a puppy, hence the torn ear. I don't know, I thought it was funny. Whether or not I will keep that around is entirely up to the gods.

Well, that's all folks. I'll see you all later, bye!

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