Why Do I Care About Gidget So Much And Would I Sacrifice My Life For Her?

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Asked by YOBRO232323232323

I really do care about Gidget a lot since she's the first best friend I had in a long while. And I like to think she cares about my well-being just as much (even though she forgot I existed in my book TSLOP 3). To be honest, I think us meeting each other was meant to be, like it was destiny. I don't think she had many friends at the time, for goodness sake she had to resort to calling to her love interest from across the street! Then you got me who's just a miserable train wreck of a bird. We've been besties ever since. These days, I often see her as a little sister or daughter (this depends on the story, some books has the sibling relationship, others have the father daughter relationship and then there's others where it's just straight up friends). I don't know what she thinks though.

(PS For those who are wondering if I love Gidget, it was one story for a story contest. Yes, I think the ship is cute but I'm all for Max x Gidget, they're meant to be. Plus, I have long since found another ship to fantasize over so bite me)

Now, would I sacrifice my life for Gidget? ABSOLUTELY. Heck, I have lost count how many times I almost got myself killed trying to protect her or someone else. The one time I actually saw the light at the end of the tunnel for a minute or two. But yes, I would do anything I could to save her, which I have done, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

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