Winner, Question and New Crossover

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Sorry I know this is late.

Congratulations Kykuynoss for getting the challenge question correct. Yes, my favorite story that I wrote was indeed Enemies. For those of you who don't know, it's a book I wrote on Ozone and Tiberius trying to get along with hilarious shenanigans and a cat who doesn't know how to aim. It's very good, highly recommend it.

Question time! Kykuynoss you asked me if I'm a fan of Pacific Rim or something like that. I'm gonna be honest with you, I never actually got a chance to sit down and watch any of the Pacific Rim movies.

Now, I believe I have mentioned before that I have been wanting to make a crossover between The Secret Life of Pets and Friends. Some of you seemed to like that idea but I just wanna double check. Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Before you go casting your vote, I want to warn you that, if I do go through with writing this, there's a good chance I'll write my favorite TSLOP ships in it. If you don't know who I ship the most from this movie other than Max and Gidget because they belong together, I suggest checking out my YouTube channel. Some of those videos will explain it better. I saying this right now because I don't want to start writing and having people yell and scream at me like "What's wrong with you?! Why you writing that?! You really ship these two?!" Please, don't. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions. So am I. If you guys have a problem with what I'm doing (other than not updating books like I promised) let me know. And let me know if you think I should go ahead with this crossover idea.

Keep those questions and dares coming, I'll see ya later bye!

P.S. My YouTube channel.

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