Conspiracy Theory

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Guys, I have a conspiracy theory! Has anyone ever wondered how Pops happened to know the Viper?! Well, I believe I have the answer!

Pops used to have an owner who abandoned him  on the streets when he lost the feeling in his legs. There, he met the Flushed Pets and joined them until he got caught by animal control. From there, this guy named Steve Cabin (look closely in the one scene at Pops's place and you will see the guy's name on a certificate hanging on the wall) comes into the pound, takes pity on Pops and adopts him. Also, he gets him a wheelchair. While living with Steve, Pops meets Myron, Steve's pet hamster, and makes him a hamster servant, along with a whole bunch of other hamsters. He also started throwing parties while his owner was gone.

And that would be my conspiracy theory about Pops. What do you guys think?

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