Funny Screenshots

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Alright, I was feeling a little bored this afternoon, so I decided to create some funny screenshots with some pictures I have. I hope you guys enjoy them!

This first one is for Official_Snowball

Official_MaxTheDog and Ozone_Kevlar_TSLOP, this one goes out to you.

I made this one because I noticed how nobody is risking their lives to save Norman's during the first time I ever watched the movie.

Real_Gidget, you have to agree with me on this, seriously.

Official_Snowball, you are an artist!

Does anyone recognize this quote? Anyone?!

Seriously Real_Gidget, words can hurt as bad as a knife.

I'm sorry Official_Snowball! I had to do this one!

This one is pretty funny, if you ask me.

I also made this screenshot a while back.

Let me know if you guys want to see anymore funny screenshots, alright? Also, keep those questions and dares coming!

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