Goodbye For Now

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So last night I successfully graduated high school. To be honest, it was pretty cool but I was like okay, whatever. I'm freezing. Seriously, it was freakin cold.
Anyways, since I have now graduated high school, I no longer have my school iPad. That means I typed this whole thing on my phone. I don't like typing on my phone. It takes forever. As a result, I will not be updating any stories any time soon. The only two that be updated from time to time is this one and the TSLOP spoof book.
I'm not saying goodbye, I'm still going to be around here. I just won't be updating my stories any time soon. But I will let you know when that changes. I probably might do that by publishing one of these three ideas I had.

Keep your eyes peeled for them. Also, my YouTube channel won't have any new content for a while unless I think of something. My Twitter account, however, is still in business. Go check that out! And with that, I will see you all later, bye!

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