Movie Question and Updates

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Question by MigelGerrikoCruz7

Yes, I love movies. Proof can be found in my many crossover stories.

Now the updates.

So, I have had a Twitter account for quite some time now. It's where I'm posting all of my artwork. Those of you who loved my Godzilla Kaiju Cat comics, you can find those there. I also have my other comic series there, the Cats of the Solar System. I will have two more uploaded as soon as I get off my lazy tail feathers and do some work for once.

Speaking of my comics the Cats of the Solar System, keep your eyes peeled this Earth Day. I'm thinking about publishing a story here about that. Until then, I hope you enjoy the comics and I will see you all later, bye!

Here is the link to my Twitter account.

Same name as my YouTube channel basically.

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