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I'm not sure if I mentioned this to you guys before but I do sometimes like to write poems. Here's two of my favorites...

The Horse of Death

People ran for their lives,

Screams filled the air,

For a dark figure was coming,

The Horse of Death.

Eyes like a burning ember,

And as black as night,

It was indeed worthy for the name,

The Horse of Death.

Doors slammed shut

And locked quickly,

So he wouldn't barge in,

The Horse of Death.

He came to every town,

To find the murderer,

Who slain the master of

The Horse of Death.

"Run!" someone shouted,

"We must hide,

Before he arrives,

The Horse of Death!"

Suddenly there was a shriek,

That was carried by the wind.

It could only belong to

The Horse of Death.

The sky turned dark

And thunder rumbled,

Announcing the arrival of

The Horse of Death.

It was first a dull sound,

But grew to a loud roar.

Coming from the hooves of

The Horse of Death.

A burst of flames flew towards

The wheat fields of the farmer.

The only one with that power was

The Horse of Death.

Before anyone could move,

They were surrounded by walls of flame,

Sent by the one and only,

The Horse of Death.

Luckily a few got away

From the fiery death trap.

They headed for the cemetery, away from

The Horse of Death.

But they did not fool him.

He raced after them.

And that's when I saw

The Horse of Death.

The clouds darkened

And lightning flashed up above,

As I tried to run from

The Horse of Death.

But as I looked over my shoulder,

I couldn't believe my eyes!

A cloaked figure was riding

The Horse of Death.

I could not run from my past.

Death had been resurrected

To kill the murderer with

The Horse of Death.

Dark Forest

Down the old, dusty road,

There was a dark forest.

This place was cursed, they say.

But by what, nobody knows.

There are trees, yes indeed.

But these weren't ordinary;

Skeleton trees are bad luck,

Death awaited for those who touched.

Over to the east of the woods,

An ancient burial ground lay.

But every full moon, evil would rise,

For the dead will come back to life!

If you think that was scary,

Wait till you hear about this.

Over to the south, you could find,

The abandoned camp of a once thriving tribe.

To the west was a small cottage

Of what seemed to be a kind, old lady.

But please heed my warning;

She is a witch, master of dark magic.

In the north are terrible memories,

Of the lives taken from many.

At night, you could hear the chilling howl.

By dawn, another soul is lost forever.

But in the middle of the forest,

Strange events have been witnessed.

People vanished or were murdered there.

One was even abducted by mysterious beings.

I beg of you, please!

The Dark Forest is dangerous.

By just going in the woods,

You would be on your way to the grave.

What do you guys think?

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