Possibly Great Story Ideas... But Should I Do Them?

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As you can see, the title basically sums up everything that I'm gonna say next.

Now, as you guys should know by now, my creative brain refuses to rest and most of my stories come from dreams or random thoughts that pop up in my head. Most of these ideas, I approve and it gets written. However, there are a few that do get discarded because they were either too crazy for me to do or i felt like wouldn't work out at all. Under the catergory of things that wouldn't work out very well includes stuff like inappropiate stuff (don't worry, I haven't had any dreams of that), very extreme animal abuse and suicide, just to name a few.

Recently though, I've been wondering... should I begin writing about some of that stuff. Don't start pointing fingers, paws, claws, or whatever you got at me! I'm not doing any inappropiate stuff in my stories at all! I'm talking about the animal abuse and suicide. Now... who's ready for a story?


Oh hush, you're getting a story.

Story time!

So I had these two dreams like months apart from each other. One was about animal abuse and the other was specifically about bullying but there was suicidal thoughts involved. warriorcatlover12345 knows what I'm talking about here. I believe c2264318 might know about one of these as well. And then there are a few people in real life who actually know a few details about these two dreams. I don't want to go into too much detail with these two here because they were as depressing as depressing can get. I'm currently torn in two. Half of me says write the stories you mousebrained idiot while the other half says no don't do it. And then I get a splitting headache.

So I'm leaving the voting to you. I know you guys don't have much intell on either of the two dreams but if you guys want me to write them, I'm saving the plots as a surprise. Just comment down below if you want me to write about the animal abuse, the sucide one or both.

Also, please keep those questions coming.

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