Answer(s) to @Orice1

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"Questions for you:
1. How can you deal with Lev?
2. How is it to be the libero of Nekoma?
3. Kuroken shipper?
4. Birds, cats, or dogs?
Dealing with Lev is no easy task, selected for only the most resilient people. Being one of those people, I would say that the first step to taming that oversized kitten would be disciplining. Allow no leeway. He won't focus any other way. Always have people with you, he'd be unbearable if I didn't have the team with me. He needs to chill.
Being the libero of Nekoma is a honor to me. We have many great defenders on our team, and I'm glad that I was chosen as the primary defender of the team. With this position, you hold the responsibility of picking up your entire team, from getting the ball to the setter, to having the backs of the hitters. The expectations of a Nekoma libero are high, and I do everything in my power to reach those expectations and push beyond them.
The kuroken ship is bittersweet to me. I think it would be amazing for Kenma to go out with Kuroo, hopefully breaking him out of his shell a bit more. I trust Kuroo with Kenma becuause he was the one to bring Kenma into volleyball, and helped him reach out to the world in the first place. But beside that, I don't know if I can handle any PDA from those two. If they got together, that would be completely their choice, and not mine, so even if I wanted them to get together, it's their decision in the end, and I will support their choices to the end.
To start, I really don't like birds all that much. They constantly chirp, and are always a fuss to take care of. Cats are pretty nice, since they are independent, intelligent, and can take care of themselves, but I think dogs are the best. They're loyal, and are always there to greet you at the door, all in all a very reliable pet.

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