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Tagged by: Tetsurou_Kuroo

1. Favorite Activity?
I would have to say volleyball, but since that's kind of an obvious answer, in going to have to go with playing the piano. I'm not very good, but it's nice to play after a stressful day of practice.
2. Least favorite thing about bOKUTO?
He distracts Kuroo from practice whenever we have a joint practice, and when Kuroo needs to rest after practice, Bukuto keeps hauling him to practice again. It's annoying. Oh, I also don't like how he has no brain to mouth filter. It's like Lev but louder.
3. Single or Nah?
I don't know why you want to know this. I'm single. You should know this Kuroo.
4.Gay or straight porn?
Straight. I get to look at both genders.
5. Weirdest thing you've seen in the club room?
Well, there was this one time that Yamamoto needed help with girls, and Kuroo had Kenma pretend tone a girl by wrapping a towel around his waist like a skirt and tying his hair into two pigtails. Yamamoto then tried to "woo" Kenma by reciting a love poem, added with Lev and Kuroo's comments on how to express himself.
6. Tokyo ghoul manga or anime? (You know the answer)
7.Biggest Pet Peeve?
8. Favorite kind of genre?
Horror, to be honest.
9. Worst fear?
Losing my friends. Not only is it lonely with out them, it's that they each have such great potential the world would be missing out if they didn't exist.
10. What is your OTP?
Suga and Thighs from Karasuno.

Admin will Answer the next two tags.

Tagged by DarkAngeloid686

1. Cats or dogs?
2. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate chip. Preferably with a cone.
3. Favorite movie genre?
Sci-fi. Though I like horror, horror movies are pretty terrible. There's a better chance of me finding a good sci-fi movie than finding a good horror movie.
4. Salty French fries or salty tsukkishima?
French fries.
5. Hobbies?
Volleyball (Obviously), piano, and calligraphy. Occasionally I paint, but they never turn out good.
6. Energetic or lethargic?
I believe I'm more energetic. I need a lot of energy to kick a**.
7. Favorite Anime character?
Levi from Attack on Titan. He's awesome.
8. Do you play any sports?
9. Bada** Oikawa or flirty Oikawa?
Bada**, since flirty Oikawa never seems to be genuine, except for with Iwaizumi. When he's a bada**, he's kind of intense, but it feels like it's actually him.
10. Kagehina or Kenhina?
Kenhina, Hinata makes Kenma happy.

Answers from Admin
1. Cats or dogs?
Dogs, cats are ok,but I love dogs.
2. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Chocolate brownie, I have a huge chocolate sweet tooth.
3. Favorite movie genre?
Action. I hate action films that have unneeded romance though.
4. Salty French fries or salty Tsukishima?
Salty Tsukishima, because honestly, I'm the same.
5. Hobbies?
I draw, write, sing, and play volleyball.
6. Energetic or Lethargic?
Lethargic as fu**.
7. Favorite Anime character?
Kaneki, but from the recent updates in the manga. He's so bada**.
8. Do you play any sports?
Volleyball, I'm the ace of my team.
9. Bada** Oikawa or flirty Oikawa?
Bada**, flirty Oikawa is annoying, and fake. Bada** Oikawa is serious and determined, which I liked.
10. Kagoshima or Kenhina?
I like both ships, and I don't really prefer one over the other.

Tagged by Lev_Haiba

1. Do you/ have you played any
sports? If so, what?
Volleyball. I played soccer though.
2. What is your favorite anime?
I really like Attack on Titan. It's well written, and the animation is really good.
3. What character from Haikyuu!! do you relate to the most?
4. What character to love live so you relate to the most?
5. How tall are you?
Why would you need to know this. 165.2 cm (5'5 in).
6. How was your day?
Pretty average. Nothing really special happened but I guess nothing bad did either.
7. Single or taken?
I'm pretty sure I'm single. I think.
8. What is your sexuality?
9. What is your zodiac sign?
Im a Leo.
10. What are your talents?
I have fast reactions, and I can put my legs behind my head.

Admin's Answers
1. Do you / have you played any sports? If so, what?
I play volleyball, though I swam when I was younger I tried gymnastics and cheer leading but I didn't like either and only did them for a year before I quit.
2. What is your favorite anime?
I'm going to have to go with Erased for now. I recently got into it and even though it only has 13 episodes it's really well written and has a well thought out plot.
3. What character from Haikyuu!! Do you relate to the most?
I'm going to go with Tsukkishima. He's tall, easily annoyed, and sarcastic, kind of like me. I would have to say I'm more nice than he is though.
4. What character from love live do you relate to the most?
Honestly, none. Their all terrible. (No offense to those of you who like love live)
5. How tall are you?
I'm around 5'8, 5'9.
6. How was your day?
Less than average. I lost my volleyball game earlier today and I have marks on my skin because I scratched myself from frustration. I guess I'm still kind of sad about it but I'm looking forward to practice so I can work on hitting and defense.
7. Single or taken?
Single. And I probably will be for the next couple of years.
8. What is your sexuality?
Straight but demisexual and demiromantic.
9. What is your zodiac sign?
10. What are your talents?
I like to believe I draw well, in athletic, and I can curl my tongue.

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