23 Are You Her Friend?

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The next evening after the disaster at the conservatory, Tye sits across from me at a high top in the bar he chose. Even knowing that I'd pay, he didn't go for one of the more expensive bars Somnia hosts. He chose one that's nice but without the outrageous prices. Not that money means anything to me. I could dine out at the most exclusive restaurants in Somnia every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and it wouldn't take a drop out of my bank account. There are those of us in Somnia who Dad has made sure to supply with unlimited funds.

         Tye hasn't brought up work, his eyes fixed to the ice in his glass.

         "I'm not angry, you know? That you're ready for a change."

         "I've enjoyed it. Getting to see Somnia."

         I nod, tucking the drink menu I used into its wooden holder. "I know."

         He lets out a breath as if relieved I'm being understanding. The idea that he didn't expect that of me hurts. I might not always be an open person, but I try to be considerate.

         "If you want to keep working in the government, jobs don't open up often. It might take me some time to find something." Not only is a job opening rare, government jobs are usually reserved for OneirTech employees.

         He slides his palms along the smooth wooden tabletop. "I do. And I get that." A pause. "Thank you."

         I take a sip of my wine, a sweet Moscato. "I've appreciated all your help, and I know it isn't the most glamourous job, so I want to help you find where you think you belong."

         He offers me a brief smile before staring down at his glass again. "What really happened yesterday with Nora?"

         Rolling my shoulders back, I try to think of some lie to explain her behavior. The bar isn't full, making it easier for the few patrons who are present to hear us.

This morning, I expected Nora to go back to ignoring me, but instead she kept up a steady stream of conversation, no matter how random the topic was. As long as it didn't reveal anything that made her different, she seemed to find it fair game.

         It was like she was trying to convince me she's normal.

         "She got sick while we were there."

         "Why were you there in the first place? Are you two . . .?"

         "No." I shake my head before taking a long pull from my wine. "I thought she should see more of Somnia since her position keeps her in the office."

         "If you manage to find another opening for me, she could always take over for me."

         Knowing that in a few days Nora won't be working for me any longer, I find myself unable to answer him. And what will Tye do after Dad has his orders carried out?

         "And the thing with the flowers?"

         If finishing off my wine right now wouldn't make it obvious that I'm flustered, I'd do it. When I agreed to get drinks with Tye, I wasn't imagining there would be a situation with Nora that would arise that he'd be questioning me about.

         "I have no idea," I say and take a sip of my wine. Just one little sip. "But I'm sure it's nothing we should worry about. Nora didn't even mention it today, so I assume she's all right."

         He bows his head. "I suppose. I just worry for her. She's new."

         "She's lucky to have friends like you and Radia in her life."

         "And you?" His eyes are soft, full of repressed pain. The eyes of someone who has already lost a loved one. "Are you her friend?"

         "I don't know." I throw back the rest of my wine. "But I wouldn't think so."

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