29 Taking My Humanity

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The branches of the ceiba trees sway as a monkey swings past. From deeper within the menagerie, other monkeys call out to him. I know the loop. I know he'll end up there in two and a half minutes.

The forest smells of moisture and soil and something too sweet.

The bushes beside me rustle, and a jaguar sticks its paw out before slinking into the clearing, its spots rippling along its pelt. She pays me no mind. I've encountered her many times that at this point her presence is a familiar comfort. At first, I was a bit terrified of her even thought I knew she was not real.

Lying in the dirt, leaves crunched under me and the canopy towering overhead, I'm reminded how small I am compared to the world I'll never see.

I'm always the spectator in my menageries. As if I've been invited to step into the story but never be a part of it.

I tried to step in today.

I know it's absurd to be angry with Nora. I know she did nothing wrong, but I can't stop myself from being angry that she didn't listen to me when I tried to explain, that she sees me as revolting as Dad.

In a few days I'll have to help force people to sleep, and she'll never understand that sacrifice.

Already it's my responsibility to find and turn in other Lucid to Dad. How much more of my humanity can he take before I'm Stefan? Before I'm him?

A super short chapter but there will be a new one tomorrow!

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