Episode 50: Running Away

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I grimaced as one of the ninja's kunai flew past me. Even though they were somewhat visible in the downpour, they weren't easy opponents. To make matters worse, the water stopped falling.

"Hey, have you noticed how they seem to appear whenever they use their magic?" my sister in law asked as my brother punched one of the ninja's down. The guy had tried using a wood spell on my brother.

My brother and I gasped. "You're right!" I said as I turned, and just in time too. I raised my rapier over my head and blocked a kunai.

"And the weapons seem to be detectable too at close proximity," I said, parrying yet another kunai.

"So you've seen through our tricks, princess," whispers rang behind me. I gasped as cold iron dug into my back.

"Aunty, Sarah!" Ecelaph cried, drawing his father's attention.

My brother growled.

I groaned and flipped my rapier around in my hand and stabbed the now visible ninja in the chest with it. "I'm... taking... you down... with me...," I said as blood dripped down my mouth.

My sister-in-law summoned a scepter and raised it toward me. I kicked the ninja aside and fell to the ground.

"Healing Waters!" my sister-in-law chanted as soon as I had gotten the katana off of my back. An ocean blue prana cloak covered my body. My wounds began to close and the pain relieved.

"Thanks, Yu," brother said, smiling at his wife.

She sighed and smiled slightly. "It's the least I can do. I am not much of a fighter."

"Well, a healer mage of your caliber in this case is as helpful as any fighter," he said as he took down yet another enemy.

The queen blushed as she picked up their little boy.

"He is correct," I said as I stepped back. We had spread ourselves rather far from one another.

"Princess," the twins said as she held down the guy who had tried to kill me.

"I'm fine, Let's hurry up and get out of here. These people simply keep on coming."

"Right," brother said as he unleashed a wave of water in front of him. The wave became dyed red with the blood of our fallen enemies, both before and after its formation.

I stared at the ruined ballroom in dismay. I had fond memories of it. This was where my brother had taught me how to dance when we were kids. I recalled how my parents would smile at us from on top the balcony. Oh those moments, they were joyous indeed. I knew it was foolish to long for such bygone days, but it was still my hope that similar days might arise in their place.

Though first, I had to destroy those who stole said days from me. Those who sowed the seeds of destruction into this land, those who believed that by simply having power, they had a right to tear down others.

"We said that you won't be going anywhere, princess," a voice called. A kunai came at us from on top of the balcony. It's aim wasn't me, but Ecelaph.

I turned around and prepared to cast a barrier but just then a bullet of wind flew through the air, sending the kunai flying into the ceiling.

Just then a rain of bullets sprung across the room, spilling blood across the beautiful navy blue floor.

"Huh? Who?" Ecelaph said, tilting his head in confusion as his mother stepped back.

"T-that was close," she said, her eyes shaking. Her son had almost died in her arms.

 Standing by the door, carrying a black rifle, was a dashing black haired man dressed in verdant armor. I recalling having seen Koukyuu with him back in Nine Petal Academy. If I was not mistaken, his name was Hideo.

"Hey, it seems that we came just in time," Hideo said with a grin.

"We?" I asked.

"Hey there!" a familiar voice called out. Koukyuu jumped out from behind the door as she tossed aside a ninja.

"Koukyuu, Hideo, what are you two doing here?" Brother asked, laughing.

Hideo chuckled as he transformed his rifle into a silver and gold necklace. "I was simply in the vicinity, trying to see if I could dig up any clues on how to access the Abyss."

Brother gave him a sad look. "I see. So, you haven't given up yet."

The man shook his head. His hands curled into fists. "Like I ever will!"

I recalled the temple that Kun had show us to during our short time in Zionia. He claimed that within that temple was a portal to the abyss.

"How about going to the temple overlooking the Kurorikuian capital?" I suggested as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Hideo scoffed. "I know about that place very well. I was one of the ones who helped seal it up. That portal is no longer functioning."

I tilted my head at him. "If you don't mind me asking, why do you wish to go there? What is there in that place?"

Hideo closed his eyes and turned his back to me. "Someone precious to me." With those words, the man walked away.

Koukyuu took a deep breath. "Don't mind him. He can be rather melancholy whenever the subject is brought up. And I wouldn't expect anything else from an overprotective big brother like him."

Overprotective big brother? So it's a sibling he wishes to save...

I glanced up at my own overprotective big brother brother. I had to be careful from now on. The enemy could use me to get back at him.

"Say, Koukyuu, why are you here? Shouldn't you be heading to the games with your nation's delegation?" my sister-in-law asked.

Koukyuu averted her eyes. "I've been helping Hideo out with his research. He did help us out with that Erebus that came from Academy Island's ruins. I figured that I should repay him."

The Queen looked at her skeptically. "Is there truly nothing more?"

Koukyuu's face flushed. "Of course not! Now, let's get going and don't lower your guard. There could be more of those ninja hiding."

She was right, we could not afford to lower our guard in front of such an enemy. Though after facing these guys, I began to feel as if I would become paranoid. Even outside of Shui, they could appear before me when I least expected it.


"Hey, wait up Hideo!" I yelled, running through the bloodied halls of the Shui palace. I was still amazed that they would be so brazen to attack the royal family in broad daylight, even if it was within the confines of the palace.

Hideo continued to walk away from me, keeping his head down. He only came to a stop as he came upon a green haired kid poking at a dead boy with the tip of his scythe.

"Zephyr!" Hideo yelled, making me jump.

The kid turned around and smiled widely. 

"Papa, you're back!" the little boy said, running up to Hideo. "These people are dead!"

Hideo picked up the kid into his arms so fast that he dropped his tiny scythe. "Didn't I tell you to stay with your brother? Far away from here?" he asked in a stern tone.

The kid stared at his father with teary eyes. One could tell right away that he wasn't used to be screamed at. "B-but," the kid sobbed.

He hugged the kid tightly. "Come on, don't do this. Don't cry, little one. I just don't want to lose you too, Zefi."

Zephyr hugged his papa back. "Z-zefi is fine," he said, sniveling as he wagged his furry fox tail.

The verbal tick the little one had reminded me of his uncle Dante. Dante...

I stepped forward and patted the child. "Don't scare your papa like that again, Zephyr."

The boy nodded. "O-okay. D-don't worry, papa. Z-zefi won't leave you like mama did," he said with a force smile. He lowered his head. Hideo turned to look at me, giving me a cold look.

I lowered my head. Why did he bring Zefi? Is it to make me feel guilty?

Seeing the child, especially when he was sad, made my heart sink. I was a coward... running away from him the way I did... leaving Hideo to raise him alone.

"S-sorry," I said, turning away.

"W-what for?" Zefi asked, his fox ears twitching with curiosity. He was the cutest thing in the world, and I didn't only think that because he was mine.

"N-no reason," I said. Oh great, I'm starting to sound like the kid.

Zefi giggled. "You're weird!"

I narrowed my eyes at him and grabbed his chubby little cheeks. "What was that?" I asked, grinning.

Zefi continued to giggle. Even though he was led to believe his mommy died, he usually was a happy kid. Only when his mommy was mentioned, did he became sad. All he knew about her was that she was a member of the kitsune branch of the Kyuu Hyaku clan and that was where he got his tail and ears from.

"Zefi, want me to teach you how to hide your ears and tail?" I asked, wagging his tail across his face.

Zefi giggled once more. "S-stop it!"

I chuckled. "You sure are a ticklish little one, aren't you?"

Hideo grinned. "Yeah, he got that from his mom!"

My face redded. "Who is ticklish?" I asked, pinching Hideo this time.

"S-stop that!" Hideo mumbled, his face reddening.

"Only if you answer."

"Zefi's mom of course! I said so outright!" he said, chuckling. He knew I couldn't say more or else I would end up giving myself away. The jerk! Honestly, what was I thinking when I got together with him?

"A kid? You got a kid?" my old friend, the Queen of Shui, asked.

"Huh?" I asked, turning to look at her.

"That child, he's yours, isn't he?" she asked, grinning. "And do not deny it, he has a fox tail and ears like yours!"

Hideo grimaced. "Actually, his mommy is dead," he said, patting the kid.

Zefi's tail and ears drooped down along with his eyes. The little one nodded.

Were the heavens conspiring against me for being a bad mother?

"Oh, but he does look at lot like Koukyuu," she said, tilting her head at me.

"He does," I confessed.

I was glad that I never told Sonata or Yu about my kids with Hideo. Yeah, kids... Zefi wasn't our only one.

"Let's go see your brother, Zefi," Hideo said, patting his child's head.

Zefi looked up at his papa and nodded solemnly. "O-okay!"

Seeing Hideo being so caring with Zefi made me wonder, how would my life had been if I had decided to settle down with Hideo. Would I be happier? Well, Zefi and his brother likely would've at least. Ha, I really was a bad parent... if I could even call myself that. Which I certainly didn't believe I deserved to.

Though perhaps as bad, I made Hideo suffer more than he already was. Could I amend that in any way? I could marry Hideo, but what would our kids think? It would be easier to pretend I was their step mom than to admit the truth. Because if they knew the truth then they would surely hate me...

*Character Section*

Zefi Makkuroyama- Sex: Male Age: Unknown (but older than 3)

**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed chapter :). Pardon the long delay! This past month and weeks I have been focusing on my Legend of the Five Knights series (which Hideo is part of for those wishing to learn about him). I managed to finish 'Rise of a Guardian Angel' and am currently writing its sequel,  'The Shadow of Justice' :).

So, what did you think? Were you surprised to learn that Koukyuu hid such a secret as this?**

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