Sneezes and thumbs up

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Nagisa POV

I walked to UA with karma. As we approached the school there was a bunch of reporters there? "Do you have any idea why they are here, karma?" I ask pointing at the large round blocking the gates.

"Hmm... I don't know or care. They're just annoying and causing a commotion, but if I had to guess. Its to ask questions about our class suddenly joining class 1A or about how that number one hero or whoever is a teacher there." He shrugged opening a lollipop and popping it in his mouth. 

We got closer to the gates and that's when the reporters noticed us and started to yell questions at us. "Are you the new additions to class 1A? What is the number one hero like as a teacher- Why are you-" We were then pulled away by an arm grabbing us. 

"Hey! what do you think your!-" Karma yelled only to be met with Aizawas stern face. He then smirked, "Yo! Teach! Long time no see~" 

"I saw you yesterday." He said pushing us into the school grounds and past the gate. "Get to class. You will be late." He said walking off to go deal with the media.

"Feels weird to get that much attention. Normally it would be Asano's class. Not us." I said making Karma groan in annoyance, "Don't mention that dude. The further away from him, the better. I'm even in a different universe from him, yet it's not far enough." Karma grumbled frustratedly.

"Come on, let's get to class." I grabbed one of his arms that he was flailing around frustratedly and brought him to class. 

~3RD POV In another universe~

Asano was walking with his friends, trying to get away from the rest of the girls that were fawning over him. "Ha, popular as usual." One of his underlings smirked and threw his empty soda can into the trash. "Of course. I'm the greatest after all." Asano shrugged, cooly, but soon gasped for air, suddenly unleashing a thundering sneeze. 

Boogers dripped from his nose. He quickly turned away from his friends which were laughing their butts off. 

Something then appeared from the sky. The four looked up and were met with black dust. "What the heck is this? Ash from a fire?" One asked. 

As Asano had finished cleaning his nose he then looked up too. He smelt the air and quickly regretted it. 


Black pepper falling from the sky.

"SATANS WRATH HAS BEEN UNLEASHED UPON YOU!!" A voice yelled. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING SUCH AN ASS!!" Asano heard a different voice yell.

Asano looked at the crowd in rage, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Normally a teacher would be enraged if a student randomly yelled about satans wrath and 'being an ass' 

No one looked out of the ordinary or fazed by what happened. Its as if no one yelled. "Did you hear that?" Asano asked his friends. "Hear what?" They asked. "Do you need to go to the nurse. I think your boogers traveled to your eardrums. Maybe that's why you're hearing things." He smiled and laughed as Asano's face turned red with anger.

~Back to the story~

Reporters bombarded Aizawa with questions about all might and the mysterious combo class. Aizawa scoffed and walked away from the reporters and into UA grounds. "Stop! Answer my ques-" The woman suddenly saw a huge wall of metal rise up, almost hitting her face. "AHHH!! What the heck is this?! Just who are they trying to keep out? We only want an interview." She groaned, falling to her knees. 

"That's what we call the UA barrier. Anyone without a pass or student ID will trigger the system, making this wall shoot up." A cameraman explained feeling sorry for the woman.

"Geez. We have been here for two days and we still haven't gotten any stories." The woman pouted.

The news that allmight had been hired as a teacher at UA surprised the nation, but what's even more unbelievable is the sudden additions to class 1A.

 Everyone knew.

Two men dressed in black clothing stood in the background, watching the reporters trigger the UA barrier. One had chapped pale skin which matched his pale baby blue hair. Beside him stood a man with scars running down his face paired up with eyes glossed over in rage. The sight of the reporters yelling pathetically at the barrier like the pathetic weaklings they are brought a smile on the scarred man's lips along with a scoff, "You can't run forever Korosensei."


"Alright, feedback time." Aizawa sighed tiredly, "For indoor training..."

"Bakugo, your talented. Stop acting like a child." Aizawa told the blonde.

"Midoriya, you settled it by breaking your arms again, huh? You cant keep saying its because you don't know how to control your quirk. That excuse getting old. You can do great things once you learn how to control it. Feel a sense of urgency." He criticized while looking at the papers in his hand. 

Izuku felt a little better about himself when Aizawa gave him a hint of encouragement, so he proudly replied, "Hai" with a determined face.

"Nagisa, great leadership skills and timing." He said flipping to the next page. He then looked at Nagisa eye to eye. "With that, you can become a great hero if you like."

Korosensei listened to the conversation from outside, "I'm sure he sees Nagisa's potential as I do. However, he is being cautious about how he approaches him because he will become a great assassin and threat to them if he desired it. Nufufufufu~ If anyone came up with a way to kill me with would be Nagisa and karma. Nufufu, I'll be waiting for that day, but I won't make it easy." Korosensei mumbled to himself as he stood outside the classroom door.

"Now cops and robbers." Aizawa paused and placed his paper down.

'That octopus is annoying. Muttering outside the door is not something I enjoy listening to as I teach.' Aizawa thought, annoyed.

"Jiro, good job on knowing where you best fit in battle. Continue to use that type of thinking throughout other battles." Jiro gave him a nod in acknowledgment.

Aizawa then moved on to the next person, "Chiba, great shot." He plainly said which caused many woahs to be heard from several classmates. 

"Wow Chiba, even sensei sees your potential as one of our best sharpshooters. Must be nice." Okajima teased, leaning forward to see Chiba with a small smile on rather than his usual neutral face.

"Wow, Sensei is giving out compliments. What about me?" Karma smirked, leaning back in his chair with his arms resting behind his head.

Aizawa only glared at him and rolled his eyes away from the prankster.

"Now let's get down to homeroom business. Decide on a classroom representative."

Class 1A started shouting that they each wanted to be the classroom representative. 

Class 3E just looked at them oddly as they all were yelling. 

"Hey Izuku," Nakamura asked him. He turned to face her. "Why is this such a big deal?" She asked.

"Oh, you don't know. Ok then. Class rep here is a big deal because its a role that allows one to practice being a top hero by leading a group. Pro heros will be more likely to hire you if you had 'being a good class rep' on your experiences." Izuku explained.

"Interesting," Nakamura said and went back to her seat without another word.


"Midoriya is class rep while Yayorozu is deputy class rep," Aizawa said. "Congratulations."

"3E, do you guys know who your class representative is going to be. You can change it if you want." Aizawa stated in his caterpillar stage.

The 1A students turned to them for an answer, but they didn't have to wait long. All of class 3E simply turned to face two students while declaring, "Isogai and Megu."

"They have already been our class rep for the entire school year," Kanzaki said. 

They have been great class reps so far and we're expecting the most from them." Nakamura smiled at Megu who scoffed, smiling lightly at her.

"Class dismissed," Aizawa said, still laying on the floor in hopes to get a nap.


"Hey, Nagisa," Izuku mumbled as he spoke to the blue-haired boy. 

"What's up?" Ha asked, putting down his assassination notes.

"I noticed you take notes on Korosensei too. I overheard the teachers talking and apparently we are going to have a field trip to the USJ, so I was thinking we can make our move. I'm sure we can convince Aizawa to prolong the time we will be there for." Izuku said, gaining the attention of other 3E members. 

When Izuku said that he 'overheard the teachers' it was actually Allmight that told him that he most likely would not be there because he already went a little past his limit today, so he won't be in action until tomorrow afternoon.

"That's a good idea, but we need more info if we're going to do this the right way," Karma said, placing a hand on Izukus shoulder other on Nagisa's head. 

"What do you guys think? Assassination field trip?" Karma asked, turning to the rest of the class. 3E smiled, thinking back to their trip to the historical assassination spots and their vacation at the island. Even though in one they were kidnapped and on the other they almost died... it's the thought that counts.

At the island, they were so close to killing him, and that's the best assassination attempt they ever did, so 3E is hopeful that this one would be better now that they had more allies.

3E and 1A had decided to have a meeting in their classroom about the assassination along with Aizawa and Karusuma. They had all gotten their lunch and met up back at the classroom.

Iida has been so dutifully assigned the task to go wake up Aizawa that was sleeping in the corner of the classroom. "Aizawa sensei. We are having a meeting. Would you be so kind as to attend." Iida asked moving his hands in a chopping motion. 

"No. Go away." He grumbled sinking further into his sleeping bag. 

Iida turned to his classmates, not knowing what to do. They just sympathetically shrugged their shoulders, shooing him off to go try again while Izuku and Nagisa shared notes with the class.

 Because they were in a different environment/world, korosensi was bound to have different habits than the ones back on the mountain where their broken down wooden classroom resides. 

Iida sighed, turning back to Aizawa who was sleeping. Iida dint like to lie, but it was the only way to get him to wake up, "Sir. Mineta is on fire." 

Aizawa flipped around, showing his annoyed face, "Who did he piss off this time?" 

Ashido who was listening laughed, covering her mouth with her hands in an attempt to not roll over laughing. Even Aizawa knew that everyone hates the purple perv.

"That was the best I had. " Iida turned to the others. 

On cue, karma walked over, grabbing his red bag. He placed it on the desk, trying to find the right item. He shuffled around the things in there which sounded like spray paint (and pepper spray/stinkbombs), sand (Chili powder) in a bag, a few metal things. "Ah, there it is. Finally found it." He sang, smirking, taking out one of the metal objects along with a sharpie. 

Karma smiled, uncapping the sharpie, bringing it closer to Aizawas face. 

"Karma. That is disruptive behavior. I cannot allow you do do that" Iida said snatching the marker away from him. 

"Fine. Be that way." Karma sighed, putting his hands in his pocket, reaching for the metal object. 

"Good," Iida said, thankful that the boy listened to him so quickly. It was out of character though...

He looked back at karma who was approaching Aizawa. Iida looked closer at the thing karma was holding. 

Before he could see what it was, a crackle was heard followed by a small spark of light as Karma pressed a button.

Iida gasped in shock as he saw a hand taser in his hand. He immediately grabbed karmas wrist, stopping him from touching Aizawa with it. "TAZERS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON SCHOOL GROUNDS!" Iida yelled at him, snatching it from his hands. Karma laughed at him, letting Iida take the stun gun.  

"Have you ever considered that Kaminari is technically a stun gun?" Karma asked Iida who held the item oddly, not used weapon because he had never used one before.

Aizawa had already woken up, halfway out of his sleeping bag. "Why do you have a stun gun, Karma?" He asked, serious. 

 "You might want to be careful with that," Karma said ignoring Aizawa because he was more wary of how Iida was holding the weapon. 

"I know how to use this," Iida said, fumbling with the item, trying to find the off button or the safety lock. As he fumbled around, Kaminari went closer to the two because he heard his name along with feeling the electric currents in the air. 

Kaminari crept up behind Iida, asking, "Why do you have a- AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Kaminari yelled as Iida accidentally touched kaminari with the weapon.

Karma, already guessing what was going to happen, dove under the teacher's desk which was thankfully all wood with a plastic/ rubber countertop. 

Kaminaris quirk went off making electricity shoot out in all directions, hitting all the students and Aizawa. 

They all screamed in fright with the sudden shocks slightly burning them. 

The moment Vlad King heard the yelling, he ran to their classroom. Through the window, he saw the whole class covered in electricity. 

A few seconds later, Aizawa managed to stop kaminari's quirk which was quite difficult because of the higher voltage he was hit with because he was closer. 

Blood king swung the door open, yelling, "Who did this?!" 

Everyone with static hair looked around, spotting Kaminari. They all pointed a finger at him with the only exceptions being Iida who looked around, confused, still trying to comprehend what was happening and Aizawa who was an adult who won't point fingers at his students. Sure he would do it to President mic, but not his students. 

Kaminari just walked around in circles with boggers dribbling down his dunce face as he repeatedly gave everyone a thumbs up.

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