Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"This is crazy. Going throught the Core is bad doodoo." Jar Jar said as Obi-Wan piloted the bongo under-neith the water.

"Why were you banished, Jar Jar?" Obi-Wan asked. We all listened intently, wanting to know why he had been kicked out of the Gungan village.

"Well, itsa longo tello but uh, a small part of it would be because mesa issa.....clumsy." Jar Jar said. I remembered Jeesa telling me that the reason she had come with us because Jar Jar was quite the clumsy person, but I had no idea that his clumsiness was the cause of his banishment. Obi-Wan and I looked at eachother, confused.

"You were banished because you were clumsy?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Uh...yousa mighten be sayin that." Jar Jar said. I looked out of the window at the aqautic life, the small fish and the colorful plants that rested on the bottom of the large lake. It all was so beautiful, everything was so mesmorizing. I zoned out, not hearing a single word that Jar Jar was saying about his banishment, as I continued to admire the scenery.

Suddenly the ship lurched to the right, then stopped in place. We all gasped and turned around in our seats to see what had caused us to stop. My jaw dropped as I looked out the window, seeing a huge red fish grabbing onto the wing of our water-transport with its huge mouth.

"Uh oh! Big goober fish! With hugeo teeth!" Jar Jar shouted, covering his eyes with his hands in fear. I grabbed onto the arm-rests of my seat, digging my nails into the leather. Obi-Wan grabbed onto the steering wheel tightly, trying to propel the water-transport out of the beast's jaws. Just as we were about to give up hope, the beast suddenly let go of the vehicle, allowing us to continue moving forward with out journey. I looked and saw the gigantic monster being eaten by an even larger water-creature.

"There's always a bigger fish." Qui-Gon said as we sped off into one of the large underwater tunnels that would hopefully lead us to the Naboo. We continued our journey for a few minutes in oure silence. Then Jar Jar spoke.

"Where are wesa going?" he asked.

"Don't worry, the Force will guide us." Master Fisto said from the back seat. Jar Jar rolled his eyes.

"Oh, maxy big the Force. Well that smells stinkowiff." he said with a huff. All of a sudden alarm on the control panel began to blink, red lights flashed infront of our eyes.

"Obi-Wan, what's wrong?" I asked, a hint of nervousness in my voice.

"We're losing power." he told me as he began to press the buttons, trying to fix the problem.

"Oh no, wesa gonna die in here!" Jar Jar said sadly. I rolled my eyes.

"Jar Jar, you aren't going to die. You and Jeesa can breathe under water, remember?" I asked him. But he seemed as if he hadn't heard my words. The ship slowly floated down to the bottom of the cave, resting on the bed of rock just beneith them. Jar Jar held his head in his hands.

"Just relax, we aren't in trouble yet." Master Jinn said.

"What yet?" Jar Jar asked, looking back at Master Jinn, his voice starting to sound histarical. I watched as Obi-Wan quickly began to pull on wires from the control panel, plugging them in into different spots. "Monsters out there, leaking in here, all sinking and no power? When are yousa thinking wesa in trouble?!" Jar Jar asked. Just then the control panel sparked to life, and so did the rest of the underwater shuttle.

"Power's back." Obi-Wan said as the transport began to float off of the tunnel floor. The headlights on the shuttle turned on and Jar Jar and Jeesa began screaming. Staring at them from outside was the one of the biggest monsters I had ever seen. It looked smaller than the monster that had eaten the red fish that had tried to kill them, but it was still big none the less. I grabbed onto Obi-Wan's arm with my left, terror rising inside of me, as the creature opened it's mouth to swallow us whole.

Obi quickly directed the ship away from the monster, steering the shuttle out of the tunnel. I sighed with relief as my grip on Obi-Wan's arm loosened. I was about to remove my hand from his arm when....

'You don't have to move.' he thought to me, a small smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes, a miniature smile on my lips.

'You wish.' I thought back to him as I put my arm back where it had once been, on my arm rest. I turned around, making sure that the creature hadn't followed us. After being satisfied with the fact that we were safe once again, I sat back in my seat, knowing that this ride was going to take a few hours if we were going straight through the planet's core.

"Get some rest, Denali. I have a feeling you'll need it after everything you've been through today." Master Fisto said to me.

"Yes, Master." I said as I leaned my head back against the headrest and closed my eyes, letting sleep over-come me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

(I am now switching to Obi-Wan's POV. From now on when you see the '* * * *' signs, that will mean the story will now be told from Obi-Wan's POV or from Third Person. I have a feeling you guys are smart enough to find out who's POV it is by reading. Well, I guess that's all I have to say. You may continue reading. (:  )

I couldn't help but watch her sleep from the corner of my eye. She was so beautiful, so peaceful. Her chest slowly rose up, then went down with each deep breath she took. I wondered what she was dreaming about, or if she was dreaming at all.

'Why are you watching me sleep?' Denali thought to me suddenly.

'I didn't realize you were still awake.'

'Who could sleep at a time like this?'

'You need it, though. Dying and then coming back to life is a stressful thing, no doubt.'

'Not really, it just feels like waking up from a deep sleep.'


'Were you really that worried about me?' she asked me through her thoughts as I kept my eyes ahead of me, steering the water-transport. I hesitated for a moment.

'Of course I was. You should've seen me when my Master found me. I was holding your dead body in my arms, sobbing. You mean more to me than you realize.'

'And that's exactly what I was afraid of.'

'Why exactly is forming attachments so bad?'

'People will do foolish things for the people they love. They're often impractical.'

'But what if some people have a clear mind and do the right thing?'

'Let me put it this way, if you had to choose between my survival or an innocent little girl's survival, which one of us would you choose? Which one of us would a strong Jedi choose?' Obi-Wan was silent for a moment.

'You have a point, but I would do the right thing. Of course it would kill me inside, but I would choose the innocent little girl.' I thought back to her.

'There's hope for you yet, Obi.' she thought back to me, a small smirk forming on her lips as she drifted off to sleep.

* * * * * * * * * *

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