Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

"I think that's all of them." Denali said as she turned her lightsaber off, placing it back on her belt. Obi-Wan quickly looked to his left, his lightsaber still out. Just as he was about to put it away...

"Denali! Behind you!" he shouted as three destroyer droids rolled towards them. She quickly ducked just as they began to shoot at her. Obi-Wan quickly stood infront of her, deflecting the shots that would've definately killed her. While obi-Wan was occupied, Denali quickly ignited her lightsaber once again and began to help Obi-Wan battle the droids.

"The shield generators-"

"We can't break through, we have to move!" Obi-Wan shouted over the blast-fire. Master Jinn and Master Fisto nodded in agreement and the four ran down the hall, the destroyer droids shot after them. Denali had fallen behind, she wasn't the fastest runner out of the four of them. Suddenly a huge burst of pain entered her side. She didn't shout out in pain, though. She didn't want to draw attention to herself. She didn't want to be the helpless one here. Instead she just braved one.

"Hurry, into the ventilation shaft." Qui-Gon said as he took off the vent-covering and crawled inside. Next was Master Fisto.

"You go first." Obi-Wan said. Denali nodded and bent down. She knew that arguing during war never helped anyone. And just as she was about to go inside, the blaster-shot in her side began to bleed.

"Denali, you're-"

"Don't. Say. Anything." Denali said, unterupting Obi-Wan.

"But you're-"

"I'm fine, it doesn't even hurt. I'll live." she said to him, and quickly crawled inside the shaft. Obi-Wan quickly crawled after her. The shaft was big enough for two people to crawl side by side, so that's what they did. The two masters walked beside eachother, which meant Denali was stuck with Obi-Wan. He could see the blood dripping off of her side and onto the metal beneih them.


"Not one more word about it, Kenobi." she whispered to him, making sure that the other two didn't hear her. He rolled his eyes as they continued to crawl.

'Denali, what if it's serious?' Obi-Wan thought to her.

'Then you're seriously going to have to get over it.' she thought back to him.

'I care about you too  much to let you die.'

'Then it's a good thing I'm not going to.' she retorted, her braid falling over her shoulder. Soon they reached the end of the shaft, which thankfully had led to one of the hangars. Master Jinn carefully jumped to the ground, followed by Master Fisto, then Obi-Wan.

He looked up and watched Denali. He could tell she was really struggling, but really didn't want to show it. She looked down at him, the drop was at least twenty feet down. As she tried to climb out, she suddenly slipped and fell down through the air. Obi-Wan quickly lept forward, catching her in his strong arms.

The two quickly looked over at their masters to see if they had seen what had just happened, but they were too absorbed in looking around as they hid behind boxes of supplies. Obi-Wan looked at Denali, who looked back at him. She gave him a small smile, and he returned the favor. But the smile quickly left her face when she remembered the Code. She shoved him away and turned around, but Obi-Wan quickly grabbed her hand.

'Tell me, why have you been acting so strange?' He asked her. She shook his hand off.

'I'm not acting strange.' she denied as they followed their masters behind the massive mounds of crates that hid them from the battle droids.

'Yes you are. You look at me like you want to kiss me and then you give me the cold shoulder. What's going on?' he asked her. She was silent, her cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink.

'You can trust me.' he thought to her, urged her. Still silence.

'No, I can't.' she thought back to him. Obi-Wan felt a stinging sensation erupt in his heart. That really hurt him. How could she not trust him? After everything they had been through? The way he had helped her when they were children. Why wasn't he good enough for her?

"Look, tanks." Master Fisto said as Denali crouched by his side.

"They look they they're about to set off an invasion." Master Jinn said.

"We've got to warn the Naboo and contact Chancellor Valorum. He'll definately want to know about this." Denali said.

"We'll split up. Master Fisto and I will stow away onboard one of thoughs tanks. Obi-Wan and Denali will stow away in the other." Master Jinn told them. Denali and Obi-Wan nodded, even though Denali was groaning with frustration on the inside. She didn't want to be alone with Obi-Wan, especially now that he knew something was bothering her.

The group quickly split up, Obi-Wan and Denali going one way while Master Fisto and Master Jinn went the other. They quickly snuck behind the tank, trying to find a way inside. Obi-Wan looked over at the side and saw a small hatch a few meters above the ground.

'I think I've found one.' Obi-Wan thought to Denali. She looked where he was looking and nodded. Obi-Wan jumped up first, opening the hatch. Denali jumped up second, but the blaster-wound she had recieved was starting to take effect. She jumped up, but missed the hatch by a few inches. Just as she thought she was going to fall down, Obi-Wan reached out, grabbing her hand. He gently pulled her up, knowing that she was wounded.

'Thank you.' she thought to him when they were inside the tank.

'You're welcome. Now are you going to tell me what's wrong or will I have to pry the information from you?' he thought to her as he sat down on the floor. She copied his actions, sitting across from him in the dark. She was silent for a while, then right as she was about to speak, the tank suddenly lurched forward. Obi-Wan grabbed onto Denali's shoulders to make sure she didn't fall over.

'Again, thank you.' she thought to him. He gave her a small smile.

'Now that I've saved your life over three times, shouldn't I at least deserve a piece of the truth?' he asked her. She sighed in defeat.

'Fine, a piece of the truth is that I heard what you thought.' she asnwered simply. Obi-Wan's heart skipped a beat.

'Which part exactly?' he asked her.

'I'm not giving any specifics.' she answered, her arms crossed. Obi-Wan huffed and rolled his eyes, causing Denali to smile. He smiled as well.

'There's that beautiful smile I missed so much.' he thought. Suddenly his eyes went wide.

'Did you hear that?' he asked her.

'Maybe...' she said with a grin. 'And I'm happy you think my smile is beatiful.'

Obi-Wan could feel his face turning red. He was about to think something else to her, when suddenly he felt something wet by his hand. He looked down and through the dim light he could see that his hand was covered in blood. He quickly looked over at Denali's side and saw that it was all red.

* * * * * * * * * *

Dun-dun-dun! Blood is not a good thing at this point. You guys know the drill- Don't forget to comment your opinions of this chapter in the comment section and vote and follow if you all wish Denali wasn't hurt. ._.


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