Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

"I thought you were going back to the ship." a calm, yet angry voice said from above Ani and I. I had completely forgotten about the discussion Padawan Kenobi and I had gotten into before I had gone to the race. I immediately stopped laughing, so did everyone else. They could all tell something was wrong. I stood up, helping Ani to his feet.

"I wanted to see how Anakin was doing before I left town." I said to him.

"Master Jinn, may I speak with you outside, please?" I asked him.

"And why am I hearing that you've been having visions before and you haven't told me, but you tell this....this...this boy!" Obi-Wan said, frustrated. I was already ticked and he had every right to be mad at me, but no one picks on Ani when I'm around.

"For your information, Padawan Kenobi, this boy has just won us the parts we need. You shouldn't be calling him a 'boy', you should be calling him a 'hero'. He put his life on the line so that we could get the supplies we need. Leave him out of this, he has done nothing to deserve your criticism. You should be grateful, not hostile." I said to him.

"Obi-Wan, Denali, I think you should take this conversation outside. Now." Qui-Gon told us. I glared at Obi-Wan, but followed the Jedi Master's instructions. Once we were outside and the door was closed, Obi-Wan spoke.

"That's no excuse, we risk our lives everyday for the greater good." Obi-Wan told me.

"But he isn't trained like we are." I defended Ani.

"I still don't understand why that makes a difference."

"It makes a huge difference!"

"Oh yeah, I bet you would understand since you're constantly getting hurt, passing out, leaving the dangerous jobs to be done by someone else! You would definately understand!" Obi-Wan shouted at me. I kept a straight face, masking the pain he had just inflicted on me. After a moment of silence, I could tell he wanted to say more.

"Go on! Get it off of your chest!" I shouted at him. "We're here now, so you might as well say what's on your mind!"

"Fine! I think having you join this mission was a terrible idea!"

"Keep going, Kenobi! You're on a roll!" I shouted at him in anger, my words flowing with sarcasm as he paused.

"You're a stubborn, stupid, hideous idiot that always feels sorry for yourself! You think you've got it bad, a horrible life, well some of us aren't doing any better!"

"I do not have a horrible life! Ever since I decided to join the Jedi, I've been having an amazing life!"

"And what makes you say that?"

"I met someone who actually CARED about me!"

"And who was that?"

"Who do you think?" I asked him, my voice nearly a whisper. He looked down, not answering my question when he obviously knew the answer. I couldn't believe that after everything we had been through, that is what he truly thought of me. An idiot. A weak, helpless, hideous girl that couldn't look after herself.

"But the truth has come out. They don't anymore." I stated quietly, wiping away my tears on the back of my hand. I walked past Obi-Wan, opening the door to the house. Light flooded out, but the house didn't seem cozy anymore. It felt more like a trap, caving in around me, like the rest of my world.

"Denali, wait. I-" I didn't hear the rest of what he said as I closed the door shut behind me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He stood there, wondering why he had said those mean things to the girl he loved. He couldn't believe he had spoken such harmful words to the girl he had shared a vision with, the girl he had assumed he would marry in the future after seeing what he saw in his dreams. How regret filled his heart as he pulled his hand away from the door, slowly pressing his back against it. He slid down till he was sitting, his head in his hands as he silently cried.

He had ruined everything between himself and Denali. He had destroyed what little amount of friendship they had left. He felt like a monster, wondering what had pushed him to say such hatred-filled words.

Denali pressed her back against the door from the inside of the house, sliding down soundlessly. It seemed like whenever she spoke with Obi-Wan, she had always ended up crying. She hated that fact. She pulled her legs up against her chest, resting her head on her knee-caps.

"Denali? Is that you?" a voice said. She looked up and saw Anakin, Padme, and R2 looking right back at her. She quickly hid her face in her knees again, trying not to cry anymore, not knowing that Obi-Wan could hear ever word she said from outside.

"D-don't look at me...." she said, trying her hardest not to sob. ".....I'm hideous." she whispered. Obi-Wan could feel his heart constricting as he realized just how much damage he had done. Now she thought of herself in a way that no human being ever should.

"Who told you that?" Anakin said as he and Padme quickly pulled Denali to her feet. She sniffled, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand again as the three of them lead her into Anakin's room. Padme sat next to Denali on Anakin's bed, R2 stood in the middle of the room, and Anakin sat on his working table.

Obi-Wan couldn't hear her voice anymore, which was a good sign for him. He wiped away his tears on his sleeves, looking up at the night sky. He couldn't get her words out of his mind as he remembered all of the horrible  things he had said she was.





He hadn't said she was helpless specificlly, but he had made it perfectly clear that he had thought she couldn't take care of herself. He rested his head on his knees.

Everything he had said about her to her face were lies.

Absolutely everything.

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