Chapter Twenty-Five

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(Okay, so this chapter takes place a few days before Denali wakes up. I just thought I should let you know that. Alright, now you may read. (:  )

Chapter Twenty-five

I walked down the sandy streets, my cloak on, hiding my face. I didn't want any un-wanted witnesses seeing me. Master Jinn had told me that he would find me at one of the shops and bring me back to where they would be staying for awhile. I trusted my Master, so I did what he told me to. Now I was wandering around, trying to find my way.

The sand storm had died down a bit, making travel possible. I knew that I was really lucky. Walking from the ship into the small town all the way from the outskirts would've been a real pain. Even though people say sand storms are deadly, I would've done it anyway. I knew that Denali needed me, so I would do whatever I can to get to her. I needed to be by her side.

"Obi-Wan." I heard someone say my name. I turned around.

"Jeesa?" I said. The Gungan nodded.

"Come on, yousa need to come see Denali. Shesa issa worsening." Jeesa said as she grabbed onto my wrist, pulling me down the street.

"What do you mean she's getting worse?" I asked quickly. Jeesa began to chuckle.

"Mesa was just kidding. Denali issa fine. Shesa is just asleep like Master Jinn told yousa." she said to me as she lead me through the crowds of people. I took a deep breath, trying to get my heart beat back to normal. I could tell all of the people were here for the pod racing. My Master had told me that it was quite a spectacle.

After a few minutes of walking, some wrong turns, and Jeesa getting us lost more than once, we finally arrived at the small dome-shaped house made of hard blocks of sand. It had a few small windows, but other than that you really couldn't see what it looked like on the inside. I followed Jeesa into the small house, closing the door behind me as I entered.

"Obi-Wan." I heard my Master say as I entered. I looked around. The house was warm and cozy, providing solitude from the blizzard of sand outside. Qui-Gon gave me a small smile as he entered the room. He was followed by the Queen's handmaiden, a woman in grey-ish blue-ish robes, and Jar Jar.

"Hello, Master." I said.

"Obi-Wan, this is Shmi Skywalker. Her son was kind enough to offer us shelter till Denali wakes." he said, introducing the woman.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I said with a smile.

"It's nice to know that you're going to be watching over Denali while we're at the race tomorrow. She's a really nice girl, I hope she wakes up soon. Anakin has enjoyed her stay with us." Shmi said to me as she took my cloak, hanging it on a hangar in a closet near the front door.

"Oh yessa yessa." Jeesa said mischeviously. I could see she and Padme try and hide their giggles from me, but I still heard them. Something had happened that I didn't know about, and it was making me nervous.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She's in Anakin's room. The young boy willingly offered to let her use his bed." Qui-Gon told me as he lead me to Anakin's room. I looked inside and saw a small boy on his knees beside Denali as she slept. His back was facing me, but I could tell that this boy had a worried look on his face.

"Ani, we have another visitor." Shmi said as she entered the room first. The boy turned around. Sure enough, he looked as worried as if his own life was at stake. "Ani, this is Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's Master Jinn's apprentice." Anakin stood up, brushing the sand off of his knees, and extended his hand to me.

"It's nice to meet you." he said as I shook his hand. There was something in his voice that I couldn't detect, all I knew was that it was hostile in some sort of way. He let go of my hand, then turned around and got back on his knees beside Denali as if Master Jinn, Shmi, and I hadn't even entered the room.

"Ani, you don't have to watch her anymore. Obi-Wan is here, he'll watch her from now on." Shmi said as she walked over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder. He didn't look up at her.

"Can I watch her, too?" he asked in a silent voice. Shmi and Master Jinn looked at me, searching for my approval. "Please, she's....she's the greatest friend I've ever had. She trusts me, she told me herself in Watto's shop. I want to be here for her. She would be here for me if I was in her place."

"You should get some rest, Ani. It's getting late."

"I'll sleep on the floor in here."

"Ani, Master Jinn said that she won't wake up for a few days. You're not going to miss-"

"It's alright, he can stay if he wants to." I chimed in. Anakin quickly looked up at me, a thankful smile appearing on his face.

"Are you sure, Obi-Wan?" Qui-Gon asked. I nodded.

"It's getting late, I'll get you two some pillows and blankets." Shmi said and left the room. I sat down in a chair beside Denali's bed, Anakin on his knees a few feet from me.

"Well, I think I should be getting some rest as well. Good night, Anakin. Good night, Obi-Wan." Master Jinn said to us. We said 'Good night' back, then we were the only ones in the room with Denali. Anakin didn't move his eyes from her closed ones.

"How long have you known Denali?" I asked him. He was silent for a second.

"I met her earlier today. But she was so kind to me, she treated me like a person. Not a slave. She had asked me questions about myself, she was actually interested in my past and my thoughts. No one I have ever met has ever cared about my opinion, besides my mother, of course." he told me. Then he looked at me.

"She told me alot about you."

I could feel myself stiffen.

"What exactly did she say?" I asked him.

"She told me how you rescued her when she was little. She said that you had saved her from her older brother. She kept saying what a hero you were to her." Anakin said. I could feel my cheeks turning red as I tried to hide my blushing.

"I just did what any other good Jedi would've done." I stated modestly.

"Here are some blankets and pillows, do you need anything else?" Shmi asked as she came in, her hands carrying two pillows and two blankets. She handed me one of each, and handed Anakin the other two.

"I'm fine, thank you." I said to her.

"I'm alright, too, Mom." Anakin said as he set his pillow down on the floor, right next to Denali's bed. Shmi smiled at her son.

"Alright. Good night, boys." she said as she walked out. We replied, 'Good night'. I set my pillow down a few feet away from Anakin's and laid my blanket down as well, using it kind of like a mattress. Anakin did that as well. I lay down, my head on my pillow as I stared up at the ceiling.

"Obi-Wan." I heard Anakin say. I turned my head to look at him. He was looking over at Denali as she slept, the sound of her steady breathing filling the quiet room.

"You love her, don't you?" Anakin asked.

I immediately denied it.

"I don't love her. Jedi aren't allowed to form attachments. She's a great friend, but even having friends is pushing it a little too far. Friends are attachments, too." I said quickly, staring up at the ceiling. I didn't want him to know how I truly felt about her. My emotions were my property, I don't need to share them if I don't want to.

"I know you do." Anakin said with a tired yawn.

"And what makes you think that?" I asked him. But by now he was halfway asleep. He rolled over on his side, facing me. His eyes were closed, but he was still barely awake. He yawned again.

"Because you're hiding your emotions."

"Jedi aren't suppose to share their emotions."

"Denali shared hers with me. Let me ask you something, has she ever told you about the visions she's been having about one of the members from her old bounty hunter gang?" he asked me, his eyes open now. I was silent, continuing to look up at the ceiling. It was true, I hadn't heard about the visions she was having. I knew that she was having them, I just never knew what they were about.

"Watch yourself, Padawan. Because it looks like I just might steal your spot as her best friend."

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