Chapter Eleven

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"Has everything gone as planned, my apprentice?" 

The blue hologram was the only source of light in the dark, cluttered room. Empty crates were piled high to the ceiling, casting tall shadows along the walls like pillars towering over the hooded individual standing before the glowing image. Though his surroundings were dark and he knew the two failed clone armies had broken free of their bonds, Kit Fisto felt at a certain ease with the situation. 

"Yes, master." He answered monotonously, almost robotically. As if he were in some sort of trance, the man nodded his head and proceeded to address his new leader. "With the aid of the Kaminoans and their knowledge, we've managed to accelerate the pace of the infants' development. In a few hours, they should be ready for evacuation." Fisto's new "master" smiled evilly beneath the folds of his cloak.

"Good, very good. I'm pleased Dooku managed to sway you over to our side before his downfall. You've become quite a beneficial ally. Do you like the gift we've given you?"

Kit subconsciously rubbed the crimson stone implanted in the side of his neck, the edges of the oval-shaped object still covered in flakes of dried blood despite the constant ooze of red dripping down his green throat.

"Indeed." He replied, though his mind was hazy and he felt like the words were leaving someone else's mouth. "I sincerely appreciate the new skills and abilities you have opened my eyes to." A scripted line, something he'd said plenty of times before. Though the words were bland as they fell from Kit's tongue, the hooded figure took them as assurance and they pleased him greatly. 

"Well done, Master Fisto. Well done."

The hologram flickered away, leaving the clouded Nautolan man with his own thoughts as he began to think of some way to escape the planet without being followed by his new, unwanted visitors.


At the sound of the voice, Obi-Wan got to his feet and, with heavy steps, slowly began to walk towards it. A few yards away, there was a second hallway to his left where he knew that if he stood before it, he would've been able to see the owner of the voice approaching.

He didn't want to see who it was. He honestly didn't care, since it would most likely end up being someone he didn't know. A Kaminoan nurse, or lab assistant who sounded strangely like his dead wife. Maybe one of their patients here who'd been left behind accidentally when the facility had been evacuated due to the escaped rogue clones. They were none of his concern.

But his feet still kept walking.

Slowly, step after step, one foot in front of the other. It was more because of muscle-memory than Obi-Wan actually telling his body to move that his legs provided motion for the rest of himself. He didn't know why his heart was thundering in his ears, or why his breathing was slowly starting to grow uneven. He didn't know why his chest was starting to ache, or why his adrenaline was beginning to flow through his veins. But then he heard the feminine voice again, only this time it was accompanied by another.

"-quiet down. You don't know what he's been through the past few months. You're not going to like what he's turned into, what he's become since..."

"Since what? Since I died?" It was then that Obi-Wan realized that the newer voice was Anakin, but he didn't want to believe who his previous apprentice was talking to. He didn't want to think that it was her, to even suspect that she was alive. What would she think if she saw him? If she knew just how far he'd fallen because he couldn't cope with losing her in the first place? "We've both been through a lot, we all have. But we've been apart for too long. I need to see him, Ani."


They stepped out into the open then, stopping right in the center of the hall, only a few yards away from where Obi-Wan was. Their conversation was cut short when the two saw him standing there, and he stopped walking when his red eyes fell to his wife. Anakin hadn't changed much since the last time he'd seen him, except for his hair which had grown nearly an inch in the last few months. Dressed in his usual dark Jedi robes with his lightsaber hilt hanging from his belt at his side, Anakin was carrying Denali's body bridal-style protectively against his chest.

Though it was difficult to tell at first glance, Denali was a shadow of what she used to be. Wearing only the white medical clothes provided by the Kaminoans, she looked much different than she had before. The fabric hung limply from her body, which had lost a considerable amount of weight in the last few months, and the white cloth was stained with red from an injury to her hand she cradled. Dark circles rested beneath her eyes, indicating that she hadn't had a good night's sleep in weeks, and her lips were dry and cracked. She was a complete mess. 

But she was alive.

Anakin hardly had any time to move before Denali leaped from his arms and Obi-Wan crossed the distance between them in only a few long strides. The two embraced each other for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, clinging to the shattered remnants of who the other person had been and what fractured pieces of their past-selves remained. They were holding their breaths, as if letting go would break whatever dream they'd fallen into, and felt the tears of relief growing inside themselves before they spilled out onto their cheeks and dripped onto the carpet beneath them.

When they finally broke apart, it was only for a second before Obi-Wan pulled his wife into a deep, loving kiss, one which Denali was more than happy to return.

"I left the Order," Obi-Wan blurted, his hands gently cupping her face and his thumb wiped away her tears once the kiss had broken. "I did it the day of the battle. I walked straight up to the Council, told them everything, and left without looking back. I chose you, Denali. I chose you."

At first, Denali had been terrified with just how much Obi-Wan had changed. His new, dark outfit and his red eyes that seemed to glow were frightening and much more Sith-like than Denali would've liked to admit. But then, as they both cried their tears of joy and held each other in their arms once again, she could see his vision clearing and his crimson eyes turn back to their original sky blue. He wasn't completely gone, despite what Anakin told her only minutes before. He was still here.

And that's all that mattered.


I'm sorry for such a short chapter, guys. But life has been hectic and I've been working a lot on my clone fanfic (which y'all should totally check out since I personally believe its awesome due to the fact that it revolves around Rex and a new squad I think you guys would enjoy). It's called 'The Varactyl Squadron Commander', and I'd probably say its one of my better works. I'm not saying you have to read it, but its a good change from all the Jedi drama if you want to deal with clone drama instead.

I hope you've enjoyed this story so far! Don't be afraid to vote and leave a comment if your heart desires! Thanks again for reading! :)


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