Chapter Six

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"Kit Fisto, you bastard!"

He'd cloned him. Kit Fisto had cloned her brother. And he didn't just clone him once, no. He'd cloned him thousands, if not millions, of times. He'd cloned a damn army of the most dangerous man Denali had ever had the misfortune of knowing.

It was a matter of survival, now.

Now Denali had no choice but to get free, find her children, and get the hell off the planet. Because if even one of those clones broke free, she and her babies were doomed. They'd hunt her down with their crooked half-living smiles and make her suffer more than she'd ever suffered before. They'd break every bone in her body, one by one, then do the same to her infants still developing in their bacta tanks. They would die, and Kit Fisto would be to blame.

Blood dripped down her fingers and soaked her restraints as they dug into her flesh. With each yank, each desperate tug to break free, they rubbed and scraped her skin. In mere minutes, both of her hands were layered in a horrifying coat of crimson. A sticky, wet layer of crimson...

Sticky and wet...breaking bones...

The idea that appeared in her mind was one she knew she was going to regret, one she knew was going to hurt. But it was the only way. She was a mother now, and it was a mother's responsibility to do whatever it takes to keep her children safe. Even if it meant harming herself.

She took a deep breath, then another, as she tried to calm herself down and slow her beating heart. It would only hurt more if she was panicking. If her hands were smaller, they would've been able to slide easily through the chains. Along with using the blood as a sort of lubricant, it would be a piece of cake. But she couldn't shrink her hands. There was only one way she could possibly change their form. And it was going to be painful.

She couldn't use the Force on the chains, but she knew she could use it on herself.

Denali decided to start with her left, since she was right-handed and figured maybe once her left hand was free, she could somehow find a way to unlock the chains without having to break her right hand as well. She took a deep breath, then let it out, then repeated the process.


Her vision flashed from black to red to white as the pain overwhelmed her senses. She didn't bother trying to hold in her screams of agony. No one was coming before when she was shouting, so she didn't expect anyone to come now. For a split second, she felt as if she was going to pass out, and used that moment to her advantage. Just before she could black out, she slid her bloody, crippled hand through the restraints and placed it in her lap.

Then the world turned dark.


Danik didn't know why they'd taken him from his cell, all he knew was that for some reason he couldn't immediately kill them on sight. He didn't know what species had developed his restraints, but he made sure to make a mental note that said he'd destroy every last one of them once he broke out. In his opinion, power shouldn't be restrained. Power should be free, unleashed, unharnessed and without a master. These chains were the exact opposite of his beliefs and everything he stood for.

His captors placed him in a white room with no furniture, just a large window looking into the cloning facility. No bed, no table, no cabinets or chairs. Just an enormous window that made up the entire wall, no doubt Force-resistant as well.

As he stood and waited for whatever was about to happen next, the man began to pace back and forth in front of the window, glancing once in a while at the clones in their bacta tanks as they continued to grow at an unusual speed into adulthood.

Then he felt it, a presence. It wasn't a dangerous presence, though it felt as if it were wrapping around his neck like a cobra. For a moment, he thought it might've been his master somewhere in the facility as well, rescuing him. But that possibility quickly fled when he remembered his master was not one for rescues, he never did his own dirty work.

Slowly, the strange Force presence began to crawl up his neck to the side of his head, gently urging him to look out the window. There was nothing threatening about the weird aura, nothing that told Danik the thing wanted to cause him harm. So Danik obeyed and looked out the window.

At first, there seemed to be nothing wrong with the view. The clones sat in their bacta tanks like animals being grown in a jar and that was that. Nothing alluring or mysterious there, just a bunch of fake men floating in vats of blue goo.

But then he blinked and squinted his eyes.

And immediately stepped back.

The things floating in the bacta tanks were definitely clones, but not the kind he'd seen before. They weren't replicas of Jango Fett. They weren't even men. They were women. Thousands upon thousands of women, each one exactly the same as the other. Slowly, they began to open their eyes and cruel, evil grins appeared on their closed lips. He took another step back.

Because an army made up entirely of his younger sister was staring back at him.


The pain hit him like a wall. Out off nowhere, it suddenly became harder to breathe and his eyesight grew fuzzy. With each laboring breath he took, it felt as if something were restraining his lungs, like a snake had slithered inside his body and was constricting around his upper torso.

He couldn't describe the agony shooting through his left hand.

He blinked his eyes and checked to make sure his fingers hadn't suddenly been crushed by an anvil, to make sure his hand was still intact. But no matter how hard he squinted, his fingers didn't look broken. His hand appeared to be fine. But if his hand wasn't broken, then why was he in so much pain?

He couldn't worry about it then; he was less than twenty minutes from his destination. Twenty minutes from his revenge. If it was just the Force playing tricks on him, he could swallow the pain for the time being. Shove it down and lock it away, like he was trying to do with his emotions.

"This is Kamino Facility 13, please identify yourself."

Obi-Wan flinched and tried to steady himself, then waved his hand in front of the ship's communication device.

"You don't need identification."

"I don't need identification."

"You will let me land and not inform anyone of my presence here."

"I will let you land and not inform anyone of your presence here."

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