~Part Two~

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~Part Two~

~The New Generation~

The galaxy is in shambles. Fifteen years have passed since the fall of the Republic and Order 66 was issued, plunging hundreds upon hundreds of worlds into an era of darkness. As the Empire continues to rise in power, led by the evil Emperor Palpatine and his second in command Darth Verrat, trillions of people across the stars are losing hope in the future and what it may hold for their families and themselves.

Hidden in the darkest reaches of space, three sisters separated at birth are growing up in three very different environments: the oldest taken under the wing of Rahm Kota, a former Jedi general and leader of a small battalion in the Outer Rim slowly growing in numbers, the youngest being raised by Anakin Skywalker, along with his wife and two children of their own on a planet drowning in sand, and the final daughter falling under the jurisdiction of Senator Bail Organa, a politician loved by many and admired by all on his pleasant home-world of Alderaan.

As deadly tensions rise in the Senate where assassinations happen on the daily, a rebellion in the making endures trouble with a treasonous spy hidden among them, and tusken raiders threaten the safety and lively hood of a family in hiding, the triplets are faced to make decisions no teenager should ever be forced to make, fight battles that they never thought they'd have to fight, and learn things about themselves that would change everything they'd ever thought they knew...


There are some jobs in this universe that require little to no knowledge, that are so simple that a box of rocks could earn a degree on the topic. Some jobs are so effortless that a toddler could become the head of its department. Other tasks are complex, difficult, absolutely unbearably impossible. Sometimes a task hits you upside the head when you least expect it.

But when your mastery of an obstacle is in your damn job-description, you sure as hell better know what you're doing or the task won't be the thing to hit you.

"You had one job!" The girl screamed in rage as the control panel of buttons began to flash and spark wildly, flashes of white, yellow, and blue shooting and ricocheting off the walls of the bridge. She held her hands up to shield her face and struggled to find the shut-down switch along the doorway, the one she'd personally installed after one too-many incidents exactly like this one had taken place. "You had one damn job!"

"Hey, shut up!" The new guy yelled back as he was cowering behind a plastic crate. The Duros hacker let out a yelp as a blast of red zipped past his face, and he pulled his knees to his chest. "You didn't tell me their firewall was booby-trapped!"

"You said you could hack anything! It should've been easy for you to get past that, moron! That's your fricking job!" Her hand finally managed to smash against the switch she'd been looking for and the spastic sparks ceased. The room was plunged into darkness, the only sound now being their heavy breaths and the fizz of fried circuits.

This idiot, this imbecile, had been so highly spoken of throughout the black market. For ten years, Cren Dioni had put his skills with technology to very good use, managing to steal millions upon millions of credits from the wealthiest people in the galaxy right under their very noses. For ten years, this Duros man handled electronics like he'd been conceived by a protocal droid, as if there was no telling where the man ended and a robotic existence began.

Not once had anyone ever heard of Cren Dioni being unable of hacking a typical empirical freighter's systems. Shen had had just about enough of this guy's BS.

"Shen? Dioni? What the hell is going on in there?" Rahm Kota shouted from the cargo bay, he and his men all prepared to raid their target of its treasures and resources. What they didn't know was that the freighter had caught wind of their hacking-mishap, all thanks to the "master hacker" everyone admired so. Someone was screwing them over, and for the first time in a long while, it wasn't the Empire.

With a swift grab of her hand and a press of a button, her white lightsaber came to life and bathed the room in a menacingly mysterious glow. The Duros stood only a few feet away, inches from the door, his eyes as wide as a deer caught in the headlights of a speeder. In an instant, the teenage girl had the tip of her blade beneath his throat, the weapon buzzing in her grasp as the heat from the white saber began to evaporate the sweat dripping down his face.

The coward was trying to escape.

"You're not going anywhere, Cren," He put his hands up and slowly began to back out of the bridge into the light of the hallway, Shendira following and never taking her furious eyes off of him. It was then that the lights in the hall turned red and an alarm began to echo through the entire ship, like a wounded animal barking out in pain. They'd been spotted by the enemy, and Shendira knew for a fact that reinforcements would be arriving for the freighter soon. With their ship hosting only twenty individuals, the small group of rebels didn't stand a chance for what the Empire would have in store.

"If we're going down, we're taking you with us."

He gulped.


The sun was shining that morning, peering through the clouds with brilliant rays of light on Alderaan's capitol city. Buildings that skimmed the sky glittered like jewels and the sound of people and vehicles filled the air, bringing life to an already-lively city. The smell of freshly grown fruits and vegetables were strong and a multitude of color splashed from one vendor's stand to the others.

"Come along, sweetheart," Bail Organa urged his daughter as the duo made their way through Alderaan's markets, weaving their way through the bustling crowds where everyone was carrying some form of food, electronic accessories, or article of clothing in their arms. It wasn't hard for Deidre to get distracted by the energy around her, which caused problems on more than one occasion for the senator. Though she was a very intelligent person, the teenager couldn't help but be pulled into the festive action that gave the street markets their certain charms.

Wordlessly, she obeyed her father's wishes and managed to pull her gaze from the sizzling pans of meat, quick chefs chopping up fruits into beautiful salads, stunning women trying on scarves and jewelry, and handsome men bartering for better prices on latest gadget deliveries. Deidre shifted the light cloth shielding the lower half of her face from view and continued to walk after Bail.

This wasn't the first time her father had taken her on one of his senator outings, it was a normal occurrence that Deidre actually quite enjoyed. It gave her a reason to get out of their penthouse, escape her mother's overbearing watch and see the outside world for what it truly was, not just from their balcony or peering through the gaps between their bodyguards' shoulders.

The farther the duo walked, the more the gathering of bodies began to thin out and the scents of cooking meals simmered away. She felt a small pang in her gut as the wanting of something deep-fried grew, but she knew her mother would've frowned upon it. After all, "since no one can see your face, the least you could do is keep that figure in check".

At least Deidre had her father, who knew that these outings were just as much of a break for his daughter as they were for him. He'd always been the more understanding between him and her mother, regardless of their difference in gender. If anyone asked her, she'd say she never had a favorite parent. But in all honesty, Bail was always the one she went to as a child after stubbing her toe or tripping down the stairs. She had a clumsy childhood.

Little did she know that a stubbed toe would be painless compared to what was in store.

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