Chapter 13: Assassin's First Wave

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((Note: 4.5K VIEWS?! You guys... No! no tears. I wish my My Hero Academia OC Story grows as well. Please check it out when you get the chance. Anyway, 1 of 3 chapters Started. Let's do this!))


Khiry, Mordred, Astolfo, & Atalanta are staying inside the hotel. Khiry is making a bunch of medicines, ranging from Potions to Weak Sleeping Potions.

Astolfo: Wow, those potions are coming along.

Mordred: By the way, why did we spend our night holed up in this pathic excuse of the kingdom?

Khiry: Is it because of our magical energy or mana?

Mordred: My mana's not the issue here.

Atalanta: Perhaps you are scared?

Mordred: Of course not! I just hate this place & all this dilly-dallying!

Astolfo: I will admit, it is easy to defend & hard to attack.

Mordred: I was a knight, you all know! & besides, it's just weird!

Khiry: You do know you can go outside by yourself.

Mordred then rolls around in her queen-size bed.

Mordred: But it is boring alone!

Khiry sweatdropped at this moment.

Khiry(Mind): Shouldn't her child phrase be gone already? Then again, it is a bit hard to tell about their body physic.

Mordred: Hey, partner. 

Khiry: Huh?

Mordred: What area of effect does your Noble Phantasm have?

Khiry: I don't know. Since I got a chance to create a Noble Phantasm, the limitless could be endless.

Khiry looks at the counter to see 00/99.

Khiry(Mind): Endless...

Khiry: How is the area of effect?

Astolfo: Varies on your Noble Phantasm.

Mordred: My & Archer's Noble Phantasm has a large area of effect.

Khiry: I see.

Mordred: I can't use it if I'm surrounded by subjects.

Khiry & Astolfo then look at each other surprised to hear Mordred's words, then look back at Mordred.

Khiry: Don't worry. I'll take care of the collateral damage... my King.

Mordred is surprised to hear what Khiry just said.

Mordred: What did you just call me?

Khiry: My king. You just called civilians, "subjects". That is a word reserved for those who rule. I believe your wish is to become the monarch. Do you have any issue with me calling you that?

Mordred: Um, no. None at all.

Astolfo: Don't worry. I will make sure that the civilians won't get caught in the crossfire.

Khiry: Sweet.

Mordred: Attacking innocent people to replenish our mana is also strictly prohibited.

Khiry, Astolfo, Atalanta: Right!

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Hippogriff

The next morning is the day of the Wave of catastrophe. Khiry, Mordred, Astolfo, & Atalanta are outside as the sun is now rising. 

Khiry: Ok, now let's go over what we are going to do: We are going to defeat these enemies in the waves, defending the innocents, & cause little to no collateral damage. Not to mention no civilians are in our crossfire & revert to calling each other by class names.

Mordred, Astolfo, Atalanta: Right.

Khiry: Mordred. I need you to be in your armor & conceal your identity.

Mordred: Right.

Astolfo: Ooh! Can I bring out my Noble Phantasm?

Khiry: What is it?

Astolfo: Hippogriff.

Khiry: Hippogriff? Hmm...

Khiry then thought about it, then nodded. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. The group then were teleported outside the kingdom & into the outskirts of the forest. As everyone looks around, Astolfo looks at the sky.

Astolfo: Hey, look.

Khiry, Mordred, & Atalanta look at the sky to see the waves of catastrophe as the sky is blood red.

Khiry: So that's the Wave of Catastrophe.

The blue spirals are sending their enemies all over the place, ranging from killer bees to golems. Astolfo then whistles as a golden ray of light-headed towards him. It stopped to see it was his Hippogriff.

Astolfo: I'll take care of the flying ones.

Khiry: Make sure you will keep an eye out for those heroes.

Atalanta: Why?

There was a flare being fired in the sky.

Khiry: A flare...?

Astolfo: That's from the village of lute!

Atalanta: They weren't evacuated.

Khiry: Those golems aren't letting us by then. Rider... Saber...

Astolfo then got on his Hippogriff & fly into the sky. A golem was about to attack, but Mordred caught it.

Mordred: You got it, Assassin!

Mordred then decided to take out the golems, letting Khiry & Atalanta head towards the lute village. 

Khiry: Once we get there, Archer, you are my long-range support. Find a spot that is okay for you.

Atalanta: Right.

As the villagers of lute are worried, Naofumi is trying to lure the monster to him. Fortunately, Atalanta found a spot as Khiry then made it inside the village.

Naofumi: Listen up! I'll keep them occupied! Get out of here while you can!

An arrow then went into an undead's head, causing him to fall as Naofumi looking to see who shot that. He then found Atalanta.

Naofumi: Atalanta!

Atalanta: Lure as many as you can away from the people! 

Naofumi: What?!

Atalanta: Just do it!

Naofumi then runs & grabs a torch as he then runs to the tower. Meanwhile, Khiry cut & stab each undead, saving a few villagers in the making. Naofumi already climbs the tower & rang the bell to lure them. Naofumi looks at Atalanta, who nodded at him. Naofumi then jumps out of the tower & landed safely.

Atalanta(Mind): I hope this works.

Atalanta activate her Noble Phantasm.

Atalanta: This is an offering to the two Gods. Phoebus Catastrophe!

Atalanta shot the arrow in the air as the light rain down multiple light arrows, killing a bunch of undead as the village houses are barely destroyed.

Atalanta: Little to no damage. 

Atalanta then sees an undead giant monster slowly heading toward him, but vines quickly inbound him.

Khiry: Raphtalia!

Raphtalia quickly slices him, killing it in the process.

Naofumi: Khiry, Raphtalia, well done.

Villager #1: A-amazing.

Khiry: Everyone, evacuate now! We'll handle things here.

As the villagers then nodded, Khiry, Atalanta, Naofumi & Raphtalia then look at the undead. Atalanta then turns her eyes & ears to see knights casting magic in the sky.

Atalanta: Assassin!

Khiry then looks up & activated his Eyes of Heavens. When the magic burst into the rain of fire, they then vanished in thin air. Naofumi & Raphtalia are surprised to see that. Khiry then sees knights coming towards them.

Commander: Hey, Shield Hero! Did you do this to our attack?

Naofumi:  No! 

One of the knights then recognizes Khiry.

Knight #1: Look, that's the guy that attacked the cartridge! If we--

Khiry quickly dashes to the knight & then slice twice down on the wind skeleton & a fire imp that was about to attack the knight. It died, causing Khiry to turn to the knights.

Khiry: If you cowards want to run away & head to the other heroes, I will allow it! Otherwise, stand your ground & fight.

The knight commander is getting pissed.

Knight Commander: Hey, you! You don't--

Khiry interrupted the knight commander by doing the same thing that Mordred did to him as all the knights got scared.

Khiry: Live or die, assholes. Make your choice.

The knight commander then ran back to the other heroes. Khiry then shakes his hand in disappointment. 

Knight #2: Support the Shield Hero! Phalanx formation!

The remaining knights then went into Phalanx formation as Khiry is surprised, then smiled as the knights help them, while the other two knights leave.

???: Assassin!

Khiry then looks up to see Astolfo coming down toward them.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama, Khiry-sama! Look at the sky!

The spirals are going away as the sky went back to normal. Atalanta & Mordred then regroup with the others as the village of Lute didn't suffer a lot.

Khiry: Little to no collateral damage. Astolfo, find anyone who is wounded & bring them here.

Astolfo: Right!

Astolfo then went to find people. Khiry then turns to Atalanta.

Khiry: What was that? 

Atalanta: My Noble Phantasm: Phoebus Catastrophe. I have sent a complaint letter to the arrow, in which I seek divine protection from the Sun God Apollo & the Moon Goddess Athena.

Khiry & Mordred look at the damage from her Noble Phantasm.

Khiry: So that's what you mean by area of effect.

Atalanta: I am very sorry, partner.

Khiry: It's ok. As long as we didn't attack any civilians, I can help them gain some more wood.

Atalanta: You don't mean...

Khiry smiled at Atalanta & brought out Spring Envy.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi knight commander running away.

Khiry POV

The sun is setting, Trees are growing to produce some wood for their houses, & I am treating the wounded with all the potions I created.

???: Sir Heroes...

I then look at what the villager leader.

Village leader: Thank you so much. We couldn't have made it without the both of you.

Naofumi: Thank your lucky stars, not me.

Me: Naofumi...

Naofumi then looks at me.

Me: They are being grateful. 

Naofumi: I guess.

Raphtalia: We prevented at least a few kids from going through what I did, right?

Atalanta: I am satisfied.

I then look at the bag they were filled with fire shards, a wind ring, & a fire crystal.


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