Chapter 15: Rider's Pet

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((Note: 6K views?! That is crazy! Now, during the winter, I will get this story done...assuming that I make it before April 2022. I probably did not make it. Anyway, Let's do this!))

Khiry POV

After the "lesson" I taught Motoyasu, We are in front of the King to collect our reward from the wave.

King: As a reward for your efforts during the Wave & for fulfilling my request, Motoyasu-dono will receive 4,000 silvers, & Itsuki-dono & Ren-dono will receive 3,800. & as agreed upon, I have aside 500 silvers for the Shield & the hooded hero. However... Since it was offset by killing two of my best guards, she will not receive her funds this time.

Itsuki: I don't think that's gonna fly.

I then look at Itsuki.

Itsuki: You interfere in her duel & now you refuse to pay her for what she deserves?

Ren: Right? If you followed the rules...

Me(Kasumi): Kasumi. 

Ren: Kasumi won that duel.

Motoyasu: Wha...

Malty: You've mistaken, Itsuki-Sama, Ren-sama. It was a one-on-one duel, & the hooded hero used poison, made by the shield hero. That's why father didn't declare her the victor

Me(Kasumi): The Shield Hero didn't make that weak poison. I did. I gave the bottle to Naofumi for safekeeping. Plus you cheated by using a magic spell that backfired. I may use a bit of poison early before our duel, but outside interference by a party member is still illegal.

Ren: When the wave hit, it was Naofumi & Kasumi who defended the village in the knights' stead. I believe she must be compensated in some way.

King: Very well. I shall afford her the minimum agreed amount.

The man gave me the bag.

Me(Kasumi): Pleasure doing business with you, king dumbass.

I then turn to my group.

Me(Kasumi): Let us continue our work somewhere else.

Naofumi: Kasumi.

I then look at Naofumi.

Naofumi: Is it ok to meet somewhere?

Me(Kasumi): Ok.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Kasumi

The group & I then decided to walk around.

Astolfo: That was crazy!

Atalanta: I can't believe Ren & Itsuki would help you.

Me(Kasumi): In their defense, those two will honor a duel more than King Dumbass & Princess Bitch. Although... 

I look at the castle. 

Me(Kasumi): Those royals will fall.

Astolfo: How will you do that?

Me(Kasumi): I will do what I must.

Mordred: Still, only 500 silvers for help saving a village.

Me(Kasumi): Actually, the king didn't know this but...

I open the bag to show them it was 500 gold.

((Fun fact: The author's stated currency conversion rate is: 1 gold = 100 silver = 10,000 bronze. Dinner for a single adult at the inn Naofumi stays at is said to be 5 bronze. A night at an inn is said to be 30 bronze, or $78.00, which is a reasonable rate depending on locale, so the conversion seems to hold water.))

Astolfo: 500 gold!

Atalanta: The King didn't know about this...?

Me(Kasumi): I don't think so. Anyway, let's find Naofumi.

Astolfo: There he is.

We then see Naofumi waving.


Naofumi then leads the group to a place where they meet a short, creepy-looking man.

Khiry(Kasumi): Naofumi...?

Naofumi: I know, but...

Naofumi then look at Atalanta.

Naofumi: I'm sorry.

Atalanta: I already know. 

Naofumi: Atalanta...

Atalanta: I'm not mad at you.

Raphtalia: Atalanta!

Raphtalia then hug Atalanta.

Khiry(Kasumi): So, what is it that you want to show me?

Naofumi then show him(her) a box of monster eggs.

Khiry(Kasumi): What's that?

Slave Trader: A monster egg lottery? Pay 100 silvers, & you're guaranteed at least a fiolial! You'll win a monster chick that'll double in value if you raise it well.

Naofumi: A fiolial?

Khiry(Kasumi): You mean those monster birds that was pulling cartridges in town?

Raphtalia: Yes. You must have seen them around.

Naofumi: Oh, those?

Khiry(Kasumi): They almost reminded me of chocobo.

Slave Trader: What's more, if you hit the jackpot, you'll win a dragon worth 20 gold pieces!

Naofumi then quickly look at Khiry(Kasumi) when he said, "dragon." (S)He then show 2 gold towards the Slave Trader.

Khiry(Kasumi): We will take one of each.

After Khiry(Kasumi) paid for two eggs, one for him(her) & one for Naofumi, They were walking with their group.

Naofumi: Don't you think you are showing favoritism?

Khiry(Kasumi): Dragons, Naofumi. Dragons...

Khiry(Kasumi) then bounced up & down like a kid as Naofumi just look at his(her) face.

Naofumi: Khiry...

Khiry(Kasumi): I know. "Assassin."

Khiry then change back to normal.

Naofumi: I... I had an illusion.

Khiry: An illusion...? What did you see?

Naofumi is a bit scared to tell Khiry what did he saw & causes a new power.

Khiry: Naofumi...

Naofumi: I saw that idiot... stab you... from the back... & straight through the chest. I was so mad... But when I snap out of it... it just...

Khiry: Naofumi. What you just saw was could be an illusion. Besides, even if you earn the hero names like those three... You guys will never take a drop of blood of me.

Astolfo: But that doesn't you will die.

Khiry & Naofumi then look at Astolfo.

Khiry: What do you mean...?

Mordred: It is better that we tell Khiry about this alone. Besides, he did told us that we will be meeting our informer.

Khiry: Oh, yeah. I did. We are heading to a "special town" for us. Don't worried. I think I can bring you there soon.

Naofumi: We will be heading towards the village of Lute. 

Khiry: Ok.

Khiry & his group then headed to Trifas city as Raphtalia then look at Naofumi.

Raphtalia: what do you think they will be talking about, Naofumi-sama?

Naofumi: They are probably going to talk about something important.

Khiry POV

After our walking trip to Trifas City, we went to Medea's magic shop as they told me something very important.

Me: I can die? I have been transformed into a servant, but I can still die?

Astolfo: Well, yeah.

Atalanta: Listen, Khiry. You may be a servant, a new spirit, but you can still be harm. Even this world, you can die two ways: Either by being harm magically or if your master dies.

Me: So... Since they have legendary weapon with magical property, they can harm me?

Mordred: ONLY, when you are at your most exposed, or when they have special conditions in their favor like surprise or suitability against the opponent.

Me: Hmmm...

Medea: I can help you learn more about servants. In fact, I heard that you are what we called...a demi-servant.

Mordred: Demi-servant?

Medea then approached to me.

Medea: Here are two books that should help you learn more about them.

I then look at the books, one about a servant & one about a demi-servant.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Ren & Itsuki


Khiry & Mordred are asleep in their room with Mordred is the bed & Khiry at the table with the book open when the egg started to cracked. The noise then woke up Khiry as he then see the egg is moving a little bit.

Khiry: Mordred. Mordred.

Mordred: Huh? What?

Khiry: The egg.

Mordred got up as they went closer to see that the monster broke its shell. They then see a red bird. It then flew on top of Khiry's head.

Mordred: It must be imprinting you as it mother. I am considered a cat person.

The bird then flew to the bag filled with fire shard. Khiry then see it grab the fire crystal with it talons unless the fire from the crystal was activated from the bird.

Khiry: Uh... Mordred, I don't think this is the fiolial.

Mordred: Why?

Khiry: That fire crystal just reacted with the bird holding it with its talons.

Mordred then look at the bird, then see something inside the shell. She picked up a small roll-up paper.

Mordred: Khiry, there is a roll up paper in its shell.

Khiry: How is that possible?

Mordred handle Khiry the roll up as he then unroll it. Both he & Mordred then look at the writing on it & it look like the same writing on the tablet early.

Mordred: Hey, I can read this one.

Khiry & Mordred: —Mounted Knight and Heroic Spirit of the Mount. Experts of the mount able to tame any beast, be it mythical or mechanical.—

Khiry & Mordred then got their appearance change for their Rider class. Khiry is now in a combination of a flight suit and body armor. It consists of blue pants, blue form-fitting armor, and a red helmet as well as a single pauldron on his right shoulder. He always carries a sidearm in a holster on his right hip. Mordred is now in a red two-piece bikini, holding a surfboard. Khiry takes the helmet off & see it from the front. 

Khiry: This form gives me Captain Falcon. Sweet. Hey, Mord--

Khiry stop & blushed to see Mordred's Rider form.

Mordred: Hmm. I have never thought that I would have this as my Rider. 

Mordred then look at Khiry, then blushed as well.

Mordred: Wh-what? Staring like that makes people embarrassed, you know...

Khiry: Sorry. It just...

The door open as Khiry & Mordred turn around & see Astolfo & Atalanta, looking at them. They then see the bird fly on top of Khiry's head. Both of them are surprised at the sight.

Astolfo: So cute...

Atalanta: It looks to red to be a regular fiolial.

Khiry: We do know it is not a fiolial because it reacted to the fire crystal. I believe that this bird...

Khiry then felt some strange connection towards the baby bird.

Khiry:'s a phoenix...!


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