Chapter 20: Assassin's Fate? (Part 1)

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((Note: The first chapter of the year. Nothing to do for the moment. Let's do this!))


After getting enough magical thread. the group headed back to Trifas City. When they made it to the city, Khiry(Blake) then turn back to himself & head to his room. He then placed the thread on his table & then turn to Blaze.

Khiry: Ok, Blaze. I am going to make your outfit.

Blaze: Are you sure, master?

Khiry: Since I have unlocked Weaver & Goldsmith, I want to learn them as well. Plus I just found out that those two classes are the same level as Alchemist & Culinarian. Ready, Blaze?

Blaze: Yes.

Blaze then takes off Astolfo's cloak as Khiry then blushed red when he looked at her.

Khiry(Mind): I don't think I could EVER get used to women being naked.

Khiry then started running around Blaze at the speed of sound as not only he weaving the outfit but also at a much faster rate. He then stop & went to others as Blaze wearing a white and red qipao, red and black gloves, a red hairpiece, black leggings, and black heeled boots. She then looks at her new outfit.

((Note: I have posted up a picture with her outfit, but ill posted again with the full body.))

Blaze: Master, I... I don't have anything to say.

Khiry: Since that thread is made from your mana, it should make it easy to transform from bird to human without ripping it.

Blaze: Thank you. You're not making your new outfit?

Khiry: It can wait. Right now, we are going to clean up the other heroes' mess.

Astolfo: Wait. You mean...?

Khiry: Yep. I have two visions that Motoyasu & Ren caused. This is why we need to act before it causes problems. We will be splitting into teams to increase our effectiveness working as a two-people team. Astolfo, Blaze, you will be taking the bioplant that Motoyasu planted It is a tall tree with an eye. You can't miss it.

Blaze: Understood.

Khiry: Which makes us tackle the dragon problem Ren has killed.

Mordred: Why didn't he just find a way to get rid of the body?

Khiry: Because those two & Itsuki think that this is all a video game to them. I should know.

Atalanta then sees a roll-up scroll on Khiry's table. She then pick up the letter & show it to Khiry as he then looked curious.

Khiry: How did that get there?

Khiry then grab the scroll from Atalanta, untied it, unroll it, then started to read it.

Khiry: Well, it looks like someone wants to see what fate has in store for me. They do want to meet me alone.

Astolfo: Who?

Khiry: Two people named Carmilla & Vlad III

Astolfo: Lancer of Black?

Khiry: You knew him?

Astolfo: Yeah. He helped lead the black faction of servants & masters.

Blaze: So the Holy Grail War was like chess in a way.

Astolfo: Yep! Seven masters & servants from the black...

Mordred: Seven masters & servants from the red.

Khiry: Do you know where he was at?

Astolfo: He should be at our old headquarters.

Khiry: Assuming your old headquarters is here, what does it look like?

Astolfo: The Fortress is a gigantic castle sitting atop a small hill, towering above the streets of Trifas. It is located north-east of Trifas, at the easternmost tip of the north side of the city, surrounded by three hectares of forests and grasslands further to the east at the other end of a sheer cliff, over which the east side of the fortress rampart is suspended, with the drop over several meters to the ground.

Khiry: You mean the one we saw when we are taking flight?

Astolfo: Yeah.

The five of them are heading outside as they then see the fortress.

Astolfo: There it is.

Khiry: Incredible.

Khiry then turns to his team.

Khiry: Alright. Remember that the Bio plant is in the southwest. The zombie dragon is in the southeast. We will see about the north where we will dig some info on Itsuki. Be careful, you four. We don't know what it can do.

Atalanta: Same to you.

Blaze then transformed into her phoenix form as Mordred, Atalanta, & Astolfo got on her back. Khiry then thinks of something.

Khiry: Blaze, I need you to be as fast as possible, even faster than I was.

Blaze then screech as she then quickly take off getting to 2 of her destination. Khiry kept looking at them as he then turn to the fortress.

Khiry(Mind): Well, standing here ain't gonna do nothing for me.

Khiry then started walking down a path to get to the fortress.

Mordred POV

Rider is guiding Blaze to our destination.

Astolfo: It looks like we might get closer to our closer destination.

Atalanta: The sooner we deal with this, the better.

A water attack then hits Blaze as her fire is being put out. She then fought out of the attack & while the attack did try to follow her, she had no choice but to land. Everyone then got off as Blaze transform into her human form. They then look to see a flying sea serpent who looks like whose fins resemble wings. The level is 50, & its health was higher than mine. It was at 47160.

Astolfo: Is this the dragon Khiry mentioned because he didn't tell us?!

Me: I don't know, but you guys get out of here!

Atalanta: We will handle this!

Astolfo then whistle as his hippogriff then approached him. He & Blaze then got on it as it started to take off & fly away. The sea serpent was about to launch a water breath attack, but an arrow hits his bottom jaw, closing his mouth as the attack hurts him. 

Atalanta: You will not hurt our teammates!

Me: Our level isn't as high enough, but I still love a challenge.

The sea serpent use his tail to hit us, but we jumped out of the way & split up.

Atalanta: Mordred! I bet if you use your crimson lightning, we can damage it quickly before it can take us out!

Me: Got it!

I then use my mana burst to throw lightning slashes at it, making his weakness noticeable. I see his health started to lower faster than Atalanta's attack. I then got an idea.

Me: Archer! Buy me some time! 

Atalanta: Got it!

Atalanta then shoots multiple arrows at it to get its attention. It succeed as it tries to attack her with water but she dodged it as I then jumped further back to use my noble phantasm. I do watch as its health was lowering to 35000.

Me: Archer! Let's launch both our Noble Phantasm!

Atalanta: Got it!

The sea serpent then moves away as it then charges up its attack as we then activate our noble phantasm.

Me/Atalanta: "Ah, trample that down then?!" "This for sure will be the wicked blade that will destroy my father!" "Clarent Blood Arthur!/"With my bow and arrows, I respectfully ask for the divine protection of the sun god Apollo and the moon goddess Artemis." "I offer thee this calamity — Phoebus Catastrophe!"

We then launched our Noble Phantasm as it launched a huge tidal wave towards us. While the arrows of light rained, my lightning split his tidal wave & hit them, damaging it more heavily than I was expecting. It then disintegrated. 

Me: That was awesome! Don't you agree, Archer? 

I look at Archer as she is eyeing something. I also look where she is looking & see something that sparkles. We then both walked to this to see a red marble. Atalanta picks it up as we see it.

Me: A red material?

Atalanta: Khiry has never created this.

Me: Let's hope Rider & Blaze come back.

Blaze POV

After getting close to the location of the Bioplant, Astolfo & I then see Naofumi & his team as they approached the Bioplant.

Astolfo: Looks like they found out.

I then see its eye regenerated. I got an idea. I then jumped high from the hippogriff, infused my left hand with pure fire as when the eye looked at me, it vines reach towards me, but Astolfo quickly cut them as I went through & punched it huge eye as the pure fire went through the body & burn the roots from the ground, killing it as it then falls backward. I then sighed out of relief.

Filo: Blaze!

I then turn around to see Filo running towards me in her new outfit & hugged me.

Me: I am glad you are ok.

Naofumi: So you knew about this?

Me: Khiry told us about it. 

Naofumi: Those seeds could cause more trouble.

Me: Let me try something.

I then use my fire mimicry as I placed it on the plant as the flame spread. I then reshape it as the plant shrunk down with the fire. I then see what I have made & it is a pair of gauntlets. I then started to pick them up, put them on, & feel them. I then smiled. Astolfo & the hippogriff then landed next to me.

Naofumi: Blaze?

I then turn to Naofumi.

Naofumi: Where is Khiry & the others?

Me: Mordred & Atalanta is taking care of the zombie dragon & Khiry is meeting with two people.

Naofumi: People like you, Astolfo?

Astolfo: Kind of.


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