Chapter 30: Assassin vs Assassin

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((Note: The battle you all have been waiting for. The moment of truth. Khiry vs Glass. Let's do this.))


Khiry is looking at his Stealth Claws.

Khiry: Hmm...

Wyndia: Are they gloves?

Khiry: Claws. Another type of weapon I could use. Maybe I should try & handcrafted a weapon to have my Dagger absorbed.

Astolfo: Khiry, I hope you have a spare outfit.

Khiry: I do. I also have a crystal that has an unlimited pool of mana.

Atalanta: From the lifestream? 

Khiry: Yeah. Now when I remember, I could use a lot of magic from the knowledge alone, meaning I can no longer use the Material itself. But, since I didn't know where I can acquire more from that... I guess I can still use my daggers.

((Note: No Copyright Claim. Please move on.))

Blaze: I see.

Khiry: For now, I will change my outfit.

Khiry then headed down into his lab as he then equipped the claws. He then made them disappear as he then brings out Spring Envy. He then unlocked "Metal Manipulation" as he then constructed a kunai as he then makes sure that he will make it on time. He then made two as his dagger absorbed them.

Congratulations, You've unlocked a weapon, Kunai.

Khiry then checked the Kunai skill.

Kunai Proficiency: The user is highly proficient in the use of kunai, a Japanese tool thought to be originally derived from the masonry trowel, using it as either a throwing weapon or for close combat.

Khiry: Cool.

Khiry then put on the Stealth set.

The Stealth Set is an Armor set consisting of the Stealth Mask, Stealth Chest Guard, and Stealth Tights. Khiry designed this armor for stealth purposes, so each piece of the Stealth Set provides the Stealth Up effect. Wearing the entire set while every piece is upgraded at least twice provides the Night Speed Up set bonus, which increases his movement speed at night. These bonuses all have one major drawback, however: each piece has lower defense than other forms of armor.

Khiry then entered the living room to show off his new outfit.

Khiry: Well, what do you think?

Mordred: Cool.

Wyndia: Father, you look awesome.

Under his mask, Khiry is blushing. Mordred is looking at his bag.

Mordred: Material?

Khiry: Yes. Just in case. Ok, let's tried to meet with Naofumi & the others.

All: Right.

Khiry then went to Wyndia & petted her head.

Khiry: Stay safe, Wyndia. These monsters will get you. I will probably leave Petey here to protect you, ok?

Wyndia: Ok.

Wyndia then hugged Khiry, surprising him as he remembered him with his father. He then hugged her deeply as he then let go & looked at the other. They then started to leave the cabin as they are walking. Khiry then stop, casing others to stop & looked at him.

Khiry: I'm sorry. 

The others are confused as they looked at each other. Astolfo then sees that Khiry is started to tear up. Blaze then went to hug Khiry, causing him to hug her back. 

Astolfo: That hug from Wyndia, reminded you of dad.

Khiry: Yeah. I'm sorry about that.

Fran: It's ok...

Khiry then smiled as he checked the time to see that they have 3 minutes left.

Khiry: Well, we have 3 minutes. We can still walk towards the kingdom & just meet Naofumi.

They all nodded & the group then run towards the kingdom. After 2 minutes, the group finally made it to the kingdom entrance they started to walk inside as they started to see that they are preparing for the wave. They started walking until they see Naofumi & his party.

Mordred: He got more knights with him?

Khiry: He's going to use them as Cannon fodder.

Fran: Why? Shouldn't he care for them? 

Khiry: Oh, right. The reason is that he couldn't attack.

Fran: Oh.

Naofumi then saw Khiry & his group. He then started to approach them as Khiry then turn around.

Naofumi: Nice outfit.

Khiry: Thanks. Are you ready?

Naofumi: Yeah. This time, we should go separate with our team.

Khiry: Are you sure?

Naofumi: Yeah.

Khiry: Ok, but call us by our class name. "Assassin," "Saber," "Archer," "Rider," "Berserker," & Blaze by herself. 

Naofumi: Okay.

The clock strikes zero as we are teleported. However, Khiry & his team was teleported far from the team of Naofumi. The group then sees some golems coming out of the ground along with some deceased wearing the same armor. 

Khiry: Berserker, use your Noble Phantasm.

Fran then nodded as she then charged her mace with electricity she then jumped in the air & slam her mace on the ground causing a huge pillar of electricity to shoot up, and struck down our enemies that surrounded them. Khiry is surprised about the Ultimate attack, so he sees her Noble Phantasm Rank & it's a B.

Khiry(mind): A Rank B Noble Phantasm? That powerful? Then again...

Fran: Assassin...

Khiry then looked at Fran as she is pointed in a direction.

Fran: Arrow, that way.

Khiry: Arrow? Itsuki... If that direction leads us to other heroes...

More golems are coming up from the ground.

Khiry: We should try & let them take the boss out. We just hope they get it done.

Mordred: If they don't...?

Khiry: I guess we should clean up their mess.

So, Khiry & his groups then started attacking the golems & the deceased.

Three Hours Later

((Note: Can we move along? I am all out of time cards?))

Khiry & his group then made it to an open field to see nothing. Khiry then looked around.

Khiry: We have been fighting for three hours, & they haven't killed the boss?

Mordred: Well, you did say that each wave gets more difficult than the last.

Khiry: It would explain their action. We need to find them. Blaze, can you transform into your bird form so we can see from the sky?

Blaze: Yes, master.

Blaze then turn herself into her phoenix form as all of them then got on to her back. Then, she started to flap her wings as she takes to the skies. Everyone is looking where they could be as Atalanta then spotted a ship. She then stared at the ship to see Filo jumping on the ship.

Atalanta: Assassin, Filo jumped on that ship over there.

Khiry then sees the ship. He then sees Itsuki getting his team getting together.

Khiry: Blaze, hover over the ship. I will drop down & help them.

Blaze then flies towards the ship as she then hovers over the ship. He then turns to the group.

Khiry: If there's trouble, one of you help out.

They all then nodded as he then went straight down as he then landed on the wooden bar on the ship to look down on the group. He then searched until he saw a magic light skill being active as he looked to see Raphtalia chanting. He activated Presence Concealment & shield his eyes. As the light died down, he then saw something coming from the shadow. It is moving while the bodies aren't. He then throws his kunai at the shadows as something comes from the shadows.

Khiry: Soul eaters?

Khiry then jumped down to land next to Naofumi. 

Naofumi: Assassin.

Both Naofumi & Khiry looked up to see the many of the Soul Eaters fused into one big Dimensional Soul Eater.

Ren: Thunderbolt Slash!

Itsuki: Thunder Arrow!

Motoyasu: Lightning Spear!

All three of their attacks hit the Dimensional Soul Eater, but it did nothing. 

Khiry: Lightning-Element attacks ain't work.

Naofumi: Filo, cast wind magic.

Filo: 'kay. Fast Tornado!

Filo's tornado is now colliding with a fireball from Khiry.

Khiry: Katon: Gōka Senpū!

The fire & wind tornado merged into a fire tornado, hurting the Soul Eater. It then charged its attack.

Naofumi: Raphtalia, Filo, Assassin... Get behind me.

The three stand behind Naofumi as he then raises his shield. The attack landed in front of Ren & Motoyasu as the blast wiped out the whole team. The three heroes are barely standing up as Dimensional Soul Eater charges another ball attack.

Khiry: Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!

Khiry launched a great ball of fire from his mouth & at the Soul Eater, causing the damage to not be great. Khiry then brought Echoing Origins & toss them at the wall as he quickly did a hand sign. 

Khiry: Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu! 

Khiry then generated a water dragon from his dagger & it started attacking the Soul Eater. 

Khiry: The Water dragon isn't working either.

Naofumi is thinking about using Rage Shield, but due to his encounter with Khiry, he is worried to hurt him. Naofumi then sees a meter at Khiry.

Demon Sin of Wraith's empowerment: 25% unlocked

Naofumi then thought about an idea for both him & Khiry to work together.

Naofumi: Assassin. I have an idea, but I need to know something.

Khiry: Sure.

Naofumi then whispered something into his ear. Khiry then thought about it, then nodded at the idea.

Khiry: That could work, assuming you can capture it. So, how are we going to pull it... 

Khiry then remembered as he went to Spring Envy (Plant Manipulation) to unlock Spiritual Plant Manipulation. He then throw Spring Envy near his feet as vines then popped under the Soul Eater & wrapped around it, pulling it to the ground. He then brought out another Spring Envy, Echoing Origins, Haley's Tear, & Thunder Feather, & then toss them at the Soul Eater. The daggers then purposely missed as they moved. Malty then smirk, but the dagger then turns into clones of the Assassin.

Khiry: Goton Dairendan no Jutsu!

The five Khiry then blow out different elements (Water, Air, Earth, Lightning, Fire) towards the Soul Eater, hitting it as the power is hurting it.

Naofumi: Shield Prison!

Naofumi's skill then trapped the Soul Eater as the elements are leaking out.

Naofumi: Not so fast! Change shield!

Spikes are coming from inside the prison.

Naofumi: Within this virgin of cold ore, who shall swallow even your screams with her embrace, suffer in anguish as your entire body is stabbed & skewered! Iron Maiden!

Inside the sky, lies the Iron Maiden, opening its doors as the prison ascends to the Iron Maiden. The iron maiden is starting to close its doors as it then completely shut, killing the soul Eater. 

Naofumi: It's over.

Khiry saw Naofumi go down as he went to check on him.

Khiry: Are you okay?

Naofumi: Yeah.

Khiry then helped Naofumi up.

Itsuki: Is that what the shield capable of?

Ren: It's basically a cheat.

Khiry then shoots a scary death glare at Ren as there is a little fire in them, but Naofumi then put his hand on his shoulder.

Naofumi: Don't.

Khiry then sighed.

Khiry: Fine.

Khiry then senses something from the area.

Khiry: Someone's here!

Khiry then alerted the others as another Soul Eater popped up from the ground.

Itsuki: Another?

Naofumi gets ready, but Khiry holds his hand. A bunch of light spikes pinned the Soul Eater.

???: How very disappointed.

A woman then crushed the Soul Eater with ease. There stands a beautiful young woman with long black hair trimmed and styled after a traditional Japanese Princess haircut. She wears a jet-black kimono with silver embroidery like those worn during a funeral. She has pale skin that is slightly translucent.

???: You have trouble with weaklings like these? Are you really the heroes who hold the world's fate in their hands?

Khiry knew she will appear due to his vision, so he kept his guard up. This woman then approached them.

???: It seems only two men here are worthy of even being called a hero. What is your name?

Khiry: It is proper etiquette to introduce yourself first before asking a person.

Glass: Oh, pardon me. My name is Glass. Feel free to consider me as your enemy, hero.

Itsuki: Enemy?

Naofumi: I'm Naofumi.

Glass: Naofumi, is it? & him?

Khiry: I have no name. I am simply known as "Assassin."

Glass then opens her fans as she gets ready to fight.

Glass: Then, shall we begin the true battle of this wave?

Khiry then decided to walk forward.

Naofumi: Assassin...

Glass: Are you planning on facing me alone?

Khiry: You said it yourself. A true battle. Only you & me. Man to Woman.

The three heroes & their party then circle Glass as the heroes then use their move.

Ren: Meteor Slash!

Motoyasu: Meteor Thrust!

Itsuki: Meteor Shot!

They then launched their attack at Glass, but the attack didn't even faze her nor damaged her.

Glass: Is that all you've got? 

Glass then ready her to move on to the group.

Glass: Zero-Stance Rondo: Reverse Four Season.

Khiry: Barrier!

Khiry surrounded himself with a transparent barrier while Glass launched her attack, knocking out the three heroes & their party.

Glass: So you are but mere servants.

Glass then turns her attention toward Khiry.

Khiry(Mind): She is powerful...

Glass: I hope you'll entertain me a little.

Khiry: Fine.

Khiry then readies himself to battle Glass.

Khiry: I will give you a dance.

Glass then smiled as Khiry analyze his opponent by looking at her info & skills.

Khiry(Mind): This woman is even more intimidating than I expected. If I faltered for one second... my head is on a platter.

Khiry then added 4 custom servants. He then hit Saved as all are accepted in their class roles.

Congratulations, You've learned a new Martial Arts: Strong Fist.

Congratulations, You've unlocked The Eight Gates.

Congratulations, You've learned a new Martial Arts: Gentle Fist.

Congratulations, You've unlocked the Byakugan.

Khiry then changes his fighting style to Strong Fist, which confuses Glass.

Glass: You are not going to use Kunais?

Khiry: Even my own hands...

Khiry quickly dashes to Glass as he gets ready to deliver an uppercut.

Khiry: ...can be deadly.

Glass back away to dodge the uppercut as she is surprised to see him move at hypersonic speed. Glass then keep blocking attack after attack from Khiry as he moves at 2% the speed of light. The last clash was a sonic boom as they both began to have their left arm shake a little. Glass pushed him back & he then skids back to Naofumi & the others.

Raphtalia: Assassin-sama.

Khiry: I'm fine.

Khiry then stands up on his feet.

Glass: You have an ace up your sleeve, right? Don't hold it back. Show it to me.

Khiry then sighed.

Khiry: Heed Thy Warning. You did ask for this.

Khiry crosses his arm in an "X" not to block his head, but to get ready his new Noble Phantasm for a test drive.

Khiry: Seimon, Open!

Khiry then unlocked the third gate, located on the spinal cord, which turns his skin red when opened. Other effects include his pupils disappearing, his hair standing on end, and bulging veins all over his body. He then went at lightspeed while the wood is flying up, catching Glass off-guard & receiving a kick to the jaw, sending her in the air. She tried to counterattack, but Khiry was too fast for her as he kneed her in the stomach, then delivered an attack from multiple directions. His last attack knocked her back, but a vine is attached to her kimono. He then pull it as she then came back for the final blow.

Khiry: Ura Renge!

That punch causes Glass to hit the ground hard as Khiry then landed & closed the third gate. Khiry couldn't feel his left arm. It was damaged but was still attached. Glass, however, was severely damaged as she barely tried to get up.

Khiry: Glass, you have given me a good dance, but your overconfidence is toward your durability. & that is why you fail.

Khiry then throws a smoke bomb that spread across the ship. A few seconds as the smoke disappeared, Glass not only did not see Khiry, Naofumi & his party as they are gone but also there is a bunch of Caltrops surrounding her. Naofumi, Raphtalia, & Khiry, who is holding his right arm, are riding Filo, in her Filoial form are running away.

Naofumi: Are you okay, Khiry?

Khiry: I am fine. But...

Naofumi & Raphtalia then looked at Khiry, who is looking back.

Naofumi: Khiry...?

Khiry then turns towards Naofumi.

Khiry: Let's just say...

Khiry's secret dagger, Eros, was behind him this whole time.

Khiry: ...I got lucky.


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