Chapter 7: Assassin "sees" the truth

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((Note: The last chapter of the year. I hope things should get better. Keyword: Hope. Let's do this!))

Khiry POV

I was telling Mordred my battle with Sasaki, meeting Astolfo, & getting a new dagger. Mordred is happily surprised.

Mordred: Eh? Did you face the nameless samurai? I think he was holding back since he is trying to teach you how to be a servant in a way.

Me: Yeah, but I did. I am curious as to why were stairs in the middle of the forest?

Mordred: You were heading into enemy territory, yet he was the only one that shows up.

Mordred slap me on the back.

Mordred: Ah, I get it. You wanted to lure him out but you'd rather do it yourself than ask me to do it. Aren't you the reckless one, partner? I like it.

Me: I'm not reckless. But I have dodged his Noble Phantasm.

Mordred: So you recruited him?

Me: Yep.

Mordred: Rider of Black?

Me: Yep.

Mordred: You do know he is weak?

Me: I do know he is the Weakest, but he has heart.

Mordred: So, did you get something from that cobra? 

Me: I do.

I took out my regular dagger & turn it into Jealous Fang. Mordred is surprised. When I see the dagger, I started to open its weapon menu & see something interesting: 4 categories surrounded it: Applications, Techniques, Variations, Associations.

Your weapon can level up based on the following: Defeating enemies, level mastery, upgrading/modify, rarity.

Me: Huh. Neat. "Applications are considered the basic set essentially. Techniques are considered your special/Ultimate attacks. Variations are considered enhancing the powers. Associations are powers that are just related to the power." Hmm...

I looked under the category "Applications" & see a lot of unlocked ideas, ranging from Poison Absorption to Poison Inducement. I then click on "Techniques," but they are locked. I check "Variation," "Associations," the same thing. I did see them having a point system. Certain moves & abilities are locks. I look under the weapon name & it has an experience bar & unused points.

Me(Think): This magic system... feels like MMO.

I then have a feeling about my third vision.

Mordred: What's wrong? You're worried about your friend, are you?

I then look at Mordred as she then smirks as an idea pop in her head.


Mordred & Khiry are heading to Astolfo's room, knock on his door. Astolfo then looks at the seriousness in their face.

Astolfo: What's wrong?

Khiry: We figure out her plan.

Khiry then sees the crack of dawn.

Khiry: The sun is rising.

Astolfo came out & close his door. All three of them made it out of the building, as Khiry lead them to the path down to Melromarc.

Mordred: I'm surprised, Partner. You actually figure it out.

Astolfo: What is her plan?

Khiry: Frame Naofumi. Since she is royalty, she is probably going to lie in front of their faces that Naofumi attempt to rape her.

Astolfo: Why would she do that to him? 

Khiry: She's a bitch!

Astolfo: Shouldn't her parents find out about this?

Khiry: Her mother knows about her history, but the king value both of their daughters like a good father.

They then stopped in front of the gate. Khiry decided to see if he can scale the walls with his daggers.

Mordred: Daughters?

Khiry: Malty has a little sister. Her name is Melty. Melty is different from Malty, so I believe she could be the best ruler.

Mordred: If she's going to be ruler, Malty won't like that.

Khiry: Mordred, equip your armor. Then, both of you, stay low.

Astolfo: Sure.

Mordred: Be careful, Partner.

Mordred & Astolfo headed inside the kingdom, while Khiry takes both of his daggers & threw them at the wall. He then jumps on the first dagger, then the second one, & finally hop on the wall. Due to his enhanced vision, he is seeing Mordred & Astolfo stop, staring at the knights running to a building. Khiry jump onto the building in front of him & run to them. He then sees Naofumi being taken by the knights. He hops off the building & thanks to his Present concealment, he takes the time to check his passive skills & unlocked "Independent Action."

Me(think): Independent Action increased my own Critical Damage by 6%. Nice.

Khiry POV

The cartridge stops at the castle, then they dragged Naofumi into the castle & I quietly followed them. He was pushed into the room where the other knights are surrounding him with the spears. I then see the other heroes, Malty, & the King. Malty is next to the Spear Hero, behind him.

Me(think): The Spear hero... The Bow hero... The Sword hero...

My eyes seeing the class symbol as a sword, a bow, & a spear.

Me(think): Saber? Archer? Lancer?

KIng: Quiet, scumbag!

Me(Think): Huh?

I then turn my attention to the King as he has a disappointed look. My eyes then somehow glow golden.

King: Myne, you poor adventurer, could you please testify once more for us?

Myne: Th-The Shield Hero barged into my room drunk & pinned me down...

My eyes show the word, "False" in red.

Naofumi: Huh?

Myne: He said, "The night is still young," & tore my clothes off!


Myne: I somehow escaped & ran to Sir Motoyasu, who happened to be staying in the same inn, for help!

"Partly False" "Mostly True"


Naofumi: Wh-What the hell? 

Motoyasu: If she hadn't asked me to wait till dawn & call the knights,  I would've cut you down myself!

Me(Think): Do it, & the pavement will be stain with your blood.

Naofumi: What are you talking about?! I went straight to bed after dinner last night!


Naofumi: Wait, that chain mail... You were the robber?!

Motoyasu: Who are you calling a robber? Myne gave this to me as a present when I met her at the pub yesterday.


Me(Think): Eh? True? But why? Of course.

King: To think the Shield Hero would commit the gravest sin in this country.

Naofumi: Sin?

Me(Think): What "Sin?"

Prime Minister: In Melromarc, even attempting to sexually assault a woman is punishable by death!

The king then pointed to Naofumi.

King: If you weren't a hero, you would be executed immediately!

Naofumi: Executed?

I then walk normally to Myne while taking out my dagger. Instead of stabbing her & Motoyasu, I put my dagger away & decided to steal their silver.

Naofumi: I'm telling you, you've got the wrong idea! I didn't do it! If you're so convinced I did, show me the proof!

One of the knights steps forward.

Knight #1: When we searched the Shield Hero's room, um, we found this on his bed.

He holds up the lingerie of Malty. "False"

Myne: Eek!

Motoyasu: You animal!

King: There you have it. Undeniable proof.

Naofumi: How? It wasn't there when I woke up!

Bow Hero: It's too bad. I was worried something bad might happen, but I was hoping you'd know better.

Sword Hero: He thinks a hero can do whatever the hell he wants & get away with it.

Naofumi: That's not even the least bit true.

Motoyasu: You're not the be-all & end-all in this world! Know your place!

I then grab the hero's bags of silver, then Myne's bag, which is Naofumi's. I then quietly walked behind Naofumi as we then see Myne sticking her tongue at Naofumi.

Me(Think): An stubborn king... A manipulating Princess... This might not be an easy task.

I look at Naofumi.

Me(Think): I always believe you.

Naofumi: You tricked me! It was a setup all along!

Myne: Sir Motoyasu, I'm so scared!

Motoyasu: Shut your mouth, you criminal!

Naofumi: Screw you, too! I bet you did all this to steal my money & equipment! You two planned this together, didn't you?!

Me(Think): Motoyasu looks gullible.

Sword Hero: Refusing to admit his guilt & making nonsensical accusations?

Bow Hero: I know, right? I don't think he deserves mercy.

Prime Minister: It really was a mistake to summon all four together.


Naofumi: Fine. I don't care anymore. 

Khiry leans into Naofumi's ear.

Khiry(Whispered): Don't worry.

Naofumi is stunned to hear his voice.

Khiry(Whispered): Prove those assholes wrong. We will meet twice, but in the second meeting, I will tell you... Everything.

Naofumi turns to his right, only to see the guard. However, he did hear him only.

King: Well, I'd love to do as you wish & kick you out, but legend says new heroes can only be summoned once all 4 Cardinal Heroes die.

The Bow Hero gasped.

Sword Hero: What?

Motoyasu: No way...

Naofumi: So, I can't even go home?

Me(Think): If he does, my summoning would be pointless.

King: Well, you can certainly go home after you fight off all the incoming Waves.

Motoyasu:  Are you saying we'll have to fight alongside a guy like him?

Naofumi: Screw that! I'll handle the Waves my way, then!

Naofumi pushes the guards back.

Guard #1: Don't move!

Naofumi: Get off of me already!

Naofumi's aura causing the guards to back away.

Naofumi: What'll it be? Will you throw me in jail until the Waves arrive?

King: I won't imprison you. There's hardly any time until the next Wave. Scum or not, you're still a hero, one of the only beings who can fight the Waves. But news of your crimes is already spreading among the people. That is your punishment. Don't think you'll ever get to lead a decent life in this country.

Naofumi: I know that already!

Naofumi turns around & started to walk, but felt a couple of silvers. He grabs them all.

Naofumi: This is what you wanted, right? You can shove it up your ass!

Naofumi toss the silvers in front of Motoyasu.

Motoyasu: Hey! Wait a second!

Motoyasu grabs Naofumi's wrist.

Naofumi: I'm really weak, you see. I don't have a second to waste.

Naofumi then leaves the room, causing Khiry to be right behind him without knowing that one of the queen's shadow is spying on them.


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