Part 1 - A New Legend Begins

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10,000 or more years after 2012

A male gray wolf hurried towards his home out in the field, trying to get there in time after he heard news from a fellow villager.

He could feel the wind blow at his clothes as it made the grass around him sway about, but the hood on his head never fell down.

The sun had already hid itself behind the horizon, the faint red colors barely noticeable as a dark sky began to take it's place.

The wolf jumped over a small river, clearing the gap in time and keeping his speed going, not planning on being late for the coming moment.

Upon reaching the hut, he saw the local healer at work trying to help his wife, a female light blue wolf, hearing her groan in pain.

Just when he got inside, he saw the healer hold up a blue wolf pup in his hands, with his wife trying to recover herself from the hard labor.

"Congratulations Orion." The healer tells him. "You're a father to a healthy son."

Orion reached out and picks up the young blue wolf pup, holding him in his arms after taking his hood off.

The pup moved about in his hold, moving his arms and legs a bit as the father looks at him.

"Only a minute out of womb and you're already so full of energy." Orion chuckles at the sight.

He then hands him to his mother to hold him. "Did you have a name you wanted to call him?"

"Your mother named you after a constellation, so maybe name him after something in the sky." His wife replies back.

Orion nods and looks outside, finding the Northern Lights had come out to shine. "Aurora Borealis came out tonight. How about.....Aura."

3 years later...

Orion was heading back to his home after purchasing food, clothes and a gift for Aura at the village market.

He had kept his hood on during the trip back to avoid any attention diverted to him, since an ally from the merchants warned him someone was looking for him.

Everything seemed normal upon getting outside the home, but something felt off to the adult wolf as he went to his hut.

"Lyra!" Orion calls out upon entering, only to be greeted by silence.

He kept calling her name out as he walks around the yard to find her, but there was no response, as if she vanished into thin air.

"Papa? Why are you yelling for mama?" A three year old Aura asks as he reaches the hut minutes later.

"Aura, have you seen your mother anywhere while I was gone? I checked in our home and she's not there." Orion asks his son, hoping the worse hasn't happened.

Aura shook his head. "She told me to go get some water so she could clean our home."

Orion went inside the hut and searched the inside more, finding some furniture was in the wrong place and there were some claw marks and foot prints along the floor.

His worst fears may have been confirmed: Lyra had been kidnapped!

He came back out and told Aura. "Pack your things. We're moving somewhere else while I look for your mother."

Aura nods and gets a sack in the house, getting whatever toys, clothes and some snacks to bring with him.


A few days later...

Wolf Pack Village

Aura had been brought to the village to stay there under the protection of the chieftain until he got back.

During his time there, he got used to being around his half cousin Lupe, mostly playing with her or doing other activities together like they were brother and sister.

For a long while, he didn't know when his father would be back and if he was ever going to see his mother ever again, though Lupe was quick to help him stay positive and just wait for now.

It was when nearly a week had passed that Orion arrived back into the village, meeting with the chieftain in his hut to discuss with him.

Aura listened in closely from outside, feeling too impatient to wait for his father to tell him later.

"Do you have any clue who could have taken her?" The chieftain asks him, sitting across from him at a fire pit.

"No." Orion shakes his head. "Every lead I find goes to a dead end and the trail fades afterwards. It's as if her captors are toying with me."

"Have you tried asking nearby nations for assistance? You could cover a lot more ground with additional help." The chieftain suggested to him.

"The world is somewhat recovering from the Great War to even bother searching for someone." Orion tells him. "I will have to continue my search elsewhere for now until she's found. Me and my son will make for Mobotropolis the next day."

"Very well. I wish you well on your search and pray the spirits watch over you." The chieftain nods before standing up.

"Thank you." Orion says before going for the exit of the hut.

Aura hurried back to the hut they were staying in and climbed in through the window, getting onto the bed to act like he wasn't there minutes ago.

Orion came in a few minutes later and tells him. "Son, I'm going to try to look for your mother somewhere else, so I'm taking you with me to another place."

Aura nods and grabs his sack before getting it filled again. "Ok papa. When are we going to find to find her?"

"We just need to keep looking, Aura." Orion says as he gets his own stuff ready. "I'm certain she's somewhere."

The young blue wolf could only hope his father was right, because he hasn't seen her for so long.


A year later....


Aura walks through the city with his father as several other Mobians were busy about the streets.

Several of them were running market stands nearby and doing business with locals buying their foods and goods.

Others came by in a hurry, not caring if they bumped the two wolves on the way to their destination.

It wasn't until they were approaching a tall building that Aura asked his father something. "Why are we heading towards that?"

"To get a good look at the city. I thought now would be a good time to teach you about climbing." Orion replies, looking down at his son with a smile.

They reached the base of the building at a spot that had a few good ledges, as well as some cracks decorating the walls.

Aura looks up and feels the intimidating structure looking down on him with it's size, already nervous about doing this. "Uh...this looks way high up."

Orion kneels next to him and pets his head. "If you can make it to that small ledge up there, I can carry you the rest of the way up."

Aura grabs some of the cracks and tries to pull himself up, but he couldn't get up any higher, grunting as his feet remained on the ground.

"Try using your feet on the wall first before you pull yourself up." Orion says as he gets next to him and tries to guide him in the process. "Climbing involves your feet more than your hands."

Aura listens and puts his feet on some good spots on the walls, soon figuring it out and getting his legs and arms to work in sync, getting to the ledge in 5 minutes.

Orion climbs up to him and gets him into his back. "Great job, son. You're already making your old man proud."

"Thanks papa." Aura says as he nuzzled the back of his head. "You think I'll ever get to be strong like you?"

"You could." Orion says as he starts climbing up the rest of the building with Aura on his back. "Or you could be yourself, which might be even stronger than me."

"Ok papa." Aura nods and replies back. "I can't wait to tell mama what I saw with you while we were looking for her."

Orion chuckles a bit and answered back. "I bet she would be amazed by it."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Aura holds on tight as they near the top of tall structure, the wind blowing around them as the pup avoided looking down at the ground to see how high they were.

Orion finally reaches the top and lets Aura down safely. "Here we are. Take a good look."

The young blue wolf looks at the sight of the city in awe, able to see the woods beyond Mobotropolis from this height.

"Wow!" Aura says as his eyes took in the beauty of the sight, as well as seeing the sunrise in the horizon.

Orion kneels next to him and smiles. "Isn't it amazing? You know I met your mother at a place similar to this years ago."

"Really?" Aura looks at him. "It was this high up?"

His father tilted a hand back and forth like a scale to suggest he was uncertain. "Maybe. I thought I remember the spot being taller than this one."

"So what happens if I get older and climb something high like this by myself someday?" Aura asks him.

"You'll have a father who's proud of you." Orion says as he wraps an arm around him. "And you'll feel like you can do anything."

"I can't wait." Aura says with a grin as they watched the sunrise together.


From the two series made by Sega and Ubisoft

JediAura presents....

Assassin's Creed: Chaos


Aura then looks at his father and asks. "Are we going to climb back down?"

"I thought we should take the quick path down if you feel like trying it." Orion says before picking him up. "It may be scary, but I promise you won't get hurt. Do you trust me?"

Aura nods and tells him. "Your my dad. I know I'm ok with you."

"Then hang on, this is going to go by fast." Orion says before getting Aura strapped safely to his chest.

Orion steps back a bit before running towards the ledge and jumping off with arms stretched out, initiating a dive towards the ground.

There seemed to be a brief pause in time as they were in the air, with Aura feeling like his father was actually flying for moment.

Gravity then arrived and dragged Orion down as he dives down towards a large pile of hay, the older wolf then shifting positions to where his back faced the ground so Aura wouldn't take the blow of the impact.

They finally landed safely into the large pile of hay, hidden inside to where no one on the streets would know someone was hitting it.

"That was fun! Let's do it again someday!" Aura says, enjoying the moment they had together just now.

"Whenever you're older, we can move onto you climbing higher, though you still have a long way to go before you can do a dive like that." Orion replies as he unstraps Aura and gets out with him.

The crowd was somehow oblivious or didn't care about the fact two wolves came out of the hay, still busy as usual going about the streets.

"I need to get some items from the stores nearby." Orion tells Aura. "There's some open grass areas nearby. You can hang around there or play hide and seek with me by hiding somewhere for me to find you."

Aura nods and says. "Ok. See you later, papa." He runs off to go to the spot he mentioned.

The young pup hid in the tall grass and decided to entertain himself a little bit by trying to whistle a tune he heard once on the streets, but he winded up messing it up and going off note.

It was a couple of minutes later that he heard giggles nearby from him and moved through the grass to see where it came from.

Upon getting to the edge, he saw a young female chipmunk standing at the ledge, the wolf taking in her looks soon.

The girl had short auburn hair, brown fur, light brown on face and torso and she appeared to be wearing some kind of fancy headpiece and a blue outfit Aura couldn't recognize from this distance.

From what Aura could see, she was looking down at some small item in her hands, though he couldn't make out what it was from the distance.

He could then hear some people coming towards her, prompting him to go back deeper into the grass, but he could feel something was wrong.

The light rumbling sound Aura heard and was starting to feel could only mean one thing: Earthquake!

The wolf pup knew he was safe where he was since there was nothing tall that could fall on him......but he also knew the girl wasn't safe near that ledge.

One of the people that was approaching the girl calls out to her. "Sally! Get over here quickly!"

It was too late, the quake made her lose balance at the ledge and she fell off screaming.

Out of some strange instinct, Aura ran out of the tall grass and towards the ledge, jumping off it and trying to remember how he saw his dad dive.

He dives towards the girl as they were both making a fast descent to the ground, trying to hurry in time.

He reaches out in time and grabs Sally, turning around to make his back face the ground.

By sheer luck and faith, they landed in a pile of leaves someone had raked together recently, the load thick enough to cushion the blow and keep them both uninjured.

A few minutes later, a bunch of guards reached the bottom of the ledge, with the king himself leading them as they try to see if the girl survived.

"Sally!" The king says while worriedly looking around. "Sally!"

Just when he worried the worst had happened, he heard rustling in the leaves nearby and looks to see the girl unharmed.

He runs over and hugs her. "Please Sally dear, do not scare me like that again."

"I'm ok daddy." The girl responds back, at least glad she made it through that.

The two along with the guards then heard someone calling out for another person nearby. "Aura! Where are you? Aura!"

The king stood up and says to adult gray wolf coming. "Are you looking for someone down here?"

The wolf sees him and bows. "My apologies, I didn't know you would be here. I was just looking for my son, who went missing near here."

They then hear rustling from the leaves again and see the blue wolf step out, only to get hugged by the older wolf.

"Aura, what were you doing down here?" Orion asks his son.

"" Aura was nervous to tell him why, knowing he was going to get scolded for it.

A young blue hedgehog arrives down there and says. "He jumped down the ledge after Sally when she fell. It was cool!"

"You what?" Orion says in surprise as he looks directly at Aura.

"I...didn't want her to....get hurt. Please don't get mad at me!" Aura tells him, afraid for the worst.

"That was completely reckless and foolish for you to do that!" Orion says at him with a disappointed look. "You're lucky there was something for you to land on."

"I'm sorry...." Aura says while looking down sadly.

"The important thing is you're safe now." Orion says while comforting him.

The king approached the two and says. "Your son saved my daughter's life. How can I repay you?"

"There's nothing you need to give us. We're just glad to be alive." Orion replies back.

"There must be something I can do to make up for the trouble both of you went through." The king says.

The hedgehog then comes up with an idea. "Do you have any friends?"

Aura shakes his head, telling them his father was the only person around his life the longest.

"Daddy, is it ok if he meets my friends and hangs out with us?" Sally suggested.

"That sounds alright with me." The king nods. "How about it Mr...?"

Orion was about to object to the idea, but then he thought about the positive of it, realizing Aura needed more people to care about and for them to love him in return.

"My name is Orion." He answered him. "This is my son, Aura. And I'd appreciate it if someone could watch after him whenever I'm going somewhere."

"I'm certain Rosie could help watch over him." The king answered. "Just stop by the palace whenever it's time to bring him home with you. I will make sure the guards let you in."

Sally and the hedgehog smiled at the news before coming over to Aura, though the wolf held onto his father, feeling shy about being around new people.

"It's alright, they won't hurt you." Orion assures his son.

Aura gets out of his father's grip and steps over to them. "Um...hi..."

"Hey there! The name is Sonic." The hedgehog tells Aura. "You already met Sally, so you feel like meeting the rest of our friends?"

Aura nods a little before he was taken by the arm by Sally as the three left to go to a garden area inside the castle.

Several minutes later, they got there for Aura to see four different kids: a rabbit, a coyote, a walrus and a dog.

The brown dog looks at Aura and asks. "Sally, who is this?"

"This is Aura, a new friend we just met." Sonic introduced him to the group.

Sally introduced the group to Aura. "Aura, this is Bunnie, Antione, Rotor and Edward."

"Um hi...." Aura said shyly as they looked at him.

"Howdy! Nice to meet ya, Aura." Bunnie says as she shakes Aura's hand roughly.

"Bonjour, mon ami." Antione says with a polite bow. "Perhaps we shall be getting to know each other soon."

Rotor smiles and shakes Aura's hand, though gently compared to Bunnie. "Good to have another friend like you around, Aura."

Edward just gives Aura a nod. "Another addition to the party. What do you like doing?"

"I climb, run and I'm very good at hiding." Aura answered.

"Bet you can't find all of us." Sonic says before the group plays hide and seek, with Aura tasked to look for them.

Aura used a "gift" he discovered he could do where his eyes could see where people were.

Antione and Rotor were easy to find, while Bunnie had to searched in some bushes.

Sally cleverly hid in a tree, but Aura climbed it and got her.

Sonic kept moving from different hiding places, making him the most difficult to catch due to speed, but Aura saw his pattern and jumped him out of nowhere.

Edward took the longest because no one suspected he was hiding in the spot where water was drawn for the garden.

"I didn't think you wouldn't mind getting wet while playing hide and seek." Aura says, slightly impressed a rich kid put up a challenge.

"My mother may get mad, but we have plenty of clothes anyways." Edward gives a smile. "You're good at seeking. I'm curious if you can try hiding from all of us at once."

Aura runs off the moment they all start counting, choosing to hide a pile of flowers that were picked recently.

He hid there for 5 minutes before he heard the others coming and moved to a patch of blue flowers, using it to move between places like a well, some soil bags and the pile he hid in earlier.

After managing to evade them for 15 minutes, he went back to where the group counted down and calls out to them. "Had enough yet?"

The group came back and was surprised to see him there.

"Wow! You managed to avoid all of us." Rotor says in surprise.

"It was like you were a ghost." Antione says, slightly creeped out that Aura might've been watching right next to him without him knowing.

"How did ya learn how to do that?" Bunnie asks him.

"My dad taught me how to do a lot of this." Aura replies.

"Your father sounds amazing if he showed you that." Edward comments.

"I'm hungry, so anyone up for getting some lunch?" Sonic asks.

The group all agrees and hurried off to get food, except Aura and Sally.

"I didn't get to thank you for saving me back there." Sally tells the wolf.

"It was nothing." Aura says, feeling he's gained some confidence and modesty after time together.

"Well I hope we can be good friends after today, including everyone you just met." Sally smiles at him before motioning him to follow. "Come on! Let's catch up with the others."

For once, Aura felt something with Sonic and Sally he only ever had with his father: Companionship.

He quickly ran with Sally to go eat out with their friends.


A year later...

Aura hurries back home after another day of playing with his friends at the palace, figuring his father was going to be there resting after a long trip he went on.

Each month passing by felt like he was getting closer and closer to his friends and his trust in them in grew more.

His closest one's were Sonic and Sally, though he did gain plenty of respect for Antione, Rotor and Bunnie for the things they could do.

Though Edward wasn't as easy to have fun with, probably due to his life as a rich noble boy.

Upon getting home, he finds his father wasn't there, even in his bedroom. He searches all over for him, but couldn't find him.

The pup then spots a scroll hidden inside a slot on the wall, going over and picking it up.

It looked like no one had opened it since it was sent, so his father never got to read it.

He opens it and sees the message inside...


To Orion Zephyr,

I know it has been a while since we last spoke with each other, but I have urgent news that you need to hear for your own sake.

Issac Woofwell, Ixis Naugus and Julien Kintobor are all plotting against you to have you dealt with.

This is likely in retaliation for you assassinating General Kodos many years ago, which weakened their influence over the army and prevented them from forming a coupe against the king.

My spies have already confirmed they plan on framing you for a fake attempt on Sir Charles' life and plan on exposing your killing of Kodos.

You must leave Mobotropolis and the Kingdom of Acorn now before the guards increase their presence in the city.

If you have any family with you, escort them to my secret hideout in Shamar, which my friends will take it from there.

I pray my warning does not arrive too late.

From an old friend, Sabre


Aura didn't understand what it was talking about, but it sounded like his father was in trouble.

He went ahead and packed his things again, finding a lot of his dad's stuff was already taken.

Oddly enough, he found two items that his father may have accidentally left behind: a gray cloak and some kind of brace.

The pup packs the brace and hides the cloak where it couldn't be found, rushing out into the streets to find his dad.

For 30 minutes, he wandered the streets for any sign of him, whether he was with or without a hood on.

It was then that he heard the sound of metal on metal, prompting Aura check on the new sound.

Instead of a blacksmith or something normal, Aura sees his father trying to fend off the armored guards, who had all surrounded him and were trying to strike him to the ground.

Orion sees his son watching the fight and slips up in the fight, getting whacked to the ground by a mace and falling face down.

Aura was scared of seeing his father like this, not knowing why these men were trying to take him somewhere.

Orion then mouthed a word that nearly made Aura freeze in place. "Run!"

The pup listened and fled away from the scene, not wanting to leave his father behind, but he had no choice in the moment.

3 days later...

The blue wolf felt his stomach grumbling as he tried stay hidden in some trash in an alley between buildings, having barely gotten good food in a while.

He didn't know who to go to anymore since those guards work for the king, so he can't go to Rosie or his friends for help.

Aura still felt dirty from having not taken a clean bath in the past few nights, probably worse off than he thought he was.

Before he could think on leaving and trying to find more food to survive, he heard the sound of a crowd gathering two streets away.

Curious, he hurries down the streets and gets into the crowd to see them gathered around a platform set up there.

He saw his father was tied up on the platform, with three different figures on there with him: a male adult dog, a strange hybrid of some kind and a human with a mustache.

The dog tells the crowd. "We are gathered here today because our kingdom was betrayed by one Mobian who sought to hand his own people to a common enemy: the human territories."

Aura couldn't believe what he was hearing. This man is saying his father is a bad guy?

The dog continued through his speech.

"It wasn't more than 3 days ago that a masked attacker attempted to assassinate the beloved and respected Sir Charles Hedgehog, planning weakening our leadership in this kingdom."

"But who would do such an act against his own species? After a the attacker was captured, a message was found bearing the name of the wolf before you, Orion Zephyr! He orchestrated the attack against him and paid the culprit handsomely for his service."

"Through our search, we also discovered he was the murderer of our kingdom's greatest military leader, General Kodos. He single handedly attacked when he least expected it and destroyed him with such hate that no citizen should feel for the other."

"Clearly this man is beyond redemption due to his lack of remorse for his actions! He must never be allowed to walk this planet again! So by reluctant authority of the king, he shall be banished from this life for all eternity!"

"Father!" Aura calls out, desperately trying to get to Orion to save him from his situation, but it was all in vain.

"Do you have any last words before we end your suffering?" The dog asks Orion.

The adult gray wolf glares at the dog, growling with desire to pounce on him and cut at his body.

"This will not end with my death, Woofwell! I swear by my dying breath that you will pay for all of the blood on your hands! Someone will come and personally dethrone you, whether it be by the blade or any other means! You will burn for your corruption! I swear it!"

"Fitting and chaotic words.....for a mutt driven insane." The dog says back. "Naugus....end it."

The strange hybrid charges up some kind of magic and aims it at Orion, preparing to blast him with it.

"Father!" Aura calls out while pushing through the crowd, afraid for what was about to happen to his dad.

The light got brighter as Aura hurried closer to the platform.

But at the last minute, someone grabs Aura and turns him away, as if to shield him from seeing what comes next.

Naugus fires the spell as Aura hears a yell of pain....

Aura was now an orphan.


What do you guys think so far?

Hopefully this may be enough to set whatever stage comes next.

I've enjoyed this so far, but I still have to get to the moment we're all waiting for.

See you in the next update! Bye!

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