AC III (Haytham): Enola Natalia Rossingol

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For Haytham Kenway's part in the game and the book about him (Forsaken; it's an amazing book, I recommend it for reading if you're that interested in him and the series in general), this is my OC that is with him mostly through his life.

This is her outfit, (the ring is something special which I will get to), and her weapons of choice:

( Her red coat is for winter )


Enola Rossingol was born on the first of June, 1726, to Timothy Rossingol and Branwen Rossingol (née Edevane). She's one of the ancestors of Courtney Miracle, on the matriarch side.

For her early life, it was mainly peaceful and, since she was the only child, it was a bit lonely. Mr. Rossingol was always busy out of the house, while Branwen had to take care of her. From her mother though, she learned Welsh, Gaelic, French, German, and Spanish (English being the main language they speak).

On December 4th, 1735, Branwen had a miscarriage due to bad news the day before, which sealed Enola's fate of being the only child they would have. Then, on the second of March, 1736, she found out from her mother and maids that her father has passed away while out on an errand. This event pushed her and her mother out of communication, to where she would only see her during dinner.

Then, the next year, her birthday started off with some more terrible news, her mother passed in her bed from a heart attack. From that, and since she had no other living relatives, she was officially an orphan. At only 11 years old, she was forced to go to an orphanage, and for years, she would stay there since no parent wanted her.

Soon enough, at age 14, she would be the adoptive daughter of an opera singer, and from there, she would go back to the top, being a famous opera singer, and touring around the world.

In 1743, she overheard conversations with Templars, mainly Reginald Birch and her adoptive father, while she was getting ready for her big debut as the main part in a famous opera. After that nightly event, Birch and the opera party were there to congratulate her on her success. From there, she was asked by Birch if she wanted to make more money and still be the top opera singer for the rest of the tour. She agreed almost immediately, not really thinking about what she was about to go through. The next few days, she was taught the ways of the Templars, and she was also there to see Haytham be inducted into the order.

In 1746, just days after her 20th birthday, she herself was also inducted into the order, and was even trained to learn how to use a sword by Haytham himself. Once she was proficient in learning the sword techniques, Birch and her father witnessed her gain her new sword, with Haytham also being there, presenting it to her with the words, "You have the learned the arts of the sword. Never stop practicing, And may the father of understanding guide you."

From 1747 to 1752, she continued on her tour, but still had time to be a great informant for the Order. Seeing that most of the assassination contracts were at the houses the opera conducted in, some of them she did herself as they were apart of her opera party. Then in 1753, she was a part of Haytham's personal mission to find out who killed his father, and kidnapped his sister, Jennifer Scott Kenway. She was in Corsica at the time on her tour, finding out about Lucio Albertine and his mother being a secret decoder. She sent a letter straight to Birch, and had him make sure the news went to Haytham, even the part about the Assassin named Miko, who was protecting him. For her reward, she was awarded a little dagger, the blade made of pure steel, and the hilt of gold and emeralds (as in the picture).

When did she know she had feelings for Haytham? During the sword training. For that, she will always be thankful that she joined the Order, being safe and protected.

"For Haytham, I only want the best for him. But, what is the best for him? For his brown hair, his hazel eyes, the gaze he has that's neither happy or sad. But that face, it's troubled, it's lost. He's here with the Templars, he's doing all of these missions, just to save his family's reputation, but has no time for anything else. For once, only once, can't he be happy? Other than finally completing a mission, but love happy, freedom. What I ask is for his happiness, even if it means I have to take drastic measures to do it. Love at first sight, my ass."

~~Assassin's Creed III Events~~

In 1754, beginning of Assassin's Creed Events, her tour is finally coming to an end with the last night being, ironically at the Royal Opera House in England. After the song is over that Haytham moves around from, (also eyeing up at him when he's around backstage) she is the special singer for a special song, that she does while Haytham is doing his mission of assassinating Miko. He stays around to hear her sing the rest of her song, applauding lightly with the crowd as she takes her last bow before disappearing backstage. Once Haytham got to his carriage, his driver, Private Holden, held the door open for an assassin dressed Enola, instead of the outfit she wore onstage.

( Some dialogue that I've thought of will be in this chapter, like all the other OC chapters. )

"Thank you for waiting for me, Holden."
"I knew your ladyship would be here for Master Kenway."

Haytham and her just enjoy the carriage ride back to the Templar headquarters. It is a silent one for a few moments before a blushing Enola speaks,

"So... Did you like the opera, Master Kenway?"
He glances at her for a few seconds, holding his hands together as he does so.
"The opera was rather boring and dull. Except your singing in the middle, it was... tolerable."
Enola smirks, crossing her arms and putting one leg over the other,
"Tolerable? Haytham, I've heard you compliment my virtuous self many times when you think I'm not in hearing range."

He glances back, looking at her face, studying it and getting a bit flustered now.

"It was more than tolerable, Enola. It's an act that made people not fall asleep to the dullness of the play."
Enola then goes to sit beside him, glancing into his eyes, and smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

"Come on, Haytham~ You liked it. Say it."
"Haytham Kenway."
"Enola Rossingol..."
"Hay. Tham."
"I'm not playing this game with you."
"I liked it. I would rather have you be the center stage, as Birch suggested. The opera based around you."
"Thank you, Haytham Kenway."

He chuckles lightly, then goes back to his Normal serious face when they get to their destination.

( Back to regular text )

At the Templar meeting, Haytham gets asked to be the Grand Master of the Colonial Order in the New World, finding five people sympathetic to their cause, and also to find the Precursor site that's been discovered there by their people. Enola succeeded in asking if she could go with him, being that her tour was over and she never got to go see the New World before, wanting to find opportunities, and maybe be a bit closer to Haytham himself. Haytham had also promised that he would watch, and take care of her in case anything goes wrong on the ship they're sailing on to their destination, but in secret he promised that he would for his life once she left to pack.

At Dawn the next day, she meets up with Haytham with her bag in her hands, being a bit heavy. Haytham, being a gentleman, carries her luggage on the ship and to her quarters where she'll sleep, which is right next to his room.

In the days ahead, she does get a bit seasick from all the wobbling, and shaking by the winds and water around them, but soon feels alright enough to go up deck. There, she sees him fight the two sailors bullying him, being a little nervous, but also knowing she shouldn't be, since he can take care of himself in situations like these. After the little fight is over, she goes back down the deck to her room, not coming back out for the rest of the day.

During the storm, days later during their travel, she doesn't wear her purple lace jacket, but she does go up to the ship to try and help the crew, being scared when she sees Haytham high up in the ship's sails. Though, not a moment later, he shows up to her side and leads her down back to her room, both of them being soaked, and her shivering too from it.

( Dialogue Text )

"Haytham! I was worried you were going to get hurt!"
"You're catching cold. You need a bath, and that means I need your clothes."
"Just do as I say, Enola. I'll turn around."

Haytham turns around fully, walking to her desk while she busies with getting undressed. While she does, she blushes deeply just by being in his presence, then puts on her night clothes, letting out a gentle sigh, then another shiver.

"It's still a bit cold, Haytham. But shouldn't you-"
"Ah. I'll make sure these are washed and dried by tomorrow."
"But Haytham-"
"I have some nicely made covers in my room that I have some extra of. I'll be right back with them."

Haytham leaves for a moment to come back with the extra blankets for her. Then, he grabs some towels to dry her hair, giving one to her.

"Here's this for you."
"Thank you..."
"I took care of myself, don't worry."
"Haytham, I just want to ask you something."

He starts drying her hair, looking at her as well,
"When you were up there, did you care about getting wet?"
"No. I did not. Did you?"
"No... but I'm still worried for you."

She takes the towel away from him and on her bed, crossing her arms too.

"You need to rest too, Master Kenway. What happens if you catch cold? We would be going all the way to Boston for your dead body to roll up at their door. We can't have that, I can't have that. Please, at least sleep."

Haytham lets off a gentle sigh,
"I promised Reginald that I would take care of you. I am not letting you get sickly ill, and then have to be punished for my actions."
"He can also be worried for you too. You're the important one, not me. You're now Grand Master Haytham Kenway of the Colonial Rite of the Templar Order, a big title to fulfill by all means necessary-"
"It also means you. You're my left hand, that I have responsibilities for. I am not letting you die, Natalia. It would be a great loss for me, and for the Order, for a small illness turned deadly."

Enola turns her head, the silence after his booming voice making her silent.

"Now then, you will be taking a bath and getting some sleep. Do you understand?"
She nods her head.

( Back to regular Text )

Months later, they arrive at the port of Boston, Enola didn't catch a cold, and neither did he in the process.

They met with Charles Lee, a soldier in General Braddock's army, who then showed them around parts of Boston, and even to the inn they're staying during their time here. When they get to the Green Dragon Inn, they also are introduced to William Johnson, a well known diplomat and negotiator for the Iroquois Native tribe. When they find out his work has been stolen, they are joined by Charles to go find the next man that is loyal to their order, Thomas Hickey.

Enola, with Haytham, Thomas, and Charles, infiltrate the mercenary fort and get the chest Johnson needs. Instead of Haytham shooting the man in front of him, that disturbed their mission, she shoots the three with her gun, leaving the one man alive. She tells him to tell his leaders to not deal with them. She also assists Hickey and Haytham with killing the other enemy mercenaries while Charles holds the chest.

When they get back to the inn, and after they're done with his errand, she sighs in sadness as Hickey flirts with her.

( Dialogue)

"'Yer a pretty lady."
"I'm not helping you bathe, Thomas."
"Awwww. 'Y not?"
"I'm not your maid."
"Ya could be."
"Mmmm kind offer, but I would rather be a part of the order, thanks."

Enola then gets up and walks over to Haytham, being a bit uncomfortable around Hickey,

"I would rather be beside you..."
"Awwww come on! I want some!"
"Shut up, cocklob!"
She gets brave enough to turn around, glaring at him.

Haytham does a little chuckle before gently smiling at her,
"I'll have you be in charge in keeping him controlled."
"I'm not bathing him. He's a man, not a boy."
"You make a point, Rossingol. Thomas, treat Enola like one of us. There will not be any drinks in the future if you continue."
Thomas huffs and takes a gulp of his drink, before putting it back on the table,
"Fine. 'Ever you say, 'Aytham."

( Regular Text )

She assists Charles and Haytham with finding Benjamin Church, helping with listening to conversations and telling Haytham what they said. She also helps the two go to a fort near the waterfront, by assassinating the British Regulars undetected. When they rescued Church from Silas Thatcher, a general of Southgate Fort, and a psycho doctor named Cutter, they are back at the tavern.

She does go assist Charles and Haytham again in retrieving the last man on the list, John Pitcairn, but only for a little bit. She stays behind when the two get access to meet Braddock's army, but she does help them with getting Pitcairn back from his control, being the distraction that causes Braddock's army to be ambushed by the three. They recruit Pitcairn into their order and head on back to the tavern yet again.

However, the next mission, she doesn't go. She asks to stay in the tavern, and waives goodbye to the men as they leave to infiltrate Southgate Fort and assassinate Silas Thatcher.
For her, she stays in her room, to write some letters to Grand Master Birch himself about their success in finding the men, and, telling him they're still looking for the Piece of Eden.
She also makes sure their bedrooms are clean, also bathing herself and washing hers and the men's clothing.

When the men come back, she has her hands out with Haytham's extra outfit, and their outfits neatly folded, and on the table. They do thank her for it, but she could tell something was up with Haytham as he sheepishly took his clothes, and went to change.

Six months after their siege, and Silas' death, she finally goes back out with Haytham and Charles to find a Native woman named Kaniehtí:io, who knows about the secret site, and whom Haytham has secretly fallen in love with. Since it's winter time, she wears the red hood coat on top of her other clothing, which does have Charles and Haytham a bit jealous she's warmer than them. However, when he goes to follow Ziio (her name she prefers to use with the English), he asks Charles to escort her back to the tavern.

For awhile, she hadn't seen Haytham for a bit, and to admit, she really missed him. When he came back to the inn, she was thrilled and couldn't help but to embrace him, but when she did, he was already out of her way and having conversations with the other men. When she noticed, she felt really bad for doing it, and her feelings shifted to where she felt jealous he was spending more time with Ziio than with her.

During the months passing by, she stayed away from the men, and would not even go out of her room due to her jealousy, and depression from being excluded from the group. When the time came, she casted her feelings aside, and went with them to finally end Braddock's madness, helping out Ziio in the process.

But, she knew, for weeks that she would not see Haytham again. That only made her worse in emotion, to where she felt like she was falling off a cliff, again and again, to no end.

After the events happened to where Braddock is mortally wounded, she last saw Haytham going up the hill to rendezvous with Ziio. With the men, she went back to the inn, but like before, stayed in her room, shutting away from all life. She knew he had fallen in love with Ziio, but she wouldn't admit it to herself until now.

When she was outside her room, weeks later, the letter from Holden came to them, and she read it, the letter stating that they found Haytham's sister in the Middle East. She told Charles of the news and rode with him to find Haytham and Ziio. With an emotionless face, she told Haytham that she got the letter from Holden, and then Charles told the news of Braddock dying of his injuries. Haytham was forced to leave by Ziio, which he didn't want to do, but he did anyway, riding on the back of her horse. He tried to have a conversation with her, but she stayed focused on riding back to the tavern.

Inside the tavern, she stomped up to her room, and that's when Charles tells him the news of her,

( Long Dialogue ahead )

"Master Kenway, she's... not been well ever since you've been gone with the Native."
"I can see that, Charles."
"Has it... ever occurred to you that she may be... in love with you?"
"Yes, you. Whenever she's around you, she tends to be happy and safe. But, jealousy is a sudden feeling one gets that, tends to ruin their lives."
"She's, oh. Excuse me."

Haytham walks up the stairs and to her room, knocking on the door,
"Go away, Haytham..."
"I just want to know if you are feeling well."
"I am. Now go away, go back to being Master Kenway, instead of Lover Kenway."
"Oh! You've wounded my heart with your cruel words. Now, if you can just bring it back together again-"

She opens the door with tears streaming down her face,
"Nows not the time for your stupid sassiness! I don't want this, I don't want you here! Leave me alone!"
She slams the door in his face, but he opens the door again with his hand before it shuts fully.

"What do you want, Haytham? To hurt me more? To punish me for, for, being a cold hearted bitch?!"
"Enola, what has been going on?"
"YOU! You just running off and going to a woman!"
"You're jealous of her? Well, you saw what happened-"

"You had your rendezvous, vous petit merde! Je n'aime vous pas plus! I needed you, cause I was stupid, and scared, and you were the only one I could trust. Now, I don't even know if I have that anymore! I'm jealous of her because she's so much prettier, she's a woman of her own means and is way stronger than I am. I've been trying to be like her all my life, and no rewards! Just, "You'll do better!" Or I get flirted on and get comments from the men around me! All I wanted was to be noticed by you, loved by you, praised by you. Yes, I'm mad, head over heels for you, dammit. Je t'aime beaucoup... so much."

Haytham walks over to her slowly, looking at her face as she still cries, having her head down in embarrassment for confessing to him. He tilts her chin up so he can look into her eyes, and also to wipe her tears from her face. His eyes are soft, and his voice is also calming and intoxicating to her.

"I never knew you felt that way about me. I am sorry, greatly so. I broke my promise in protecting you, keeping you safe. A promise that I'll truly keep this time, if you will let me into your life again."
He then brings her hands up to his and holds them,
"Enola, I have to admit. The first time we trained, I was thinking that you were going to be a waste of my time. Then, you were a fast learner, and instead of being mad each time I saw you, I felt grateful, lucky even, to have found you. I never believed in love, until her. But, when we were done with our affair, I could not stop thinking about you. Your face was something I couldn't bear. That it was my fault, but I had to be told that. If only I had known, I would've been with you, instead of her. So, once more, I am greatly, truly, deeply, sorry. If you can forgive me for my truth, and the things I've said, I will gladly spend this time with you. As long as you wish."

His head leans close to hers, hers leans close to his, their lips almost touching, their eyes getting ready to close, her heart skips beats as she feels his racing heart, his gentle breathes, his soft touch, and the way his lips part to be put together against her own.

( Might make a continuation of this scene for... personal use 😊 )

( Regular Text )

That night, they spent together in her room, and the next morning, he had to leave for Europe to reunite with Birch to find his long, lost sister.

That same year, she found out that she was pregnant with his child. The next year, she gave birth to a baby girl, who she named Tehya Celeste, and gave her his last name. She had the labor/birthing process in a secret place, so no one can know she had a child except for the doctors that helped with it. She stayed in the secret place, and bought the property around it, fearing that her fellow Templar men would give word to Haytham. She did send Haytham a letter stating that she had his kid, but it never got to him, finding out the ship had sunk due to bad weather, but she didn't learn this until much later.

When it came time for him to return, due to that fear, she went off to a nearby tribe and told them to take care of her, not knowing if she might come back for her, which she never did due to her work as a Templar.

After his return, he bought a plot of land in Virginia to help with organizing and expanding the Order. He also bought her a black and white ring with the Templar symbol on it (picture above) as her promise ring to him. She never told him about her having a daughter, because he thought he already knew from the letter.

During Assassins Creed Rogue, she went with him to meet and greet Shay Patrick Cormac, and the other newest Templar, Alanna Sesen McGann. She quickly became friends with her, and helped the three with defeating the Assassin Order, and trying to keep the precursor sites intact, which failed. When it came time to go back to New York, she said her goodbyes to them and left with Haytham back to their headquarters.

During the beginning of Connor Kenway's story, she's not present at the townhouse in Boston for the Boston Massacre, but she is present when it comes time to meet him in an abandoned church to try, and find traitor Benjamin Church.

She is also reunited with Tehya Celeste Kenway, which she introduces her to Haytham, much to his surprise that he is a father to another child. When she finds out the letter never got sent, she apologizes, and they go on their merry way to find Church.

During their mission, She, along with Tehya, try to stop Haytham and Connor from arguing with each other, but also can't keep up with the sassiness of the two as well. For her with Tehya though, she tries, like Haytham, to get her to go with their cause, thinking their way is better, and that the Assassins will only bring ruin.

After they finish with Church, and the team goes on their separate ways, she tries to stay with Haytham as much as possible, knowing he's getting older like her, and one day, he might not be here with her.

~~ Ending of Assassin's Creed III~~

When Connor and Haytham are fighting each other for one last time, she makes it there too late, seeing that Connor has already cut small, but deep into Haytham's throat with his hidden blade. Tehya just made it as well, holding her as she cries into her shoulder, more like screaming in emotional pain, knowing she just lost the one she loved.

When Connor leaves, she quickly holds up Haytham to her lap and holds him tight, wanting him to wake up, begging him to, saying words to him thinking he will.

( Dialogue )

"Haytham... H-Haytham, please... wake up. Don't leave me, you s-said you'd never h-hurt me. Your promise, why? Why take it? All you do is take and take and take. WAKE UP, DAMMIT!"

Tehya takes her away from Haytham before she bruises his body, and on top of him, she weeps, touching his cheeks,

"Let me be with him! I need him, I can't live without him! PLEASE! Please, please, please! NO! TEHYA!"

When Tehya goes to grab her, she flings her arm away, hugging Haytham's body more.

"Haytham Kenway, my little eagle. Now... you'll fly again. You'll be happy again."
Her voice cracks, sobbing and screaming into his hollow chest.

Tehya finally uses her strength to grab Haytham from her, and try to follow Connor's footsteps, leaving Enola to make puddles of tears on the ground.

( Regular Text )

The next day, they find Connor waiting for them with a hole deep and big enough to put Haytham in. Enola leaves when Haytham's body is buried under the ground, her emotions getting the best of her now.

For these last paragraphs are in two different views, Enola's and Tehya's POV.

For Enola's POV, it's 1786, and it's time for her to go pay respects to Haytham and put another rose on the ground for him. After she's done, she starts to head back to the house she's staying at with Tehya, but is stopped by Connor, who goes on to fight her, but not like the monster tank he is. Tehya rushes in to stop the fighting, yelling at Connor for hurting her. The last thing she sees is Connor pulling out his gun and shooting straight at her heart, and she falls on the ground with a thump. Her last words are: "I'll finally get to see Haytham again... Tehya, be brave, be strong, you've always been my precious gift to the gods."

For Tehya's POV, she sees the two fighting, goes in between them to stop them from fighting, and then gets a lecture by Connor to join his cause, to join the Brotherhood and not be like her parents who left her. From those words, she's forced to take a side. No Haytham, now... No Enola. Tehya raises her gun, says her apologies with tears down her face, and is the one that shoots her in the chest, at her heart.

"I'm so sorry, Mother. The Order is broken, and... you've been sick for so long now. You need to rest." She says this in Connor's native language, and she parts with him.

Enola dies beside Haytham's grave, her head facing his gravestone, and her hand on the flowers she gave him. Later on, Tehya comes back to give her her own proper burial at his side.


+ Enola's name is Native American, but also a palindrome, meaning Alone. Which is what she felt like for many, many years.

+ Natalia is a Late Latin name meaning "Christmas Day" or "Birth of Christ" (I know she's not born on Christmas Day, but I just loved the sound of that name with her first name.)

+ Rossingol comes from Ancient France, or Franks as they were known back then, which was known as Rossignol; it means, "Nightingale"

+ Branwen named her Enola, because she liked the palindromes. (Author's Notes: I did not notice that Enola is a Native American name until I did my research after writing the biography! )

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