Connor x reader-wonderland

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Connor pov
I just came from a mission "(y/n) I'm home..." I said as I walked inside but no answer. I looked around the house but no sign of her "(y/n)... where can you be" I said to myself. I looked around once more but still no sign so I sat down thinking where can she be but I soon heard child giggling

I looked to see a child but it was me I got up from I seat but he just giggled and went through a mirror behind him. I was shocked to see this I was about to walk away until I heard giggling again I turn to see him poking his head out of the mirror than back. "Should I??" I thought but I look up to see that the mirror was standing there just waiting for me so I did I slowly got into it but to find myself falling

I screamed my lungs out. I soon see the landing I closed my eyes for impact but it never happened I open one eye to see flowers I was confused I was just floating in the air until it dropped me in the flower field. "Ow" I said while getting up I look down to see my clothes where no longer my assassins robe but to see this.

(Couldn't find anything else don't listen to the hair)
I look to my weapons where gone as well "where am I..." I thought to myself but I than hear giggling again I look to see little me again but than ran away "WAIT" I said out yelled out toward him. Ran after him but soon stopped but a man that looked like Norris "RATONHNHAKÉ!!" He yelled out "Norris?" I said looking at him with confusion "how was he able to say my name..." I thought to myself "ratonhnhaké...yourprincesswascaptured bytheredking!!youmustsaveher!" He said quickly but I did not get a word "repeat that again but slowly.." I said. He took a breath "princess (y/n) was captured by the red king you must go save her" as soon he said (y/n) was captured I got worried "you must go to the white queen she has the weapons you need" he said I nodded "where do I go" I said out he soon laughed "OH RATONHNHAKÉ YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS IS YOUR MIND BYE NOW" he said walking away I looked at him as he was walking away I was even more confused. But I went on my away.

Two hours of walking
Nothing but forest I sighed I look around but I than I heard a whistle from above me I look up to see a tea pot floating above my head. I raised a brow I reached up to grave it. But it than took up into the clouds I close my eye from the air but soon opened them to a long table with tea cups and tea pots "well guess who's back" I heard a voice I look to my father he was wearing strange clothes.

(He's wearing this)

"Father.." I said but he laughed "no ratonhnhaké I'm the mad hatter" he said "and this is Edward the mouse"
(He's wearing this) 

He waved at me I waved back with a free hand "what am I doing here w-where am I..." I asked wanting answers "your at my tea party" father said I shook my head "no that's not what I mean what is this place" they just look at each other and laughed really hard. I glared at them "oh boy your here to save the princess" Edward said with a smile I just groaned "ah yes the princess she tried to fight the red king but she did not have a chance" father said with a smile leaning on his elbows on the table I look at him and forgot I was holding on the floating tea pot that I started falling...again "AAAAAH!!!" I screamed out "do you need help" I heard to see my father by my side "no I don't think he does" I looked to my other side to see Edward "I do believe he does Edward" father crossing his arms but Edward just laughed soon father  joined in I just groaned *click* I heard I look to see us floating "ratonhnhaké your back.." I heard a woman's voice I look to see...mother in a white dress

"Mother..." I said "ah darling" I heard father say walking out of the floating air like normal. He got by her side with Edward following behind I look to her with a child in her arms to see it was me I was quite up sat a little "ratonhnhaké I'm glad your back" she said with a smile I smiled back "it's good to be back" I said "ratonhnhaké do you know why your here" she said putting her son down.
"Yes to save (y/n) from the red king" I said still floating she nodded "but you will need this" she pulled out a sword

She held it toward me I soon took it "you must save her ratonhnhaké " she said I nodded "now go!" She said a giant bear with armor came toward me she pointed down and I soon was setting on its back "ratonhnhaké my son be careful" she said once the bear started running toward a forest.

At the red castle
"(Y/N)!?" I said from the back of the bear "CONNOR!!" I look to see (y/n) in a bird cage

(Your wearing this) 

I got off the bear and ran toward her but fire went between us "that's mine savage" I knew that voice " Charles "  I said glaring at him he looked down at me from his thorn
(He's wearing this)

He soon smirked down at me "that's mine savage like this world" he said getting up from his thorn "no it's mine" I said taking out my sword ready to fight he soon took out his sword as well. "My love..." I heard (y/n) say I look at her "here use this" she than blew gently on her hand butterfly's appeared 

They soon flew around me creating my brown eye in glowing blue I than heard a roar from the bear to see it's eyes glowing blue as well.

I looked at Charles to see him running toward me with sword in hand I blocked his hit with the sword creating a click echo through out the castle "YOU BRAT!!" He yelled out. When he did a ring of fire went around us "(Y/N)!!" "CONNOR!!" The fire blocked the view of (y/n). Charles hit me on my side of my arm I hit back cutting him on the side of the face. I swinged my sword toward him but he blocked I glared at him I tried but I was stabbed on the side I groaned in pain he Than kicked me to the chest I thought I was going to fall to the ground but it send me flying to the wall "ugh..." I fell to my knees "give up!" He said. I used my sword for support I tch's I than looked at him sending a war cry I jumped  toward him he blocked the move but not the bears hit. It bite his leg and send him flying i soon jumped again high in the air. I landed before him I put my sword up in the air stabbing him in the back "this is my world my mind" I said he soon became into cards. The fire went down letting me get to (y/n) I opened the to have her jump in my arms "oh Connor are you alright " she said she than showered me in kisses causing me to laugh "yes (y/n) I'm fine thanks to you" I said looking at her. She smiled and helped me out of the castle once we got out everything was different it was more colorful "ratonhnhaké!!!" I heard both me and (y/n) look to see everyone "job well done lad" Edward said "good job son..." mother  said with a smile "but you have to go back now" father I got a little upset not wanting to leave I than felt a hand on my cheek "do not worry love we're all here for you" (y/n) said with a sweet smile and kissed me I than heard a click of a finger "good bye son" I heard father say I look at but than down to my feet to see the mirror. I started to fall I sigh but than smile I close my eyes ready to come back to reality.

"Connor, connor are you alright" I heard I open my eye to see myself sitting in the same spot where everything begin I pick up my head from the table to see (y/n) looking at me I quickly get up and hugged her "um Connor... are you alright..." I heard her say I than kisses her on the lips And smiled "I'm great" I said we touched foreheads "I missed you " I say she smiles "I missed you too Connor " "you know I love you right?" I asked she laughed "I know" she said than gave me a peck on the lips "come it's time for dinner" she says she gently pushed me toward me the kitchen "I have to tell you this story (y/n)" I said from the kitchen.

Your pov
I heard him say I giggled I'm happy that he looks and sounds happy I than heard giggling I turn to see little Connor I smiled at him and blew him a butterfly that appeared out of nowhere he smiled and followed the butterfly then disappeared "(y/n) are you coming" I turn to see Connor "yes love I'm coming " I followed behind him.

Hope u enjoyed ☺️

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