Connor x werewolf reader.....again

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I'm going to try on this hope you enjoy

Connor and (y/n) were going home after a mission usually they would talk but something was off with (y/n) she wasn't looking nor talking to Connor. Connor who was now getting worried about his love he just had to ask.

Connor pov
"(Y/n) are you alright..." I asked in a worried tone but all she did was just nod "I'm fine..." she said but something about it was off she sounded mad "did I do something wrong" I asked myself. When we got back home I opened the door to enter but than I soon turned toward (y/n) "go inside I'll meet up with you" she said walking away. I just thought she needed time alone so I did I soon closed the door but just stood there deep in thought until I had a enough of this she was fine this whole day why now I told myself I soon reopened the door to see something I was never suppose to see.

I saw this creature turn toward me eyes glowing a bright orange it than stood on it's two behind legs hovering over me i than quickly closed the but soon it smashed through the door I graved My bow and arrow but not in time it graved me by the hood and Left me up making my feet not touch the ground. As I tried to escape it's grasp it made a warning growl i than stopped.

It looked deep into my eyes I could feel it's glare but i then saw it's eyes soften "(y/n)...." I said hoping to get to her from inside this creature. She than pulled me into a hug but she than started squeezing me "(y-y/n)..." I managed to say. Soon enough everything started to go black but heard a gentle voice "don't hate me" than black.
I woke to find myself in my bed room I looked around the room to see (y/n) standing far away from me. She looked to scared for want she done I got out of my bed and went toward her I was about to cup her face but soon she fletched away form me "I'm sorry" she cried out "I'm sorry I could've killed you Connor I had little control to put you in here so I won't hurt you..." she said not making eye contact i than hugged her "how come you didn't tell me" I asked pulling her away putting one hand on cheek and the other on her shoulder. She took a deep breath "because I thought you will leave me I will be okay with it but...the other wouldn't" knowing who this other was I kissed her forehead and said "I love you (y/n) you should I'll never leave you even if you become that other I will be there to help you" she smiled leaning to my touch "thank you".

Ok bye 😊

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