Edward x pregnant reader modern

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Your pov
"FUCK!!!" I yelled this can't be no maybe i read it wrong I thought to myself I check the box one more time...nope it definitely say it right there. I held in my hand a pregnancy test stick thing and it said I was pregnant...OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO SAY I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF HE LIKES KIDS. I walked around in circles in our bedroom "okay okay calm down girl I'm sure he will be happy...what if he isn't oh shit I'm just so nervous" I thought but soon to be interrupted by the front door opening. I went to see Edward standing there taking of his shoes "hey Edward" I said acting normal he turned to see me and smiled "hello there pretty lady" he said I only smiled and shock my head. I went up to him and kissed him on the lips "so how was your day" I asked while walking to the kitchen "it was fine and you?" I heard him say from the bathroom...wait bathroom I quickly stop want I was doing and run to the bathroom to see shirtless Edward hold the pregnancy test with widen eyes "(y/n) what's this..?" He asked looking at me. I only shock like a leaf "um that's nothing heh heh" I laughed nervously Edward only raised an eyebrow I sighed in defeat "ok ok I'm....uh I'm pregnant Edward....". I said yes only to find myself in a warm hug "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GOING TO BE A DAD" he said so excited for what's ahead I was shocked but soon smiled. "Why were you so afraid to tell me?" He asked while his arms were around my hips "well because I thought you wouldn't want a child" I said not looking at him but than he cupped my face "oh love you should know I wouldn't be unhappy about it I would love to have a child with you and you only" he said smiling at me and hugged me again I hugged back in response.

Years later
Haytham came to visit us with his family oh how loved it when the came to visit it's always interesting for what happens around here "TELL ME ZIIO WAS HIS DICK SMALL!?" Edward yelled out "FATHER!!!MOTHER STOP HIM PLEASE" Haytham begged me I looked at Connor to see him hiding he face in his hood only to see his eye I giggled "ok ok Haytham I'll don't you worry sweet heart....EDWARD".
"WHAT" he answered
"STOP IT" I yelled back only to get an okay from him "really father you act like a child" our son said "hey ziio did you know that Haytham used to pee his bed" Edward said ziio just laughed at her husband who was arguing with his father. "Oh Connor I'm sorry you have to see what me and your mother go through" I say smiling Connor only smiled back "it's fine grandma at least it brings fun into life" I laughed because it was true it did bring fun into life it really did.

Hoped you enjoyed ☺️

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