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This is a request made by AutumnPisces.

I woke up early this morning since I got hired for a full time job at a restaurant nearby. As I got to the dining room to have some bread, I received a message from (Y/N).

(Y/N) : Hey, any plans for the holidays? :D

I thought it was strange because we don't really talk often, we only met at school once and exchanged e-mails. But I replied anyway.

Isogai : Yeah, I'm going to be working at a restaurant for the whole holiday. It's a golden opportunity to earn extra money for my family.

(Y/N) : Wow, you're hard working!

Isogai : Not really :p.

(Y/N) : There's a party being held at Karma's place, wanna join us?

Isogai : Sorry, I'm not resting until the next holiday.

(Y/N) : Aww, never mind then. If you change your mind, you can join us whenever you like!

Isogai : Thanks (Y/N) :).

I got up from my seat and took a glance at the clock. "Oh no! I'm late for work!!!" I shouted out loud.

I ran straight to my room to get changed. "How long did we take to chat?" I thought to myself as I put my clothes on with the bread in my mouth.

After I was done, ran to the restaurant as fast as I could, only to drop my bread on the ground.

My mind was blank. How was this even possible?! "There's no time to waste, I gotta hurry!" I thought to myself.

As soon as I got there, I looked around to see if my manager was here. "Phew, she's not here." I said out loud.

My partner stared at me and shaked his head. My heart stopped, I could feel her presence in this room.

Manager : You're late on your first day...

Isogai : I... uhh... umm... I'm sorry, this won't happen ever again, I promise!

She stared at me for a few seconds and just walked back to her office. That was a close call... I can't afford to lose this job. The salary is the best I had compared to all the other jobs I had!

I got back to the register and took orders from my customers. I took a deep breath and tried to focus. Right when I lift my head up, I said

Isogai : Welcome to-

(Y/N) : HI ISOGAI!!!

Isogai : Oh, hey! W-why are you here?...

(Y/N) : I just came to have breakfast.

Isogai : You knew I work here?

(Y/N) : Yep!

How did she even know?! (Y/N) started to order like crazy and I couldn't even catch up. "This is a rough start..." I thought. At the end of my shift, I was walking home and I saw (Y/N) again...

(Y/N) : Hi Isogai!!!

Isogai : H-Hey, good evening.

(Y/N) : How was work?

Isogai : It was great.

(Y/N) : Are you busy right now? Wanna come over to my place? 😏

Isogai : I... uhh...

(Y/N) : I was just kidding! Haha.

(Y/N) : There's another party going on at Karma's place this Sunday. You should totally come!

Isogai : Hmm... I'll think about it.

Then I realised, I was already at home. (Y/N) walked me all they way back to my house! That's not normal!
Now he/she knows where I live!

(Y/N) : See you tomorrow! :)

Isogai : Yeah, see ya!

Now (Y/N) knows where I live, this is so embarrassing! T.T

Thank you for reading. Please let me know what you think! Feel free to make requests of your favourite characters and how you want it to go. Have a great day! \^°^/

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