Distracted (P1)

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Glory hummed softly as she brushed her long hair in front of the mirror. She glanced out of the corner of her eye at Deathbringer who sat quietly near the window, an elbow resting on his knee, chin resting upon his hand with a faraway expression on his face.

She rolled her eyes and stood up to then walk over to the window sill and sit beside him. She slipped her arms around his neck and with one hand, brushed aside a few locks of hair that hung in front of his face.

"You're doing it again" she whispered.

He seemed to jolt out of his daze and looked at her.

"Doing what?"

She rolled her eyes again.

"Spacing out. Staring off somewhere that is not in this room."

He shook his head as though trying to rid it of a foggy haze.

"Forgive me, I hadn't realized."

"Apparently" she huffed. "What were you thinking about?"

He shrugged. "Nothing, just . . . the threat of war I suppose"

Glory knew that this wasn't the full truth, but she played along anyhow. 

"Indeed, it worries me too I hate to admit. The Rainings aren't ready, the Nightwings aren't ready. I can't decide whether we should evacuate everyone, or just those who can't fight, such as the children and elderly. Or should they stay and we just do our best to defend the Kingdoms?"

Deathbringer tilted his head thoughtfully.

"I suppose keeping them all here would be the smartest move, that way we aren't split up. Besides, there is no secure place for them to evacuate to. But that's only my opinion."

"I value your opinion" Glory assured him.

Suddenly, the door was thrust open abruptly and Grandeur walked in. Her eyes narrowed when she noted the close proximity between her granddaughter and the Nightwing, but passed no comment about her displeasure and instead jerked her chin at him.

"Leave us Nightwing, my Granddaughter and I have something we need to discuss." she said sharply.

Deathbringer and Glory exchanged confused glances, before he complied.

Just as he walked out of the door, he saw Grandeur hand Glory a small rolled up scroll.

"The results from the healers wing-" was all her heard before he had passed them and was out of the room and walking swiftly down the hallway.

He couldn't place root of the feeling, but he had a sudden great urge to leave the palace, despite the fact that it was raining.

The rain, though it had a bothersome habit of soaking one to ones skin and generally causing a dreary drenched feeling, also had the ability to help clear ones thoughts from ones head, and that was what he needed at that precise moment.

His brain was too full of confusing, worrisome and heavy thoughts. Far too many.

In fact, it was so full that it may have been the reason that he forgot to double check that he had a knife at his belt. Or perhaps was there another reason? The strange workings of some higher forces of power at work?

What ever the reason, Deathbringer was soon in the forest, hood pulled low over his eyes to keep the rain from  blurring his sight, and completely unarmed.

There was a soft snap of a twig, and Deathbringer's head snapped up. There in front of him stood the large she-wolf that he had helped after coming across her wounded in the forest almost a full fortnight before, and like that time, though she stood alert and poised, she did not attack. Instead she gazed at him, with strangely sorrowful eyes, as though she could see what horrors lay ahead.

Then, after a long moment, she turned and bounded silently away.

Deathbringer frowned, mind so immersed in questions that he didn't hear the whistle of a dart flying through the darkness. He was so distracted that he didn't even feel the pain as it pierced his skin.

He didn't notice anything until the darkness was too heavy  to fight and everything was gone. 

When Deathbringer awoke, he was laying upon cold stone. He sat up and looked around, now completely alert.

It only took a few moments to realize where he was.

A dungeon.

Sooooo what do ya'l think? Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT! It means everything to me, really.

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